Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/95

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  • far Distaba mucho de ser cierto. It was far from certain.
  • distinción [f] distinction Era una mujer de mucha distinción. She was a woman of great distinction.  difference, distinction Hay que hacer una distinción entre los dos sonidos. It's necessary to make a distinction between the two sounds.  distinction, honor Aquella distinción era merecida. That distinction was well-deserved.
  • distinguir to distinguish, tell apart Era muy difícil distinguir a los gemelos. It was very difficult to tell the twins apart.  to make out ¿Distingue Ud. a lo lejos una luz? Can you make out a light in the distance?  to esteem, show regard for La distingue de un modo especial. He has a special regard for her.
     distinguirse to distinguish oneself.
  • distinto different.
  • distracción [f] absent-mindedness Lo hizo por distracción. He did it absentmindedly.  diversion, pastime, amusement El cine es una gran distracción. Movies are a great diversion.
  • distraer [irr] to distract Ese ruido me distrae. That noise distracts me.  to entertain, divert Me ha distraído mucho esta novela. I've enjoyed this novel very much.
     distraerse to be distracted, not to be able to concentrate Ese chico se distrae fácilmente. That child's easily distracted.
  • distribución [f] distribution.
  • distribuir to distribute Distribuyeron víveres. They distributed food.  to sort ¿Han distribuido el correo? Has the mail been sorted?
  • distrito district.
  • divagar to digress.
  • diván [m] couch.
  • diversidad [f] diversity.
  • diversión [f] pastime, diversion.
  • diverso different Tenían opiniones diversas. They had different opinions.
     diversos various, several Le he visto en diversas ocasiones. I've seen him on several occasions.
  • divertir [rad-ch II] to amuse, entertain, divert Esa película le divertirá mucho. That picture will amuse you.
     divertirse to be entertained, have a good time. ¿Se divirtieron Uds. anoche? Did you have a good time last night?
  • dividendo dividend.
  • dividir to divide.
  • divinidad [f] divinity.
  • divino divine.  very beautiful Era una mujer divina. She was a very beautiful woman.
     culto divino public worship in churches.
  • divisar to make out, perceive indistinctly.
  • división [f] division.  compartment El cajón de la cómoda tiene varias divisiones. The bureau drawer has several compartments.  disunity, discord Hay una gran división en el partido. There's a serious split in the party.  division [Mil] Se han rendido dos divisiones. Two divisions have surrendered.
  • divorciarse to get a divorce.
  • divorcio divorce.
  • divulgación [f] diffusion, spread.
  • divulgar to reveal, let out No'sé quien divulgó la noticia. I don't know who let out the news.  to popularize, make popular Ese libro ha contribuido mucho a divulgar la química. That book's done a lot to popularize chemistry.
     divulgarse to become widespread Se ha divulgado mucho el uso de ese tipo de radio. The use of this type of radio has become widespread.
  • doblar to fold Está doblando el mantel. She's folding the tablecloth.  to double Doblaron las apuestas. They doubled their bets.
     doblar la cabeza to give in, yield.  doblar la esquina to turn the corner.
  • doblarse to bend, sag Con tanto peso se doblará la barra. The rod'll bend under so much weight.
  • doble double Tendrá Ud. que pagar el doble. You'll have to pay double.  thick, heavy Quiero una tela doble. I want some heavy cloth.  deceitful, two-faced No se fíe Ud. de él, es muy doble. Don't trust him, he's very two-faced.
    || Ponga la manta doble. Double the blanket.
  • doblez [m] fold, crease Tiene que hacer el doblez bien derecho. You have to make the crease very straight.
  • doce twelve.
  • docena dozen.
  • dócil docile, obedient.
  • doctor [m] doctor (academic title) Acaba de obtener el grado de doctor en Filosofía. He's just received his Ph.D.  doctor (of medicine) El doctor dijo que será necesario operar. The doctor said it'll be necessary to operate.
  • doctrina doctrine; Sunday school.
  • documento document, paper.
  • dólar [m] dollar.