Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/195

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  • dos días más. They held that hill two more days.
  • retirada retreat, retirement, withdrawal.
  • retirar to withdraw Puede Ud. retirar esa cantidad del Banco. You may withdraw that amount from the bank.  to pull back, put aside Retire un poco la silla para que se pueda pasar. Pull the chair aside a little so there'll be room to pass.  to retire Lo retiraron a los setenta años. They retired him at seventy.
     retirarse to withdraw, retreat Las fuerzas se retiraron. The forces withdrew.  to retire Se ha retirado de los negocios. He's retired from business.
  • retiro retirement (from social life, business, or profession).
  • retrasar to postpone Retrasaron la fecha de la reunión. They postponed the date of the meeting.  to delay Ciertos asuntos me retrasaron. Some business delayed me.  to set back Retrasó el reloj. He set back his watch.
     retrasarse to run slow El reloj se retrasa. That clock runs slow.  to be late Siento haberme retrasado tanto. I'm sorry to be so late.
  • retratar to portray; to take a picture of.
  • retrato portrait, painting, photograph.
  • retrete [m] toilet (room) [Sp].
  • retroceder to go back, come back Retrocedió unos pasos para reunirse con nosotros. He came back a few steps to join us.  to back up El auto retrocedió hasta quedar enfrente de la puerta. The car backed up until it was in front of the door.  to draw back, go back (on) No podía retroceder de su decisión. He couldn't go back on his decision.
  • reunión [f] meeting, gathering, assembly, party.
  • reunir to unite, gather, bring together Reunió todos sus amigos en una fiesta. He brought all his friends together at a party.  to collect Reunieron mucho dinero en la función benéfica. They collected a lot of money at the benefit.
     reunirse to meet Se reúnen en su casa todos los miércoles. They meet at his home every Wednesday.  to unite, gang up Se han reunido todos contra mí. They've all ganged up on me.
  • revelación [f] revelation.
  • revelar to reveal, show Revela gran talento. He shows great talent.  to develop ¿Reveló Ud. ya las fotografías? Have you developed the pictures yet?
  • reventar [rad-ch I] to burst, bust La cañería reventó. The water main busted.  to annoy (to death), irritate Ese tipo me revienta. That fellow annoys me to death.  to burst, be full Reventaba de salud. He was bursting with health.  to exhaust, knock out La caminata me reventó. The long walk exhausted me.
     estar reventado to be exhausted, be knocked out Después de esa caminata estoy reventado. After that long walk I'm knocked out.  reventarse to blow out, explode Se reventó un neumático. A tire blew out.
  • revés [m] wrong side, reverse side Ese es el revés de la tela. This is the wrong side of the material.  slap (with back of hand).  backhand shot Fué un buen revés. It was a good backhand shot.
     al revés the contrary, the opposite No es así, precisamente es al revés. It's not like this; it's just the opposite.  the wrong way, wrong Todo le salía al revés. Everything he did went wrong.  del revés inside out, wrong side out La chaqueta está del revés. The jacket's wrong side out.
  • revisar to revise; to review, examine.
  • revisor [m] conductor (on train) [Sp].
  • revista review Se pasó revista a los soldados. The soldiers were reviewed.  magazine Es una revista muy cara. It's a very expensive magazine.
  • revolución [f] revolution, revolt; revolution, turn.
  • revolucionario [adj; m] revolutionary.
  • revólver [m] revolver, pistol.
  • revolver [rad-ch I] to revolve.  to stir Revuélvalo Ud. con una cuchara. Stir it with a spoon.  to turn upside down El niño lo revolvía todo en la casa. The child was turning the house upside down.
  • revuelta revolt Lo revuelta empezó en un cuartel. The revolt started in one of the barracks.  turn Al llegar a la revuelta del camino, paró. He stopped when he reached the turn in the road.
  • revuelto (see revolver) [adj] topsy-turvy.
  • rey [m] king.
  • rezar to pray, say (prayers) Rezaba todos los días sus oraciones. He said his prayers every day.
     rezar con to concern or affect La