Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/116

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falcate 'f c:l,ket adj. bent or curvd like a sickle ; hookt : as, a wing *falcate at the tip.

falcated 'fc:l,ketid adj. curvd like a sickle; sickle^shaped ; hookt; falcate/

fall fc:l n. descent from a higher to a lower position, due either to the force of gravity or to artificial impulse or power; a dropping or tumbling down; a downfall; a drop.

fall fc:l intr. [past participle fallen; preterit fell} descend from a higher to a lower position or level; drep thru the working of gravity or the application of artificial im- pulse or power; come down; settle; sink. fall calm, become calm; cease to blow, as the wind.

fall-cloud 'fc:l,k3Laud n. stratus cloud; cloud of night.

falling-star 'fc:-lirj,sta:z n. a shooting^star ; a meteor.

fall-mantle 'fc:l,msentl n. same meaning as parachutezcloak.

fan-blade 'f3en,bleed n. one of the blades or vanes of a fan or fansouheel.

fan-blast 'f3en,bla:st n. a fanning^apparatus, fan^uoheel, blower, or bellows proposed for use in airships as a means of creating a blast or strong current of air for propulsion; a fan^blower; a fan^propeller.

fan-blower 'faen^oo-sz n. an air^blower workt by fans or blades; a fansblast; a fan^propeller.

fanner 'faensz n. a device, such as a blade, vane, or paddle, for fanning or blowing air.

fanning-distance 'faenin,distns n. the distance at tuhich a flymgzmachine begins to fan, or throw out perceptible air^currents against, a neighboring object, as the ground.

fan-propeller 'faen-p^pelaz n. a propeller which works by means of fans, fanners, or vanes, which, by their rotary or other motion create a blast or string current of air used for propulsiv or experimental purposes; a fan^blast.

fan-wheel 'faen,tuii} n. a tuheeWike or rotary blowing^appa- ratus having fans or vanes; a fan^propeller; a saikiuheel.

fast-falling 'fa:st,fc:-lirj adj. falling or descending fast or rapidly, as an aeroplane; suuiftly^falling.

fast-flying 'faist/ftai-irj adj. flying fast or rapidly; sunftly* flying: as, a *fastef lying aeroplane.

fata Morgana ,fa:-t3-mez'ga:-n3 n. a kind of mirage, most frequently seen in the Straits of Messina.

feather 'fedaz n. [also spelt f ether] one of the epidermal ap- pendages which together constitute the plumage, the pecu- liar covering of birds, consisting typically of a main stem or shaft fringed on either side with a vane or web; (in the plural, collectivly) the plumage.

axillary feathers t the innermost of the under covert*

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