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    à Templi ædificatione ad Nativitatem Christ,’ Louvain, 1705, 4to.

  1. ‘An Introduction to the Catholic Faith. By an English Dominican,’ London, 1709, 8vo, pp. 152. The authorship has been erroneously ascribed by Quétif and Echard, in their ‘Scriptores Ordinis Prædicatorum,’ to Father Ambrose Burgis.
  2. ‘Annales Fratrum Prædicatorum Provinciæ Anglicanæ Restauratæ,’ 1710. This manuscript, preserved in the archives of the province, comprises a history of the convent of Bornhem from its foundation to the year 1675. It is a Latin abridgment of the ‘Annals’ compiled in Flemish by Hyacinth Coomans, a lay brother, who died in 1701. The Flemish original is lost.
  3. ‘History of the Convent of Bornhem, the College of Louvain, and the Monastery of English Sisters at Brussels,’ printed in Bernard de Jonghe's ‘Belgium Dominicanum,’ Brussels, 1719, 4to.
  4. ‘Obituary Rolls of Bornhem,’ consisting of notices of the religious of the English Dominican province from the foundation of the convent in 1658 down to 1719.
  5. A Latin ‘Memoir of Bishop Williams,’ 1714, 8vo. The whole contents of this manuscript have been published in ‘A Consecrated Life’ by the Rev. Raymund Palmer, O.P., which appeared in ‘Merry England’ for November and December 1887.
  6. ‘Brevis Provinciæ Anglicanæ Ratio,’ 4to. Manuscript preserved in the archives of the province; there is also a transcript in the archives of the master-general of the Dominican order at Rome.

[Catholic Miscellany, 1826, vi. 255: Gibson's Lydiate Hall, p. 203; Merry England, 1888−9, xii. 25, 135; Oliver's Cornwall, p. 469; Palmer's Life of Card. Howard, p. 130; Palmer's Obit. Notices of the Friar-Preachers, p. 14.]

WORTHINGTON, WILLIAM (1703−1778), divine, son of Thomas Worthington of Aberhafesp, Montgomeryshire, was born in 1703, and educated at Oswestry school. He was matriculated at Jesus College, Oxford, May 1722, and graduated B.A. on 22 Feb. 1725−6. Afterwards he became usher in the school at Oswestry. He took the degree of M.A. at St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1742, was incorporated in that degree at Oxford on 3 July 1758, and accumulated the degrees of B.D. and D.D. in the latter university on 10 July the same year. He was patronised by Francis Hare [q. v.], bishop of St. Asaph, who presented him In 1729 to the vicarage of Llanyblodwell, Shropshire, and in 1740 removed him to Llanrhaiadr, Denbighshire. Hare also gave him the sinecure rectory of Darowen, Montgomeryshire, in 1737; and Archbishop Drummond, to whom he had been chaplain for several years, presented him in 1762 to a stall in the cathedral of York. He died at Llanrhaiadr on 6 Oct. 1778.

His principal works are:

  1. ‘An Essay on the Scheme and Conduct, Procedure and Extent, of Man's Redemption; designed for the honour and illustration of Christianity. To which is annexed a Dissertation on the Design and Argument of the Book of Job,’ London, 1743, 8vo; 2nd edit, enlarged, London, 1748, 8vo.
  2. ‘The Historical Sense of the Mosaic Account of the Fall proved and vindicated,’ London, 1751, 8vo.
  3. ‘The Use, Value, and Improvement of Various Readings shown and illustrated,’ Oxford, 1764, 8vo.
  4. ‘A Disquisition concerning the Lord's Supper, in order to ascertain the right Notion of it,’ 1766, 8vo.
  5. ‘The Evidence of Christianity deduced from Facts, and the Testimony of Sense, throughout all Ages of the Church,’ 2 vols. London, 1769, 8vo, being the Boyle lectures for 1766−8.
  6. ‘The Scripture Theory of the Earth, throughout all its Revolutions, and all the Periods of its Existence, from the Creation to the final Renovation of all Things; being a Sequel to the Essay on Redemption, and an Illustration of the Principles on which it is written,’ London, 1773, 8vo.
  7. ‘Irenicum, or the Importance of Unity in the Church of Christ considered; and applied towards the Healing of our unhappy Differences and Divisions,’ 1775, 8vo.
  8. ‘An impartial Enquiry into the Case of the Gospel Demoniacks; with an Appendix, consisting of an Essay on Scripture Demonology,’ 1777, 8vo. This was an attack on the opinion expressed by Hugh Farmer [q. v.], a dissenting minister, in his ‘Essay on the Demoniacks.’ 1775.
  9. ‘A further Enquiry into the Case of the Gospel Demoniacks, occasioned by Mr. Farmer's Letters on the Subject,’ 1779, 8vo, a posthumous publication.

[Cooke's Preacher's Assistant; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715−1886; Gent. Mag. 1778, p. 495; Graduati Cantabr. (1823), p. 530; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), iii. 204, 206; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. vii. 477; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Williams's Eminent Welshmen, p. 544.]

WORTLEY, STUART-. [See Stuart-Wortley.]

WORTLEY, Sir FRANCIS (1591−1652), poet, born in 1591, was son of Sir Richard Wortley, knight, by Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Boughton of Cawston, Warwickshire, who became after Sir Richard's death (1603) the wife of William Cavendish, earl of Devonshire (Hunter, South Yorkshire, ii. 316). Wortley matriculated from Magdalen College, Oxford, on