Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/71

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boat-shaped 'boot,$eept adj. shaped like a boat, as the car of an airship.

body 'bedi n. the main, central, or principle part of an aeroplane or airship, tuhere the motor, fuel, or other load is containd; the fuselage or nacelle of a dirigible.

body-cradle 'bedi,ksee-dl n. a cradle or framework in a flying=machine, upon which the operator's body rests in such a manner that, by stuaymg from side to side, he may impart to the cradle certain lateral movements for con- tr,olling the wing^tips. compare shouldertyoke and seat* back.

body-frame 'bed^f seem n. the frame or framework of the body of an airship or f lying^machine ; the bedy^framework.

body-framework 'bedi,fseem-wB:zk n. the framework of the bedy of an airship or flymg^machine, the bedy^frame.

body-part 'bedi,pa:zt n. the part or portion of an airship which constitutes the bedy; the bedy, fuselage, or nacelle of a dirigible.

body-plane 'bedi,pi,een n. the plane or aeroplane consti- tuting the bedy or main part of a flymg^machine, as distin- guisht from subordinate planes such as those constituting the wings or vanes.

body-resistance 'bedi-zi,zistns n. the resistance efferd by the air to the bedy of an aerofoil itself, independently of its surface; the hed^resistance ; the hulkresistance.

bomb bem n. [also spelt bom} an explosiv projectil having the ferm of a sfencal shell; a bemshell; also, a sandbag or other missil drept or cast from an airship in a manner similar to that in luhich bems are thrown.

bomb-casting 'bem,ka:-stirj n. [also spelt bomfcasting] the action of casting bems, as from airships; bemsthrowing.

boom bourn n. a leng spar, pole, or rod, as one of those carrying the tail of an aircraft.

boomerang 'bou-m9,z3er) n. a curvd missil used in war and the chase by the aborigines of Australia. It is thrown by hand and may be made to return to the thrower.

bora 'bo:-z3 n. a violant dry wind in the region of the Adri- atic Sea which blows down off the plateau of Cormthia from the northeast or north.

Boreas / bo:-zi-9s n.

1. (in Greek mythology) the ged of the nerth wind.

2. the nerth wind personified; a cold, northerly wind. boss be:s n. the enlarged part of a shaft en which the tuheel

or propeller of an airship is keyed.

bottom 'bet9m n. the surface of the earth considerd as the base of the atmosfere or floor of the ocean of air.

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