Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/84

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  • demostración [f] proof Eso no necesita demostración. That doesn't need any proof.  demonstration Se le recibió con grandes demostraciones de alegría. He was received with great demonstrations of joy.
  • demostrar [rad-ch I] to prove Demostró que tenía razón. He proved he was right.  to show Demostró mucho talento. He showed great talent.
  • densidad [f] density.
  • dentadura set of teeth.
  • dentífrico toothpaste, toothpowder.
  • dentista [m, f] dentist.
  • dentro inside, into, within Le espero dentro. I'll wait for you inside.
     a dentro See adentro.  dentro de inside (of) Está dentro del cajón. It's inside the drawer.  in, within Vendrá dentro de dos meses. He'll be here in two months.  dentro de poco soon, in a little while Nos veremos dentro de poco. I'll see you again soon.  por dentro inside, on the inside La caja está pintada por dentro. The box is painted on the inside.
  • denunciar to denounce.
  • departamento section, department.  apartment [Am] Viven en una casa de departamentos. They live in an apartment house.
  • depender to depend, be dependent No le gusta depender de nadie. He doesn't like to be dependent on anyone.
     depende it depends Depende de lo que quiera Ud. hacer. It depends on what you want to do.
  • dependiente [m, f] clerk, salesman.
  • deplorar to deplore, regret, lament.
  • deponer [irr] to depose.
  • deportar to deport, exile.
  • deporte [m] sport ¿Le gustan a Ud. los deportes? Do you like sports?
  • deportista [m, f] sportsman, sportswoman.  [adj] fond of sports.
  • deportivo [adj] sport, athletic.
  • depositar to deposit Depositaron su dinero en el banco. They deposited their money in the bank.  to put, have Deposité en él toda mi confianza. I put all my trust in him.
  • depósito deposit, bond Para entrar en el país hay que dejar un depósito. You must leave a deposit in order to enter the country.  warehouse Estos edificios son los depósitos de la fábrica. These buildings are the warehouses of the factory.
     depósito de agua water tank; reservoir.  en depósito on deposit.
  • depravado depraved, lewd.
  • depreciado depreciated Esa mercadería está depreciada. That merchandise has depreciated.
  • depresión [f] depression.
  • deprimir to depress.
  • derecha right (hand), right (side) Tomamos el camino de la derecha. We took the road to the right.—Conserve (or lleve) la derecha. Keep to the right.
     a derechas right, well No hace nada a derechas. He doesn't do anything right.  a la derecha to the right.  de derecha conservative Pertenece a un partido de derecha. He belongs to a conservative party.
  • derecho [adj] right (opposed to left) Llevaba un anillo en la mano derecha. He wore a ring on his right hand.  straight Póngase Ud. la corbata derecha. Straighten your tie.  [m] right Ud. no tiene derecho a decirme eso. You have no right to say that to me.  law Es estudiante de derecho. He's a law student.
     del derecho right side out Fíjese que esté del derecho. Make sure it's right side out.  derechos de aduana customs duties No tiene Ud. que pagar derechos de aduana. You don't have to pay duty.  derechos de autor copyright; royalties.  hecho y derecho grown-up, full-fledged Es un hombre hecho y derecho. He's a real man now.  ponerse derecho to stand up straight.
  • derecho [adv] straight, right Siga Ud. todo derecho hasta la plaza. Go straight ahead to the square.
  • derramar to spill Derramó el agua en el mantel. He spilled water on the tablecloth.
  • derretir [rad-ch III] to melt El sol está derritiendo la nieve. The sun's melting the snow.
     derretirse to melt La mantequilla se está derritiendo. The butter's melting.
  • derribar to demolish, tear down Han derribado muchas casas viejas. Many old houses have been torn down.  to throw down, knock down De un golpe lo derribó al suelo. He knocked him down with one blow.  to overthrow Derribaron al gobierno. They overthrew the government.
  • derrochar to waste, squander.
  • derrota defeat, rout.
  • derrotar to defeat, rout.
  • derrumbarse to collapse, tumble down El