Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 59.djvu/97

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ton,' was author of 'The Tutor's Assistant; being a Compendium of Arithmetic and a Complete Question-Book in five parts,' London, 1751, 12mo. The author himself brought out a twenty-first edition in 1785 and the work has passed through countless editions since that date, remaining the most popular 'Arithmetic' both in England and America down to the time of Colenso. A so-called seventy-first edition appeared in 1831 (London, 12mo), and a so-called fifty-first in 1843 (Derby, 12mo). Except the section dealing with the rule of three which needed modification, the work remained little altered down to 1854, when an 'improved edition' was issued under the care of Professor J. K. Young. A comic 'Tutor's Assistant' with cuts by Crowquill, was published in 1843 (London, 12mo).

[Walkingame's Tutor's Assistant, 1751, with a list of subscribers: De Morgan's Arithmetical Books, pp. 30, 96; Notes and Queries, 1s ser. v. 441, xi 57, xii. 66, 2nd ser. iv. 295; Gent. Mag. 1788, i. 81; Athenæum, 1882, i. 754; Allibone's Dict. of Engl. Lit.; Brit. Mus. Cat. enumerating over thirty editions between 1751 and 1868.]

WALKINGTON, NICHOLAS de (fl. 1193?), mediæval writer [See Nicholas.]

WALKINGTON, THOMAS (d. 1621), divine and author, a native of Lincoln, was educated at Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1596-7 and M.A. in 1600. He was elected to a fellowship at St. John's College, Cambridge, on 26 March 1603. He was incorporated B.D. of Oxford on 14 July 1611, and proceeded D.D. of Cambridge in 1613. He was presented to the vicarage of Raunds, Northamptonshire, in 1608,and to the rectory of Wadingham St. Mary, Lincolnshire, in 1610, and the vicarage of Fulham, Middlesex, on 25 May 1615. He died in 1621, the administration of his goods being granted on 29 Oct. of that year (Hennessy, Novum Repertorium Eccl. Londin.)

Walkington was author of a curious volume that may be regarded as a forerunner of Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy.' It was entitled 'The Optick Glasse of Humors, or the Touchstone of a Golden Temperature, or tih Philosophers Stone to make a Golden Temper. Wherein the four Complections, Sanguine, Choleriche, Phligmaticke, Melancholicke are succinctly painted forth … by T. W., Master of Arts.' The first edition seems to be that which is stated on the title-page to have been printed by John Windet for Martin Clerke in London in 1607. This was dedicated to Sir Justinian Lewin from 'my study in St. Johns, Camb. 10 Kal. March. T. W.' (no copy of this issue is in the British Museum), An undated edition, which cannot be dated earlier than 1631, was printed by W[illiam] T[urner] at Oxford. This issue, which has the same dedication as its predecessor, has an elaborately engraved title-page on steel, in which two graduates in cap and gown, representing respectively the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, hold between them an optic class or touchstone (Madan, Early Oxford Press, pp. 160-161). Mr. W. C. Hazlitt describes a fragment of an edition printed at Oxford with a different dedication addressed to the author's 'friend, M. Carye' (Collections, 1st ser.) Later editions, with the engraved title-page, appeared in London in 1630 and 1663. Dr. Farmer, in his 'Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare' (1780, p. 40 n.), credited 'T. Wombwell' with the authorship of Walkington's treatise on the 'Optick Glasse,' and referred to a passage (traceable to Scaliger) by way of illustrating Shylock's remarks on irrational antipathies (Merchant of Venice, iv. i. 49).

Walkington was also author of 'An Exposition of the two first verses of the sixth chapter to the Hebrews, in form of a Dialogue, by T. W., Minister of the Word," London, 1609, 4to; of 'Theologicall Rules to guide us in the Understanding and Practice of Holy Scriptures … also Enigmata Sacra, Holy Riddles … by T. W., Preacher of the Word,' 2 pts. London, 1615, 8vo; of 'Rabboni, Mary Magdalen's Teares of Sorrow …' London, 1620, 8vo; and, according to Wood, of a sermon on Ecclesiastes xii. 10.

[Wood's Fasti, i. 350.]

WALKINSHAW, CLEMENTINA (1726?–1802), mistress of Prince Charles Edward, the youngest of the ten daughters of John Walkinshaw of Barrowfield and Gamlachie, Glasgow, and of Catherine Paterson, was perhaps born and brought up at Rome. Her father had fought at Sheriffmuir and been taken prisoner, but had escaped from Stirling Castle and joined the Chevalier de St. George at Bar-le-Duc. By him he was sent as a secret agent to Vienna, and in 1719 he helped to effect the liberation from Innsbruck of the Princess Clementina Sobieski, the chevalier's plighted bride. In recognition of this service the princess stood sponsor to his daughter, who was baptised as a catholic by the names of Clémentine-Marie-Sophie. All this is mainly on the authority of a 'Mémoire' addressed to Louis XV in 1774 by Miss Walkinshaw's daughter, It is printed in the 'Œuvres Complettes' of the Duc de St. Simon (1791,