Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/164

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  • paisano, paisana person from same province or city Este señor es gallego; es paisano mío. This gentleman's a Galician; he's from my province.  civilian En la plaza había algunos militares y muchos paisanos. In the square there were some army men and many civilians.
     de paisano in civilian clothes, in mufti Iba vestido de paisano. He was wearing civilian clothes.
  • paja straw.
     echarlo a pajas to draw straws Vamos a echarlo a pajas para ver quien paga. Let's draw straws to see who pays.
  • pájaro, pájara bird Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.  bird in the hand's worth two in the bush.
  • pala spade, shovel; dust pan.
  • palabra word ¿Cómo se escribe esa palabra? How do you spell that word?
     decir de palabra to tell in person, to tell by word of mouth Es mejor que se lo diga de palabra que no por escrito. It's better to tell him in person than in writing.  ¡palabra! honestly! no fooling! no kidding! Lo que le dijo es cierto ¡palabra! No kidding! What he told him's true.  palabra de honor word of honor Dio su palabra de honor. He gave his word of honor.  palabras mayores no joking matter, insulting Esas son palabras mayores. That's no joking matter. or It's insulting.  pedir (or tener) la palabra "¡Pido la palabra!" "Un momento, por favor. Ahora la tiene el presidente." "May I have the floor?" "One moment, please. The president has the floor now."
  • palacio palace.
  • palco box (theater).
  • pálido pale.
  • paliza beating, spanking.
  • palma palm (leaf, tree) La avenida estaba bordeada de palmas. The avenue was lined with palms.  palm (hand) Conozco este lugar como la palma de la mano. I know this place like the palm of my hand.
     llevar la palma to win the prize, carry the day Me parece que te has llevado la palma. I think you've won the prize.
  • palmada clapping; pat (on the back).
     dar palmadas to clap, applaud.
  • palmo span (measure of length: 8 inches).
  • palo stick Tenía un palo en la mano. He had a stick in his hand.  pole El palo del telégrafo cayó en tierra. The telegraph pole fell on the ground.  wood La cuchara y el tenedor eran de palo. The spoon and fork were made of wood.  tree [Am] Los palos están en flor. The trees are in bloom.  suit (in cards) ¿Qué palo es el triunfo? What's trumps?
     dar de palos to club, beat Le dieron de palos. They gave him a beating.
  • paloma pigeon, dove.
  • palpitante [adj] throbbing, beating.
  • palpitar to beat, throb, quiver.
  • pampa pampa, plain [Arg].
     estar a la pampa to be outdoors, camp [Am].
  • pan [m] bread.
     pan integral whole-wheat bread.  pan seco, pan duro stale bread.  pan tierno fresh bread.
  • panadería bakery.
  • panadero, panadera baker.
  • panamericano Pan-American.
  • pandereta tambourine.
  • pandillero gangster [Am].
  • panecillo roll (bread) Los panecillos están muy tiernos. The rolls are very soft.
  • pánico panic, fright.
  • panorama [m] panorama.
  • pantalla lamp shade Cambie la pantalla de esta lámpara. Change the shade on this lamp.  film, screen, movie Conocía a muchas estrellas de la pantalla. He knew many movie stars.
  • pantalones [m pl] trousers, pants.
  • pantano swamp, marsh, bog.
  • pantomima pantomime.
  • pantorrilla calf (of the leg).
  • panza belly, paunch.
  • pañal [m] diaper.
  • pañito small cloth.
  • paño cloth, woolen goods.
  • pañuelo handkerchief, kerchief; shawl.
  • Papa [m] Pope El Papa reside en el Vaticano. The Pope lives in the Vatican.
  • papa [f] potato [Am] Nos dieron puré de papas. They gave us mashed potatoes.
  • papá [m] papa, pop, dad.
  • papaya papaya (fruit).
  • papel [m] paper ¿Está hecho de papel o de tela? Is it made of paper or cloth?  paper, document Guarda esos papeles, son importantes. Keep those papers; they're important.  role, part Tendrá a su cargo el pa-