gliding-apparatus 'glai-dirj-aepa^ee-tas n. an apparatus for
gliding thru the air; a glider. gliding- da turn, 'glai-dirj/lee-tam n. [plural glidingedata] a
datum, or given or granted fact, concerning the action of gliding planes or aerofoils.
gliding-effect 'glai-dirj-i,fekt w. an effect produced by gliding; a gliding or skimming movement.
gliding-experiment 'glai-dirj-ik^pezi-mgnt n. an experi- ment with a gliding^machine or glider; a test made with a gliding plane or aerofoil.
glidingly 'glai-dirj-li adv. in a gliding manner.
gliding-machine 'glai-din-ma^iin n. a machine or appara- tus designed for gliding thru the air; an aeroplane, usually without a motor, by means of tuhich, or in which, glides may be made in the air, as from a higher to a lower level; a glider.
gliding-path 'glai-din,pa:9 n. the path or course of a glide; the path or line of motion of a gliding plane, propeller? blade, or other aerofoil.
gliding-plane 'glai-din,pz,een n. one of the planes or aero- plane surfaces forming part of the gliding or steering? apparatus of a dinbible balloon; a governing^plane.
gliding-speed 'glai-dirj,sprid n. the speed at uuhich an aerial vehicle glides or is capable of gliding; the speed at tuhich an aeroplane makes a gliding descent.
gloaming 'g!oo-mirj n. twilight, especially the evening tun- light; glooming; dusky light; shade, dusk.
globe gloob . a ball; the sfere or sferical gasbag of a bal- loon.
globo-cirrns ,gtoo-bo'siz3s n. [ploral globoftirri] a globular or balWike cirrus cloud from which fibers or filaments stream downward.
globo- cumulus 'gloo-bo,kc,umju-:tas n. cloud consisting of slightly elongated, hemisferic, grayish masses, appearing in nimbus or rain^cloud.
gloom gloum n. an mdef init degree of darkness ; shadowy ob- scurity.
glooming 'glou-mirj n. (in poetry) gloaming.
glory 'glo:-zi n. one of the colord circles seen around the shadow of a person's hed n a feg.
diffraction glory, a glory due to diffraction of light, rather than to refraction, etc.
goldbeater 'goold,bii-t3z n.
goldbeater's skin, a light, skin?like animal membrane used in beating out gokUleaf, and also, sometimes, for making balloon^envelops.
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