Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/256

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tonnage 'tAnids n. the weight of goods or load which at airship is capable of carrying; the carrying-capacity of ar aircraft.

top-light 't0p,lait n. a signal-light placed at the top of ai: airship while in flight.

topography ts'pegza-fi n. [also spelt topografy] the detaild description of a particular region, place, or tact of land; a grafic representation of a certain land-area; also, the fea- tures of a region or land-area.

torch-bomb 't0:zt$,bem n. [also spelt torchzbom] a bem or bem-like missil which is used as, or which carries or servs as a torch, as for illuminating the terrain, and showing the position of the enemy.

tornado ,tez'nee-do n. [plural tornadoes'] a violent squall or whirlwind of small extent; an archt squall, occurring in topical regions; in the United States, a violent and rap- idly progressiv tuhirlwind of small radius usually seen as a whirling funnel hanging from a mass of black cloud.

tornado-funnel ^ez'nee-do^Anl n. a funnel-shaped for- mation observd during a tornado; a windspout.

torque te:zk n. the moment of twisting- force; a function serving as a mesure of a turning-force such as that applied to the shaft which drives a propeller; turning-moment; twisting-effect ; twist.

tourbilliou ,toz'bili-3n n. a device likend to or producing an effect similar to a whirlwind.

aerial tourbillion, a device consisting of a rotor of seg- mental section turning en an axis, so made that, if given a sufficient initial rotation and then held in a current of air with its plane face fronting the wind, it will have its speed accelerated and rotate with extreme rapidity.

touring-balloon 'to:-zirj-b3,luun n, a balloon designed for touring or traveling about.

touring-plane 'to:-zin,pjLeen n. an aeroplane flying-ma- chine designed for touring or traveling about; an aero- plane used for making journeys or tjips.

tourniquet 'tu:z-ni-ket n. [synonymous cognate torniquet] a twisting-device sometimes used to steer flight-models.

tower 'tau-9z intr. soar aloft thru the air, as a bird; rise in vertical or orthogonal flight; mount straight up in flight, as some birds do when wounded or flusht; recket.

towering 'tau-3-zir) n. the action of the verb tower; the process of rising vertically m flight; rocketing: as, the

  • towermg of hard-hit birds.

tractor 'traektaz n. that which draws; a device for drawing or polling.

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