Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/207

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spurious rainbow, a relativly faint bow seen close inside the violet of the primary bow of a finely developt rainbow, or outside the violet of the secondary bow; a supernu- merary rainbow.

supernumerary rainbow, same meaning as spurious rain-

1 bow.

rain-chart 'zeen,t$a:zt n. a chart or map showing the distji- bution of the rainfall over a certain area; a rain^map.

rain-cloud 'zeen,ki,aod n. a cloud from which rain falls; nimbus; cumulo-nimbus or stjato-mmbus ; also, sometimes, fracto-cumulus, and, further, scud.

rain-crow 'zeen,k30o n. a tjee-cuckoo eften heard in lower- ing wether, and supposed to foretell rain.

rainfall 'zeen,fc:l n.

1. a fall or shower of rain.

2. the quantity of rain (or rain, snow, etc.,) which falls in a certain time in a given area, mesured by its average depth (or the depth of its equivalent in the ferm of water), in inches or otherwise.

rainfall-chart 'zeen-fc:l,t$a:zt n. an isohyetal chart.

rain-gage 'zeen,geed3 n. [also spelt faint gauge] an instru- ment for collecting and mesunng the amount of rainfall at a given place; a pluviometer.

rain-maker 'zeen,mee-k3z n. one who pretends to cause rain by some fysical precess, as by the explosion of dynamite.

rain-map 'zeen,maep n. same meaning as raintchart.

rain-proof 'zeen,p5ouf adj. proof against rain; raintight; waterproof in a shower.

rain-storm 'zeen,sterm n. a sterm of rain; a rain.

rain-streak 'zeen,stiik n. a streak or taiWike mass seen in connection with cumulus cloud, due to rain falling slowly and drifting behind in the lower wind, compare tailed cir- rus under cirrus.

rain-tight 'zeen,tait adj. so tight as to exclude rain; rains: proof.

rain-wind 'reen/wmd n. a wind blowing from the point or region whence rain is coming, as one blowing from the ocean, from the earth's equator, or up a mountainside.

rake zeek v.

1. intr. incline from the perpendicular or the horizontal, as the mast, stem, or stern of a water^ship.

2. tr. give a rake to; cause to incline or slope.

rake zeek n. inclination or slope away from a perpendicular

or herizental line : as, the *rake of a ship's mast. raking 'ree-kirj adj. having a rake or inclination; inclining. rami 'zee,mai n. pi. see ramus.

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