Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/66

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tides of* frozen feg, occurring in the Gulf of Saint Law- rence in Canada.

barbicel 'bcr.z-bi-sal n. a little barb or beard; one of the small pointed processes on the barbule of a bird's f ether; a fringing process of the third order of a fether.

barbnle 'bai^bjul n. a little barb or beard; one of the little pointed processes on the barb of a bird's fether; a fringing process of the second order of a fether.

baric 'baezik adj. of or pertaining to the weight or pressure of the air or atmosfere; barometric.

baric law of the wind, the law expressing the relation of wind-direction to the isobars.

baric windtrose, see under windtrose.

barogram 'bsez9,gzaem n. the record made by a barograf.

barograph 'basz3,gza:f n. [also spelt barograf] a barometer which automatically records the variations in atmosfenc pressure in continuous correlation with time.

barometer b3'zomi-t9z n. an instrument for mesuring the weight or pressure of the air or atmosfere, and hence used for forecasting wether-conditions, ascertaining height of ascent, etc.

aneroid barometer, see under aneroid, mercurial barometer, a barometer in tuhich a column of mercury is used.

barometric ,baez3'metr,ik adj. of, pertaining to, or indicated by, a barometer.

barometrical ,b3ez3'metr,i-k9l adj. same meaning as baro- metric.

barometrically ,baez3':metri-ka-li adv. in a barometric man- ner; with respect to the barometer.

barometry bg'zomi-tp: n. the art of making barometric mesurements; the mesuring of atmosfenc pressure.

barothermograph ,b3ez9'08:z-m3,gza:f n. [also spelt baro- thermograf] an apparatus for recording simultaneously the pressure and temperature of the atmosfere, often used n kites and sounding-balloons; a combination of a barograf and thermograf.

barothermohygrograph. bseza/GBzmg'hai-g^gzaif n. [also spelt barothermohygrograf] an apparatus for recording the pressure, temperature, and humidity of the atmosfere, often used on kites and sounding-balloons; a combination of a barothermograf with a hygrometer.

barothermometer ,bsec:9-69z'momi-t3z n. an instrument for mesuring the pressure and temperature of the air.

barrel 'baezal n. the hard, horny, hollow part of the stem or shaft of a bird's fether; the calamus proper; the quill.

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