Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/219

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  • trámite [m] business transaction.
  • trampa trap Pusieron algunas trampas para los ratones. They set several rat traps.
     hacer trampas to cheat Hace trampas cuando juega. He cheats when he plays.
  • trance [m]  a todo trance at any cost Está resuelto a hacerlo a todo trance. He is determined to do it at any cost.  en trance de at the point of Estaba en trance de muerte. He was at the point of death.
  • tranquilidad [f] rest, peace, tranquillity.
  • tranquilizarse to be reassured Me he tranquilizado con lo que Ud. me ha dicho. What you have told me has reassured me.  to calm oneself, be calmed ¡Tranquilícese! Calm yourself!
  • tranquilo [adj] quiet.
  • transacción [f] settlement; transaction.
  • transcurrir to pass, elapse Transcurrió mucho tiempo sin que le volviera a ver.  long time passed without her seeing him again.
  • transeúnte [adj] transient.  [m] passer-by.
  • transferir [rad-ch II] to transfer.
  • transformar to transform.
  • transición [f] transition.
  • transigir to settle, compromise ¡Con eso no transijo! I won't compromise on that!  to agree Transigieron en hablarle. They agreed to talk to him.
  • tránsito passage Se prohibe el tránsito. No thoroughfare.
     de tránsito in transit Estaba de tránsito. He was passing through.
  • transmisión [f] transmission; broadcast(ing) La transmisión del programa de radio será a las ocho de la noche. The program will be broadcast at eight P.M.
  • transmisora broadcasting station.
  • transmitir to transmit; to broadcast.
  • transparente transparent.  [m] window shade.
  • transportar to transport, carry.
  • transporte [m] transport; transportation.
  • tranvía [m] street car.
  • trapero rag picker.
  • trapo piece of cloth.  rag Déme Ud. el trapo para limpiar la mesa. Give me the rag to clean the table.
     a todo trapo to beat the band Estaban charlando a todo trapo. They were talking to beat the band.  poner como un trapo to insult, skin alive.
    || Siempre están charlando de trapos. They're always discussing clothes.
  • tras after La policía andaba tras él. The police were after him.  behind Estaba tras la puerta. It was behind the door.
     tras de behind Iba tras de ella. He was walking behind her.
  • trasero [adj] rear, back La parte trasera del automóvil. The rear part of the automobile.  [m] rear, hind part.
  • trasladar to transfer La trasladaron a otro departamento. She was transferred to another department.
     trasladarse to move (change place of residence or work) Se han trasladado a otra ciudad. They've moved to another city.
  • trasnochador [m] night-owl.
  • trasnochar to be up all night.
  • traspasar to go through, pierce El balazo le traspasó el corazón. The bullet pierced his heart.  to transfer, sell (a business) Traspasó la tienda muy ventajosamente. He sold the business very profitably.
  • traspatio back yard [Am].
  • trastornado (see trastornar) crazy, insane.
  • trastornar to upset, disturb Trastornó toda la habitación. He upset the whole room.  to drive insane El disgusto la trastornó. The misfortune drove her insane.
  • tratado treaty; treatise.
  • tratamiento medical treatment; courteous form of address.
  • tratante [m] dealer (in cattle or grain) Es un tratante en granos. He's a grain dealer.
  • tratar to treat Lo trataron con desprecio. They treated him with contempt. —

El médico la trató por mucho tiempo. The doctor treated her for a long time.  to handle Trate eso con cuidado. Handle that with care.
 tratar de to deal with (a subject or thing) Vamos a tratar de ese negocio. Let's deal with that business.  to try Trataron de resolver el problema. They tried to solve the problem.  to call Lo trató de loco. She called him a madman.  tratarse (con) to deal with (person), be on good or intimate terms (with) No me trato con Juan. I'm not on good terms with John.—Juan y Pedro no se tratan. John and Peter are not on good terms.  tratarse de to be the subject of, be a question of Se trata de hacerlo lo mejor posible. It's a question of doing it in the best possible way.

  • trato treatment Le dieron a él muy buen trato. They treated him very well.  behavior, manners Su trato es muy