Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/127

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  • iberoamericano [adj; n] Latin American.
  • ida leaving, going, trip out A la ida, el viaje fué mas agradable que a la vuelta. The trip out was more pleasant than the return.
     billete de ida y vuelta round-trip ticket.
  • idea idea.
  • ideal [adj] ideal, perfect.  [m] ideal, principie.
  • idear to plan, invent Ideó un mecanismo para pelar fruta. He invented an instrument for peeling fruit.
  • idéntico identical.
  • identidad [f] identity.  identification ¿Tiene Ud. documentos de identidad? Have you any identification?
  • identificar to identify.
     identificarse con to identify oneself with.
  • idioma [m] language, tongue El Consul habla muchos idiomas. The Consul speaks many languages.
  • idolatrar to worship, idolize, adore Te idolatro. I adore you.
  • ídolo idol.
  • iglesia church; clergy.
  • ignorancia ignorance.
  • ignorante ignorant.
  • ignorar not to know, lack knowledge Ignora las cosas más elementales. He doesn't know the most elementary things.
  • igual same, similar La madre y la hija tienen los ojos iguales. Mother and daughter have the same eyes.  even Tiene un carácter muy igual. He has a very even disposition.  [m] equal, peer Era un hombre sin igual. He was a man without (an) equal.—Solo se trata con sus iguales. He only deals with his equals.
     de igual a igual as one equal to another, man to man Le habló de igual a igual. He spoke to him man to man.  igual a equal to, the same as Esta mesa es igual a aquélla. This table's the same as that one.  igual que Pienso igual que Ud. I think the same as you.  por igual evenly Extienda Ud. la arena por igual. Spread the sand evenly.  serle a uno igual to be all the same to one Que venga o no venga me es igual. Whether he comes or not it's all the same to me.
  • igualar to equal No iguala a su hermano. He doesn't equal his brother.  to level No han igualado la carretera. The road hasn't been leveled.
     igualar con or a to put oneself on the same plane as, compare oneself with No te iguales a tu hermano porque vale más que tú. Don't compare yourself with your brother because he's a better man than you.  igualarse to be equal, to be tied (score) Los dos equipos se igualaron al final. The two teams were tied at the finish.
  • igualdad [f] equality Libertad, igualdad y fraternidad. Liberty, equality, and fraternity.  evenness, smoothness.
  • ilegal illegal, unlawful.
  • ilícito illicit, immoral.
  • ilimitado boundless, unlimited Su audacia es ilimitada. His audacity is boundless.
  • iluminar to light, illumine Iluminaron el salón con todas las luces. They turned on all the lights in the salon.—Han iluminado muy bien el estadio. They've lighted the stadium very well.
  • ilusión [f] illusion, delusion.
     hacerse ilusiones to kid oneself.  to bank on No se haga Ud. ilusiones sobre ese negocio. Don't bank too much on that business.  tener ilusiones (de) to have hopes or illusions Tiene ilusiones de casarse algún día. She has hopes of getting married some day.
  • ilusionar to thrill La idea de ver a mi madre me ilusiona mucho. The idea of seeing my mother thrills me veiw much.
     ilusionarse (con) to get excited, thrilled Se ilusiona con cualquier cosa. She gets excited over anything.
  • ilustración [f] learning Es un hombre de mucha ilustración. He's a very learned man.  illustration, picture Las ilustraciones del libro son muy buenas. The illustrations of the book are very good.
  • ilustrado learned Era un hombre muy ilustrado. He was a very learned man.  illustrated, with pictures Pidió una revista ilustrada para distraerse. He asked for a picture magazine to amuse himself.
  • ilustrar to illustrate Es un buen artista el que ha ilustrado este libro. The artist who illustrated this book is very good.
     ilustrarse to educate oneself Le gustaba ilustrarse viajando. He liked to educate himself by traveling.
  • ilustre illustrious, distinguished.
  • imagen [f] image, representation; image, reflection.
  • imaginar to think of, figure out Imagine