Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/418

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memory by public subscription in St. Mary's Church, Bathwick.

Scarth ranked among the best English authorities on Roman antiquities, and specially the relics of the Roman occupation of Britain, but was inclined to believe that the influence of the occupation was more permanent than is generally admitted by historians (Saturday Review, 15 Dec. 1883, lvi. 769). His principal publications are ‘Aquæ Solis, or Notices of Roman Bath,’ 4to, 1864, and ‘Roman Britain,’ 8vo n. d. [1883], in a series entitled ‘Early Britain’ (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge). From 1885 he was a constant contributor to the ‘Proceedings’ of the Society of Antiquaries, and one of his papers, on the ‘Camps on the River Avon at Clifton,’ is printed in ‘Archæologia,’ No. 44, p. 428. He also contributed to the journals of the Archæological Institute, the Archæological Association, and the Somerset Archæological and Natural History Society.

Alice Mary Elizabeth Scarth (1848–1889), the eldest daughter, published ‘The Story of the Old Catholic and other Kindred Movements,’ 8vo, 1883.

[Proc. of Soc. of Antiq. 1890, 2nd ser. xiii. 141; Proc. of Somerset Archæol. and Nat. Hist. Soc. 1890, xxxvi. 198–9; private information.]

SCATCHERD, NORRISSON CAVENDISH (1780–1853), antiquary, born at Morley, Yorkshire, on 29 Feb. 1780, was eldest son of Watson Scatcherd, a successful barrister on the northern circuit. His family had been resident at Morley for two centuries. After attending Marylebone and Hipperholme schools he was called to the bar from Gray's Inn on 28 Nov. 1806. But being possessed of ample means, he soon forsook the law for literary and antiquarian pursuits. On 16 Jan. 1851 he was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He died at Morley on 16 Feb. 1853, leaving a widow and six children.

Scatcherd was author of: 1. ‘The History of Morley … Yorkshire,’ 8vo, Leeds, 1830; an excellent book, compiled from original sources. 2. ‘Memoirs of the celebrated Eugene Aram,’ 8vo, London, 1832; another edit. 1838. 3. ‘Gleanings after Eugene Aram,’ 8vo, London, 1840. 4. ‘The Chapel of King Edward III on Wakefield Bridge,’ 8vo, London, 1843. Scatcherd was a contributor to the ‘Gentleman's Magazine’ and Hone's ‘Year’ and ‘Table’ books.

[Wm. Smith's Hist. of Morley, 1876; Wm. Smith's Morley, Ancient and Modern, 1886; Gent. Mag. 1853, i. 205; Notes and Queries, 6th ser. ii. 514, iii. 15, 158.]

SCATTERGOOD, ANTONY (1611–1687), divine, was eldest of the twelve children of John ‘Skatergood,’ gentleman, of Chaddesden, Derbyshire, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Baker, yeoman, of Ellastone, a village in North Staffordshire. The parents were married at Ellastone on 18 Dec. 1608, and Antony was baptised there on 18 Sept. 1611 (parish register). He matriculated from Trinity College, Cambridge, as a sizar on 17 Dec. 1628, graduating B.A. in 1632–3. He contributed Latin verses to the university collections in honour respectively of the Duke of York in 1633, of the Princess Elizabeth in 1635, and of Charles I, on the birth of his fifth child, in 1637. In the last year Greek verses by him were prefixed to J. Duport's ‘Liber Job.’

His friends at Cambridge included William Sancroft, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, and John Pearson, afterwards bishop of Chester. Taking holy orders, he acted as chaplain at Trinity College from 1637 to 1640. On 2 April 1641 he was admitted to the rectory of Winwick, Northamptonshire, on the presentation of John Williams, bishop of Lincoln. This living he held till his death. He received a canonry in Lincoln Cathedral on 6 May 1641, and became chaplain and librarian to the bishop. From an unprinted manuscript in Williams's Library he edited ‘Annotationes in Vetus Testamentum et in Epistolam ad Ephesios,’ Cambridge, 1653 (new edit. Frankfort, 1704). The authorship is uncertain.

Meanwhile he joined with John Pearson, the latter's brother Richard, and Francis Gouldman, in compiling a collection of biblical criticism which was intended to supplement Walton's Polyglot Bible. Their efforts resulted in ‘Critici Sacri sive Doctissimorum Virorum in SS. Biblia Annotationes et Tractatus,’ which was published in nine folio volumes in 1660, with a dedication to Charles II (another edit. Frankfort, 1696; 2nd edit. Amsterdam, 1698). Scattergood corrected nearly the whole work for the press. A copy presented by himself is in Trinity College Library. On 8 March 1662 Scattergood and Dillingham were directed by convocation to see through the press the amended Book of Common Prayer. In the following June he received, at the king's request, the degree of D.D. at Cambridge, in consideration of his great abilities and ‘sufficience in learning’ (Kennett, i. 780). In 1664 Scattergood received the prebend of Sawley in Lichfield Cathedral, to which the treasurership of the cathedral was attached. He contributed 50l. to the restoration of the cathedral, and became chaplain to Bishop