Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 52.djvu/171

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called attention to it (see Rennell, James; Laughton, Physical Geography, p. 211). During the night they found themselves unexpectedly among the rocks of the Scilly Islands. Most of the ships escaped with great difficulty. The Association, carrying Shovell's flag, struck on the Bishop and Clerk and broke up. Two other ships, the Eagle and Romney, were lost at the same time. The body of Shovell, still living, was thrown on shore in Porthellick Cove, but a woman, who was the first to find it, coveting an emerald ring on one of the fingers, extinguished the flickering life. Near thirty years after, on her death-bed, she confessed the crime and delivered up to the clergyman the ring, which thus came into the possession of Shovell's old friend, the Earl of Berkeley, to one of whose descendants it now belongs. The body was afterwards taken on board the Salisbury, and carried to Plymouth, where it was embalmed by Dr. James Yonge [q. v.], then in private practice at Plymouth (Yonge's MS. Journal, by the kindness of the family): it was then sent to London, and buried, at the cost of the government, in Westminster Abbey, where an elaborate monument in very questionable taste was erected to Shovell's memory.

He married, in 1691, Elizabeth, daughter of John Hill, and widow of Sir John Narbrough, and left issue two daughters, of whom the elder, Elizabeth, married Sir Robert Marsham, created Lord Romney in 1716, and had by him several children. She married, secondly, John, earl of Hyndford, for many years the English minister at the court of Frederick the Great. The younger daughter, Anne, married the Hon. Robert Mansell; and, secondly, John Blackwood, by whom she left issue.

A portrait, by Michael Dahl (full-length), is in the National Portrait Gallery; another, by Dahl (half-length), is in the Painted Hall, Greenwich; a third, by Dahl, belongs to Mrs. Martin-Leake; another, by an unknown artist, is in the town-hall of Rochester. Shovell's christian name has been spelt in at least twenty-five different ways. He himself usually wrote Clowd, but occasionally at full length, Clowdisley or Cloudisley.

[Charnock's Biogr. Nav. ii. 15; Campbell's Lives of the Admirals, iii. 362; Naval Chronicle, xx. 130, xxxiii. 177; Hist. of Rochester (1817, 8vo), p. 241; Nichols's Herald and Genealogist, iii. 31, 191; Burchett's Transactions at Sea; Lediard's Naval History; Boyer's Life of Queen Anne; Edye's Hist. of the Royal Marine Forces; Duckett's Naval Commissioners; History of the Siege of Toulon, translated from the French, 1708, 12mo; Brun's Guerres Maritimes de la France: Port de Toulon; J. H. Cooke's Shipwreck of Sir Cloudesley Shovell in the Scilly Islands (Gloucester, 1883); Commission and Warrant Books in Public Record Office; Sussex Archæol. Coll. xiv. 109; Notes and Queries, passim, but especially 6th ser. x. 518, and 8th ser. vii. 41. The mystery which has so long clouded the family history of Shovell has been cleared away only within the last few years by the researches among the Norfolk registers of the Hon. R. Marsham-Townshend and Mr. F. Owen Fisher, who have kindly placed their notes at the service of the present writer.]

SHOWER, Sir BARTHOLOMEW (1658–1701), recorder of London, born in Northgate Street, Exeter, on 14 Dec. 1658, was third son of William Shower, merchant, of Exeter, by his wife Dorcas, daughter of John Anthony. John Shower [q. v.] was his brother. Educated in his native city, Bartholomew came to London early in 1675, entered the Middle Temple on 9 Sept. 1676, was called to the bar on 21 May 1680, and rapidly became distinguished as a pleader. In 1683 he attained some prominence as an uncompromising adherent of the court party by publishing ‘An Antidote against Poison: composed of some remarks upon the Paper printed by the direction of the Lady Russell, and mentioned to have been delivered by the Lord Russell to the Sheriffs at the Place of Execution,’ which he followed up in the same year by ‘The Magistracy and Government of England Vindicated’ against the partisans of Lord Russell. In 1684 he moved from the Temple into Chancery Lane, and next year was appointed deputy recorder under Sir John Holt [q. v.] Shower was knighted by James II at Whitehall on 12 May 1687, and was made recorder of London in place of Sir J. Tate on 6 Feb. 1688. He was made bencher of his inn on 25 May in this year, and reader three years later. He signalised himself by his speech for the crown against the seven bishops in June 1688, and but for the reaction that almost immediately followed he might have disputed James's favour with Jeffreys. As it was, however, he was replaced as recorder by Sir George Treby [q. v.] in November 1688. After the revolution he became a rancorous opponent of the court, and a political follower upon most issues of Sir Edward Seymour [q. v.] In 1695 he disputed the validity of a commitment by secretary of state for high treason in the case of the king v. Thomas Kendall and Richard Roe. In 1696 he was counsel for the defence of Ambrose Rookwood and Peter Cook, both charged with high treason; of Cook and Snatt, the nonjuring parsons who gave absolution on the scaffold to Sir William Parkyns [q. v.]; and in November he defended Sir John Fenwick, strongly deprecating the proceedings by