Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 52.djvu/274

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land under the Tudors; Gairdner's Henry VII (Twelve English Statesmen Series); and Busch's England under the Tudors, i. 34–7, 326, which gives the best modern account.]

SIMON de Senlis, Earl of Northampton and Huntingdon (d. 1109). [See Senlis.]

SIMON du FRESNE, Fraxinetus, or Ash (fl. 1200), poet, was a canon of Hereford. A friend of Giraldus Cambrensis [q. v.], he addressed two epigrams to him, defending him against poetical detractors such as Adam of Dore; both are printed from a manuscript at Lambeth in Giraldus's ‘Works;’ one is extant in Cotton. MS. Vitellius E. v. He wrote also a romance, ‘De la Fortune,’ an adaptation of Boethius's ‘Consolatio Philosophiæ,’ in seventeen hundred French verses (extant in Brit. Mus. MS. Reg. 20 B. xiv. ff. 67 sqq.; another version is in Douce MS. ccx. 51, in the Bodleian). The opening verses are written in acrostic form to read ‘Simund de Freine me fist.’ Part of it has been printed by M. Paul Meyer in ‘Bulletin de la Société des Anciens Textes,’ 1880, No. 3, p. 80. He wrote also, using a similar device, a ‘Life of St. George,’ in French verses of seven syllables, which is not known to be extant.

[Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, ed. Brewer and Dimock (Rolls Ser.), i. 382; Wright's Biogr. Brit. Lit. ii. 349–50.]

SIMON de Wells (d. 1207), bishop of Chichester, was the son of one Robert, who is perhaps identical with the Robert de Wattelai whose lands at Stawell and Meleburn, Somerset, were estreated in consequence of the felony of his wife Alice, who murdered him, and were confirmed to Simon on 7 and 22 Feb. 1201 (Rot. Chart. pp. 86, 88). It is possible that Simon was a relative of Hugh de Wells, bishop of Lincoln, and Josceline de Wells [q. v.], bishop of Bath; and the ‘Winchester Annals’ (Ann. Mon. ii. 257) actually style him younger brother of Hugh, but clearly, as it would seem, in error. Simon was provost of Beverley, and on 26 June 1199 was confirmed by Innocent III in the archdeaconry of Wells, receiving at the same time the churches of Huish and South Brent (Cal. Papal Registers, i. 7). He also held the living of Monkton, Kent, and about 1201 was presented by the king to the church of Faversham. The monks of Faversham claimed the advowson, and, after a hot dispute, the king, by the advice of Hubert Walter [q. v.], gave way (Thorn, Chron. cols. 1843–59, ap. Scriptores Decem). Thorn styles Simon ‘archiepiscopi vicecancellarius,’ and some have therefore supposed that Simon was a keeper of the seal under Hubert. Many early charters of John are attested by Simon de Wells and John de Gray, probably as officers of the treasury of the exchequer, where the great seal was kept. In his official capacity Simon was with John in France during 1200 and 1201. Simon was elected bishop of Chichester between 1 and 9 April 1204, and was consecrated by Hubert Walter on 11 July following. He seems to have enjoyed the favour of the king, who granted him a charter of privileges, and gave him licences to bring marble from Purbeck for the repair of his cathedral on 17 April 1205 and 24 May 1207. He died at St. Gilles in France on 21 Aug. 1207 (Ann. Mon. ii. 57). By his will he left one hundred marks for a chantry for Archbishop Hubert.

[Annales Monastici; Gervase of Canterbury, Opera, ii. 100, 410; Le Neve's Fasti Eccl. Angl. i. 159, 239; Foss's Judges of England, s.v. ‘FitzRobert;’ Sussex Archæological Collections, xxii. 178–84.]

SIMON of Montfort, Earl of Leicester (1208?–1265). [See Montfort.]

SIMON of Faversham (fl. 1300), philosophical writer, studied theology at Oxford, but afterwards turned to philosophy. He was ordained sub-deacon at Croydon in September 1289 (Regist. Epist. Peckham, Arch. Cant., iii. 1051, Rolls Ser.), and deacon probably in the September of the following year at Bocking (ib. p. 1053). In the same year he was presented by Archbishop John Peckham [q. v.] to the church of Preston, near Faversham (ib. p. 1011), and probably at a later period was rector of Burton, also in Kent (Bale, Script. Illustr. Brit. Cat. i. 471). In 1303, as prebendary of Hereford, he was attached to the church of Hampton Bishop (Le Neve, Fasti Eccles. Angl. i. 505, ed. Hardy), and about 1304 was chancellor of Oxford (Wood, Fasti, App. p. 17). In September 1305 he was made archdeacon of Canterbury (Le Neve, l. c. p. 39), but in November the pope appointed Bernard de Eyci to this office, and Simon was ousted.

Several philosophical treatises are very doubtfully attributed to him. Among them is one on the ethics of Aristotle, extant in Balliol College Library, Oxford (Tanner, Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 673).

[Authorities cited; see also Leland's Commentarii de Script. Brit. ii. 368, ed. 1709; Pits, De Illustr. Angl. Script. p. 505; Fabricius's Bibl. Lat. Med. et Infim. Ætat. vi. 531.]