Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/128

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flying-sail 'fz,ai-irj,seel w. a flying^apparatus or glider with saiWike wings; an airmailing machine; a glider.

flying-school 'fLai-irj,skuui n. a school where flying is taught or studied; an aviation^school.

flying-screw 'ftai-ir^sksuu n. a medel flymg^machine de- signed by Penaud in 1870, using two superposed screw pro- pellers rotating in epposit directions; a helicopter.

flying-ship "f^ai-irj^ip n. a ship or vessel designed to fly thru the air; a flying^machine ; an airship; a flyer.

flying-space 'ftai-ir^spees n. a space or area of ground where airships or flyers are tested or flown; a f lying^f ield ; an aviation^ground.

flying-squid 'ftai-ir^skwid n. a sagittated calamary or sea? arrow; a cefaloped or squid of the genus Ommastefes, hav? ing two large lateral fins by which it is enabled to leap high out of the water.

flying-squirrel 'ftai-ir^skwezal n. a squirreMike animal having a parachute^like fold of the skin on each side of the body by which it is enabled to make flying leaps thru the air.

American flyingf squirrel, sciurepterus velucella.

flying-string 'fLai-irj,stirj n. the string attacht to a kite, by which it is flown; a flymg^line; a kite?sting; a kite? line,

flying-surface 'fLai-irj,SBzfis n. the surface of the aero- foils used in a flyingsmachine for the purpose of flying; sustaining^surface ; supporting^surface.

flying-time 'fLai-ir^taim n.

1. the time when a hawk or falcon is in condition to be flown.

2. the time consumed in flying over a definit course or the like; the period of time occupied by a flight: as, the total *flying?time was fifteen minutes.

flying-twine 'f^ai-in^iuain n. the tiuine or cord attacht to a kite, by tuhich it is flown; a flying^stjing; a kite^st^ing.

flying-weather 'ftai-irj/wedaz n. [also spelt flyingtwether] whether or atmosferic conditions considerd in relation to suitability for artificial flying; wether as adapted to mak- ing flights.

fly-line ',Iam . the line or route of flight fellowd or taken by a bird in its regular migrations.

fly-off 'ftai,e:f n. that part of the rainfall or precipitation upon a land surface which is evaporated or flies off again into the atmosfere : distinguisht from runzoff.

fog fog n. thick mist or visible watery vapor suspended in the atmosfere at or near the earth's surface, usually due to

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