Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 59.djvu/302

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  1. steps of the Normans,’ 1848, 2 vols. 2 edits.
  2. ‘The Equity Pleader's Manual,’ 1850.

He died at Hastings Lodge, Dulwich Wood Park, on 22 Aug. 1894, and was buried in Iffley churchyard.

[Burke's Landed Gentry, 1850 ed. ii. 1508, iii. 511; Burke's Peerage, sub ‘Milman;’ Times, 7 Jan. 1852 et seq.; Gent. Mag. 1848, i. 421, ii. 645, 1857 ii. 330, 1858 ii. 202, 1861 ii. 693; Athenæum, 1852, p. 54; Reid's Lord Houghton, i. 84, 110–12, 329, 419, 467–8, ii. 365; Burnand's A. D. C. p. viii; Dublin University Magazine, February 1852, pp. 235 sq.; information from Professor Ryle, president of Queens' Coll. Cambridge, from Mr. W. Aldis Wright of Trinity Coll. Cambridge, and from Rev. Canon Warburton, the last surviving brother.]

W. P. C.

WARBURTON, GEORGE DROUGHT (1816–1857), writer on Canada, third son of George Warburton of Aughrim, and younger brother of Bartholomew Elliott George Warburton [q. v.], was born at Wicklow in 1816. He was educated at the Royal Military College, Woolwich, and served in the royal artillery from June 1833. In 1837 he was sent with a detachment of the royal artillery to assist the Spanish legion in Spain, and was severely wounded in action. In the middle of July 1844 he embarked from Chatham for Canada, and wrote an agreeable description of the dominion, under its ancient vernacular name of ‘Hochelaga; or England in the New World.’ The work was published anonymously in 1846 in two volumes, as ‘edited by Eliot Warburton,’ and the fifth edition, revised, came out in 1854. It was also printed in New York, although the portion devoted to the United States was scarcely more complimentary to the manners of the republicans than the well-known work of Mrs. Trollope. He returned from Canada in 1846, and was afterwards stationed at Landguard Fort, near Harwich (Leslie, Landguard Fort, 1898, p. 80).

The success of his first book encouraged him to publish another anonymous work, ‘The Conquest of Canada,’ dated 1850, and also in two volumes. This passed through three editions in England, and was issued at New York in 1850. A compilation of a different kind, the ‘Memoir of Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, by the author of “Hochelaga,”’ 1853, 2 vols., has through fresh research been superseded. He wrote with skill and spirit.

Warburton married at St. George's, Hanover Square, on 1 June 1853, Elizabeth Augusta Bateman-Hanbury, third daughter of the first Lord Bateman, and had an only daughter, who became the wife of Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill. In November 1854 he retired from the army as major on full pay, and resided at Henley House, Frant, Sussex. On 28 March 1857 he was elected by a large majority as an independent liberal member for the borough of Harwich in Essex. He was subject to severe pains and attacks of indigestion, and in a fit of temporary insanity resulting from these troubles shot himself through the head at Henley House on 23 Oct. 1857, aged 41. He was buried at Iffley, near Oxford. It was said of him and his brother Eliot, ‘their lives were sunshine, their deaths tragedies.’ In April 1869 his widow married George Rushout, third lord Northwick, and she was in 1886 the recipient of the ‘Dunmow Flitch’ (G. E. C[okayne], Complete Peerage, s.v. ‘Northwick’).

[Essex Standard, 30 Oct. 1857, p. 4; Athenæum, 1857, p. 1359; Burke's Peerage, sub ‘Bateman;’ Gent. Mag. 1853, ii. 305; information from Rev. Canon Warburton of Winchester, his surviving brother.]

W. P. C.

WARBURTON, HENRY (1784?–1858), philosophical radical, son of John Warburton of Eltham, Kent, a timber merchant, was educated at Eton, being in the fifth form, upper division, in 1799, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was admitted 24 June 1802, aged 18. He was in the first class of the college examinations as freshman in 1803, and as junior soph in 1804. He was admitted scholar on 13 April 1804, graduated B.A. (being twelfth wrangler and placed next to Ralph Bernal) in 1806, and proceeded M.A. in 1812. George Pryme [q. v.] knew him in his undergraduate days, and both Bernal and Pryme were in after life his colleagues in political action. When at Cambridge he obtained distinction as a ‘scholar and man of science’ (Personal Life of George Grote, p. 76).

For some years after leaving the university Warburton was engaged in the timber trade at Lambeth, but his taste for science and politics ultimately led to his abandoning commercial life. He was elected F.R.S. on 16 Feb. 1809. Dr. William Hyde Wollaston [q. v.] was his most intimate friend, and in the autumn of 1818 they made a tour together on the continent. When Faraday desired to become F.R.S., Warburton felt objections to his election, thinking that he had in one matter treated Wollaston unfairly. Correspondence ensued, and these objections were dispelled (Bence Jones, Life of Faraday, i. 347–53). Warburton was also a member of the Political Economy Club from its foundation in 1821 to his death, bringing before