Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 60.djvu/173

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James Lonsdale [q. v.], is in the possession of G. W. Rayner Wood at Singleton Lodge, Manchester; copies are in the museum of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society and the vestry of St. Saviourgate Chapel; it has been engraved by Samuel Cousins [q. v.] He married, 1 July 1793, at St. Mary's, Stoke Newington, Ann (d. 31 Jan. 1823), eldest daughter of John Kinder, and was survived by a son and two daughters. His youngest son, Robert (b. 15 July 1803, d. 21 Feb. 1856), took (17 Feb. 1830) the name and arms of Scott, and was deputy-lieutenant for Worcestershire and M.P. for Walsall (1841–46). His youngest daughter, Emma (d. 29 July 1842), married (1831) Sir James Carter, chief justice of New Brunswick.

Besides the works mentioned above, and single sermons and pamphlets, he published: 1. ‘Devotional Exercises,’ 1801, 12mo; 8th edit. 1832. 2. ‘Memoirs of … Rev. W[illiam] Wood,’ 1809, 8vo. 3. ‘Three Letters … to Francis Wrangham,’ 1823, 8vo; 2nd edit. same year. 4. ‘Three Additional Letters,’ 1824, 8vo. 5. ‘Memoir’ prefixed to ‘Sermons,’ 1826, 8vo, by Thomas Watson. 6. ‘Account of … the Abbey of St. Mary, York,’ in ‘Vetusta Monumenta,’ 1829, vol. v. fol. 7. ‘Memoir of Thomas Thrush,’ 1845, 8vo. 8. ‘Descriptive Account of the Antiquities in the Museum of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society,’ 1852, 8vo; 3rd edit. 1858. He contributed to the ‘Yorkshire Repository,’ 1794, 12mo; the ‘Annual Review,’ 1802–8; and the ‘Proceedings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society,’ 1855, vol. i.

[Biographical Memoir by John Kenrick, 1860; Funeral Sermons by Thomas Hincks and William Gaskell, 1858; Christian Reformer, 1856 p. 229, 1858 pp. 617, 650, 683, 708, 1859 p. 19; Memoirs of Catherine Cappe, 1822, p. 255; Roll of Students, Manchester College, 1868; Kenrick's Memorials of St. Saviourgate, York, 1869, p. 52; unpublished letters of Wellbeloved and Kenrick; pedigree extracted from family bible by the Rev. C. H. Wellbeloved, Southport.]

A. G.

WELLES. [See also Wells.]

WELLES or WELLE, ADAM de, Baron (d. 1311), was the son of William de Welle and his wife, Isabella de Vesci (Dugdale, Baronage, ii. 10). The family took its name from the manor of Well, near Alford in Lindsey, Lincolnshire, in which neighbourhood nearly all its estates lay; but later and more famous members of it adopted the surname Welles, though in earlier times they were more commonly described as Welle. The earliest of the family mentioned in Dugdale flourished under Richard I. William, Adam's father, paid fine in 1279 for his knighthood to be postponed for three years (Parl. Writs, i. 220). He was still alive in May 1286, when he nominated attorneys on going beyond seas with Hugh le Despenser (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1281–92, p. 248). Eight years later Adam also appointed attorneys on 14 June 1294 for a year on going beyond seas with Hugh le Despenser (ib. 1292–1301, p. 73), who then went to Gascony. On 16 Jan. 1297 he acquired lands at Cumberworth, and the advowson of Anderby, Lincolnshire, from William de Willoughby (ib. p. 229). In March of the same year he was appointed, with the sheriff of Lincolnshire, to receive into the king's protection clerks who wished to dissociate themselves from Archbishop Winchelsea's resistance to clerical taxation (ib. p. 239; Fœdera, i. 875). Before this he had become a knight. On 7 July he was ordered to muster in London for a fresh term of foreign service, but he was soon back in England, for on 1 Jan. 1298 he received letters of protection until Christmas as being about to accompany the king to Scotland (Scotland in 1298, p. 36). He served through the Falkirk campaign with his brother Philip, and fought in the battle (ib. pp. 145–72). In 1299 he was made constable of Rockingham Castle and warden of its forest (Abbreviatio Rot. Orig. i. 103). He was first of his house summoned as a baron to attend the parliament of March 1299 (Parl. Writs, i. 899), after which he was regularly called until his death. He was summoned with equal regularity to serve against the Scots, and on 14 Jan. 1300 was one of the knights appointed to raise the Lincolnshire tenants of the crown; and in the same year fought with Edward I at the siege of Carlaverock. He was present at the Lincoln parliament of February 1301, and signed the famous letter of the barons to the pope. In 1303 he was again summoned against the Scots (Fœdera, i. 948). However in February 1304 he seems to have been rebuked by the king for his remissness against the Scots (Hist. Doc. Scotland, ii. 470).

Adam bought of John de Holland, who died soon after, the manor of Wyberton, near Boston (cf. Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1301–7, p. 209; Memoranda de Parliamento, Rolls Ser. pp. 70–2). Under Edward II Welles was in 1309 (Fœdera, ii. 78) and in 1310 engaged on the king's service in Scotland, being allowed in the latter year a respite of his debts to the crown until Christmas (Cal. Close Rolls, 1307–13, p. 298). He was also granted lands worth 42l. a year in Lincolnshire (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1307–13). His last summons