Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/142

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  • hacer, además hace calor. In the first place I'm busy, and besides it's too hot.  tener lugar to take place La ceremonia tuvo lugar en el cementerio. The services took place at the cemetery.
  • lujo luxury.
     de lujo de luxe, luxurious.
  • lujoso luxurious, showy.
  • lumbre [f] fire (in stove, fireplace) Se sentaron cerca de la lumbre. They sat near the fire.  light Se me apagó el cigarro. ¿Quiere Ud. darme lumbre? My cigar went out. Will you give me a light?
  • luminoso bright, luminous Una idea luminosa.  bright idea.
  • luna moon Estaban paseando a la luz de la luna. They were walking in the moonlight.
     estar en la luna to be distracted.  luna de miel honeymoon.  luna llena full moon.
  • lunar [m] mole, beauty mark Tenía un lunar en el cuello. She had a mole on her neck.  polka dot Llevaba un traje de lunares. She was wearing a polka dot dress.
  • lunes [m] Monday.
  • lunfardo Argentine slang.
  • lustrar to polish, shine Tengo que lustrarme los zapatos. I have to shine my shoes.
  • lustre [m] luster, shine, polish; splendor.
     dar lustre to shine, polish.
  • luto mourning; grief; mourning garments.
     estar de luto to be in mourning.
  • luz [f] light No puedo ver con esta luz. I can't see in this light.—Hizo luz en el asunto. He shed some light on the matter.
     a todas luces any way you look at it A todas luces es cierto. It's true any way you look at it.  dar a la luz to publish.  dar a luz to give birth (to a child).  entre dos luces in the twilight Llegaron entre dos luces. They arrived at twilight.  luces intelligence Es un hombre de muchas luces. He's a man of great intelligence.


  • macana fib, tall tale, exaggeration [Arg].
    || ¡Qué macana! How annoying! [Arg]
  • macanudo excellent, wonderful, super [Am].
  • maceta flowerpot; potted plant.
  • machacar to crush Machacó la piedra completamente. He crushed the stone completely.  to harp (on a subject) Es inútil, no machaque Ud. más. It's useless, don't harp on it any longer.
  • macho [adj; m] male (animals).
  • macizo [adj] solid Era una barra de oro macizo. It was a solid gold bar.  [m] flower bed En medio del jardín había un macizo (de flores). There was a flower bed in the middle of the garden.
  • madera wood La caja estaba hecha de madera de'sándalo. The box was made of sandalwood.  lumber, timber La madera no está todavía seca. The lumber is still green.  qualities, talent Tiene madera de actor. He has a talent for acting.
  • madero beam; timber.
  • madrastra stepmother.
  • madre [f] mother.  origin, source, cradle Grecia fué la madre de la civilización occidental. Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
     madre política mother-in-law Le voy a presentar a mi madre política. I'm going to introduce you to my mother-in-law.  salirse de madre to overflow El río se salió de madre. The river overflowed.  to lose control of oneself.
  • madrina godmother.
  • madrugada dawn.
     de madrugada at daybreak, at dawn.
  • madrugar to rise early.
  • madurar to ripen La uva maduró bien aquel verano. The grapes ripened well that summer.  to think out, develop (an idea) Maduró la idea antes de realizarla. He thought out the idea thoroughly before putting it into practice.  to mature Maduró con los años. He became more mature with the passing of the years.
  • madurez [f] maturity, ripeness.
  • maduro ripe; mature (of persons).
  • maestro teacher Los chicos escuchaban al maestro. The children were listening to the teacher.  master, craftsman Era maestro en su oficio. He was master of his trade.
  • magistrado magistrate; judge (higher courts).