Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 53.djvu/487

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ro THE FIFTY-THIRD VOLUME. Smith. Sinha Smyh ud Smyth. Bmllh,1{¢nry John Stq>ho¤(1I76·l¤Il . I0 Smilh, Anon (J. QW! 7). . . · . I Smith. Horatio, allgvn knvlm u Hana Bmith, Aston .11918) . . . . . 2 (1779-IMP) . . . . . . . B8 Maxam 70-1790) . . , . 1 S¤¤m».l·1r•#h (nl. lm) . .... sc §nith,A.ih¢¢\ ictud (ISIFIW) · · IU Hmllhliinmphnx 166) . . . . $6 Smith; Ai•#x•r¤!n(#.17\6·l7i€) . . . IR — Smith, Jnmusgl IM?) . . , . B6 Snwh, Akxaoder, DD. (QIMMITGG . . II Smith, Jmnu, D. (!|¢0·17I|) , .. . 67 Qiiitl, Abnndez (ITU —·l|29), Hhhdlml, liunithyfnmm UFS-IOBO) . . . . B7 Join. !§mIt|1.Jnmu HID-ISD! . . » 4 60 Bmkh. Alnnnhe (1.&0—tO67a . . . ll Smith. Jnmi. Immun ' Smkhdlwduhll ' Smith, Skhnlnw (179*7-157 ) . . . 15 (l7B\!»·10§7) . . . . . . . 50 Smith, Ank•¢(I759-JQIS) . . · . lh Funith, Jump (IHMJIZE) . . . . N Smil, Aqdlh, l|.D.(1M¢·|.B9D) . . . 18 Smith, Sir Jnmn Edt (USB"!) . . It Smith. Ardxibnld (1B1S·187i) . . . 18 Smi\h.Jnm•• Elivn|l•t.o¤•\mn¤}y inns an Smith, Arthur W. W. (IBZB-lll! ), Bn nude: ‘Shrph¤n·1 Hmith’ (IBM-1851} . . . Sl Hnilh,A¤¤»rt Bidhnd. Bmith. Jnnnn Illch 110H·lH1). Sol Indy Suit!}. Aqnlnslnin (IOOFIB12) . . 17 Smith, Jammin (17TI-REN). Built, Benjamin (J. INI) . . . . ll Hmhh ur Sn`ym,$rJ¤ (l'. IIN) . 84 Bruin, (ITBIIJIMY). ko unda! Smith, Jonmiah (L l723 . . . . 66 Raith. 175&1BI5). Fauith, Jsremirsh (1771-1 . . . . 65 Smith, hn-mul; Ianni (lB8¤7- Smith. Jnruninh Pinch ( 6-DIE). in HM) . . ..... · . IB nndetkimllh, Jtnmhh (1771-1850. &nih,Chsrl¤(111i5?-ITS!) . . . . 20 Smith nr Srnyth, Sirlchnghlii-1607) . il Hmhh Chute (1i'l¥»1777) .... $0 Smith uu $¤»Jtb,J0hn (Q 1 I) . . . Bl Smith, Chula (170 ?·$B'N) .... YI Hmith, John (1568-IMI) . . . . 7G Sm5¢I:,Chn\¤ (ITSGJB6) » . . . RI Brnllh, John (IMD-·lNI) . . . .. 7l Rhilh, NvCh¤.r1•• Ydlx (\786·l|5I) . . il Smith nr Smyth, John (IMTAMO) . . 18 Haiti. Ohnriu Hamilton %776—1l69) . · M Suitb, Bi Jnhulgglb- MC) V . . . 73 Smith, Osukn Baring 1 2-IOM) .. . 25 Blnilh, J¤h¤(I6 lib!). . . . . N Bmilh, Chuinlvhn (1 SGI) . . . 90 Hmilh, John IEXFIOTI) . . . r 75 Bulth, (inria Roach (IBUIJBN) . . . I6 Hnuth, Jnho IIN) · . .. . 78 Smith, (7l•n·1ott•(17|9-IUDG). . . . E1 Nnllb, John £3\FIl·1¤N) . . . . 7S Bulth, 0¤I•1¤·s1795-405) , . . . H5 iiunllln, John $4710}. . . . . 1l Nash}, Blum (i67¥·l710) . , . . BI Nnvith nr 8mylh,J¤hh BBLHI1). . , 74 linithm NUM!. 8(llB6·27I)) . . Bl Emltb, John \L'¤6·17! . . . . 77 Smith. Ehad (1818 P-I I . . . . Il Brnilh,J¤hn 1667-IUI) . . , . 17 Smi\,Blul»<h(t776-1ODG . . . . ll Hmlth,J¤hn Ili617—|7|1) . 4 Y . 76 Smith, F.rn¢¤»••(\61I~lQ1l) . . . . BB Smith, Jnhn (A H4?) . . . . . 70 kit), I?nnda{j, 1770} . . . _ M SmilI1,.I¤hn(1711·-115i). Sanuk: Smith, Smith, Sr France Pdlit (lNt»1|7() . . M Guin (hlhlfilgi Smith, Pnderidn Willimn (I. 185). Boo Smlth, John |1·I7-1 . .. . . 79 nndsr Séty Artur, Smith, Jnhn 175•\·1H4 . . . . 79 Smit}, Gnbrid (d. X7?. . . . . I5 , Smith, John (ITG-IIB! . . . . 88 !d&\,G•nrg¤(ZB9T»- L6) . . . . BB ‘ Smith, Sirlnhn (17M-RHF) . . . . 50 8¤ixI,G¤¤‘l| (iZ;$J?70) . . . . 61 !·\m|1n,.7chug79L!I61) . . . . 81 8¤Il,G•¤•g¤ U15? Z·lH50) .... BB Smith. John hd (KHAKI) . . . il! Smith, GNPBI {IQUHBGB) .... B8 Nnith, John Chslnnn (IBB-MSI) . . . BI Bmlth, Guang: { 18¥.{»»1B71} . . . . 80 Smith, Jnhn Chrhtnphedlfli-ITN) . . Sl Smith, G¤f$• €§B4¥!»I!76) . . » . li Smith. John Gordon (\N2··IB83) . · . 83 SmIth,G•¤rg= ( 1601-—1£•§5] .... I1 Smith. Si! Jnhn Hui Yre<l¤rk\(17i6·1|‘H) . GI Smith, Gump Cbnrimn 17!!»—1NU) . . ll $¤¤Ivh, John0nin (UW-IMI) . . . O0 Smith, Gtrlln Edvull IWO-Wil; . t 0 Faith, John 1‘rin¤¤(|714P—LI!2) . . . 84 Ulklsilfarl thin ( BLIND) ll Blllith, Jnhn Pr1vm,lbe§nq•r(!&$~\8i'4). 8¤k§ [hwy 15607•lb8| » . » . II H••un|Ar$n¤it\,J¤Im I¤¤•(l71(?·182!y Unit}. nary lG20·lI18f . . . . ID Smith, John Py1(l71|·1B51) . . . 89 VOL lllll. 1 I