Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 49.djvu/500

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494 Index to Volume XLIX. PAOB

252 254 255 256 2:*7 257 259 2()0 201 264 UoK, Sir John (1820-1888) .... K«JM% John (?) AuguHtus or .a;;iuite (1757- i IWl) 242: Ji<*t, KAinuel ( 1 767-1 804 ) . . .243 BfMe, WilliAOi ( 17I<»-1786). See under Kose, Saiiiu<^I. KoM, William Stewart (1775-1 MS) . . 244 Koaeberv, Kark of. See FrimrtMe, Archibald, lint itarl (1661-1723): Primrme, ArchiUld John, fonrth Earl ( 1783-1868). KoieioKraTe, Daniel ( 1655 ?-1727 ) . . 245 Koaeiniurrare, Ualph (1695-1747). See undor Koneini^ave, DanieL KoMini^ye, ThomaA (1690 ?-l 755 ?). See under Kofeinf^rave, Daniel. Uoeen, Friedrich Aut^xut (1805-1837) . . 247 Ko&enberK, George Frederic ( 1 825-1869 ) . 247 KoMenhagen, PhUip (1737 ?-1798) . . . 248 Koaewell, Samuel (1679-1722) . . .219 K4Mewell,Tbofflaa (1680-1692) . .249 Koaier^Jamefl (1575-1635) 251 KoM, Duke of. See Stewart, James (1476- ). Kofla, KarU of. See Macdonald, Donald, ninth Earl (d, 1420?) ; Macdonald, Alex- ander, tenth Earl (i/. 1449); Maedonald, John, elerenth Earl {d. 1498?). KoM, Mother (1667-1789). See Davies, Christian. Ross, Alexander (1590-1654) . Hoes or Hose, Alexander (1647 ?-1720) KoiB, Alexander ( 1699-1784 ) . ItoM, Alexander ( 1742-1827 ) . Ross, Alexander ( 1783-1856) . Kom, Andrew (1773-1812) . Uofls, Arthur (<f. 1704) . UoMi, David (1728-1790) Uoss, George (1814-1863) Korts, Sir Hew Dalrvmple (1779-18J8) Uoss, Horatio (1H01-188G) . Kosfl, James (1835-1871). See under lios:*, Alexander (1783-1856). KoBH,Jamw,M.D. (1837-1802) . . .265 KoHs Sir Jame.s Clark ( 1800-180-2) . . . 265 Koss, John (1411 ?-1491). See Uous. Uoss or Uo!*8e. John (1719-1792) . . .266 KosH, John (1763-1837) 267 Koss, Sir John (1777-1856) . . .267 HoHS, John ( 1800 ?-1805 ?). See Dix. Kcws, Sir John Lockhart (1721-179U) . . 269 Row, John Merr>' (1838-1883) . . . 271 Koss, John Wilson (1818-18»7) . . .271 Rons, Patrick (1740 ?-1804) . . . .272 Ko»H, Robert (1706-1814) . . . .274 Ross, Sir Robert Dalrvmple (1828-1887) . 277 Ross Thomas (1575?-1618) Ro88, Thomas (c/. 1675) 278 Ross, William, twelfth Lord Ross of Hawk- head ( 1(;56 ?-1738) ' 279 Ross, William (1762-1790) . . . .280 Ross, Sir Willinm Charles (1794-1800) . .280 RosHC, Earls of. See Parsons, Lawrence, second Earl(17')8-1841); Parsons, Willi.un, third Earl (1800-1807). RoMse, John de (</. l.'J:J2). See Ros. Rosseter, Philip ( i:)75 P-162.J) . . . 282 Rossetti, Christina (Jeorgina (1830-1894) . 282 Rossetti, Dante (Jabriel (1828-1882) . . 284 Rossetti, Lucv Madox (1843-1894) . . . 289 }to'- "^afia Francesca (1827-1876). See etti, Christina Georgina. Jharles Felix (1762-1839) . . 290 PAIS I RoMlm, Earls of. S«c Wedderbam, Alex- ander, first Eari (1733-1805) ; Erakine^Sir James Su Clair, aeeond Eari (1762-1837). Rott, Rdnhold (1822-1896) . . . .290 Koffworme or Rosworm. John (Jl. IGSO-lSfiO) 291 Kocelande, Hoe de, or Rntland, Hag^ of ( JL ) 29S Kothe, Bernard (1695-1768). See Roatli. Kotbe or Roth, David (157S-1650) . . . S9S Rothe, Michael (1661-1741) . • . . 29fi Kothe, Robert (1550-1622) . . . .297 Rotheram, Caleb, D.D. ri€91-1752) . 298 Rotheram, Edward ri753 ?-1830) . . .298 Rotheram, John (1725-1789) . . . .299 Rotheram, John (1750 ?-1804> . . .300 Kotherham, Sir John (1680-1696 ? ) . . 3U0 Rotberfaam, Thomas (1423-1500), otbenrise known as Thomas Soot 301 Kother^-, Hennr CadofEMi (1817-1888) . . 3o3 Rotbeij, William (1775-1864). See ander Rothery, Henry Cadogan. Rothes. Diike of. See Leslie, John (1680- ). Rothes, Earls of. See Leslie, (xeoige, foarth Earl {d, 1558) ; Leslie, Andrew, fifth Eari (d, 1611) ; Leslie, John, sixth Earl (1600- 1641) ; Leslie, John, serenth Earl and first Dnke (1630-1681); Leslie, John, eighth Rarl (1679-1722); Leslie, John, ninth Eari (1698 P-1767). Rothes, Master of. See Leslie, Norman (d, ). Rothesar, Duke of. See Stewart, David (1879- ): Rothschild, Sir Anthony de (1810-1876). See under Rothschild, Nathan Mever. Rothschild, Lionel Nathan de (1808-1879) . 801 Roth«ichild, Meyer Amschel de (1818-1874), known as Baron Meyer. See under Roth- schild, Nathan Mever. Rothschild, Nathan Meyer (1777-1836) . . 306 Rothwell, Edward (d. 1731 ) Rothwcll, Richard (1800-1868) Rotier. See Roettier. Roubiliac or Roubillac, Louis Francois (169; ) .... Roucltffe, Sir Brian (d. 1494) Rouf^h. See also Row. Rough, John (d. 1557) . Rou^'h, William (<f. 1838) Roumare, William de, Karl of Lincoln (^Jt, ) Roupell. George Lcith, M.D. (1797-1854 Rous, Francis (1579-1 659) . Rous, Henry John ( 1795-1877 ) Rous or Ross. John (1411 P-1491) . Rous, John (1584-1644) . Rous, John Ifl. 1656-1695) . Rousby, Clara Marion Jessie (1852 P-1879) Rouse or Russe, John (1574-1652) . Rousseau, Jacques (1626-1694) Rousseau, Samuel (1763-1820) Rousscel, Theodore (1614-1089). See Russel. Kouth. Bernard (1695-1768) . Kouth, Mrs. Martha (1743-1817) Pouth, Martin Joseph (1755-1854) Routh, Sir Itandolph Isham (1785 P-1858) Routledi^e, George (1812-1888) Row. See also liough. Row, John (1525 P-1580) . Row, John (1569-1646) . Row, John (1698 P-1672 P ) .




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