Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/189

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��parabola pa'zxbg-la n. a curv such as fermd by the inter- section of a cone with a plane parallel with its side; a plane curv which is everywhere equally distant from a cer- tain fixt point or focus and a certain straight line or directrix.

parabolic 'pser3,b0hk adj. having the form of, or resem- bling a parabola; "of luhich the section is a parabola; ef or related lo the parabola : as, a *parabelic wing^section.

parachute 'paez3,$ut n.

1. an apparatus, usually of an umbrella shape, carried in a balloon and used by the aeronaut as a means of descend- ing safely to the ground, as in the case of an accident to the balloon; also, any similar but smaller device.

dirigible parachute, a parachute that may be guided or steerd; a steerable parachute.

double doubleiparachute leap, a leap or jump made by two performers by the aid of a double parachute.

double parachute, a parachute^apparatus invented oy Lattemann consisting of two parachutes luhich at the start are attacht to the balloon folded and one above the other, the lower one opening out first, and the other afterward.

double parachute descent, a descent in a double parachute.

parachute light, a bright light given by a burning compo- sition usually attacht to a small parachute and issuing, along with the parachute, from a small born (cald a para- chute lighteball) from which it is set free by explosion. used by armies in observing the position or movements of the enemy at night.

rotary parachute, a parachute which descends with a ro- tary or turning motion.

2. any natural structure or organ serving to check a fall thru the air, or to support something in the air, as the pa- tagium of a flymg^squirrel.

parachute 'paez9,$ut v.

1. tr. convey by the aid of a parachute : as, I was

  • parachuted down.

2. intr. descend by, or as if by, a parachute. parachute-bearing 'paez9-$ut,be:-zirj adj. bearing or hav-

ing a parachute; provided with a parachute or patagium. parachute-cloak 'paeza-Ju^ktook n. a cloakslike sleeveless

garment for aviators, which, in case of a fall, is designed

to open out and act as a parachute; a fall^mantle. parachute-cord 'psez3-$ut,ke:rd n. the cerd which connects

a parachute with a balloon or airship. parachute-descent 'paez3-$ut-di,sent n. a descent in, or by

means ef, a parachute.

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