Page:Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect.pdf/29

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ă 鴉鵶 ㄚ¯ a raven, a crow, (lō̤-uă) (ŭ-ă)
ă-chiók 鴉鵲 a raven.
ă-chiók-ù-sĭng 鴉鵲無聲 met., not a sound to be heard.
ă-piéng 鴉片 opium (iòng-hŏng).
ă-piéng-guāng 鴉片館 an opium shop.
ă-piéng-gūi 鴉片鬼 a victim of the opium habit.
ă-piéng-hŏng, coll. 鴉片煙 opium, as prepared for smoking.
ă-piéng-ngiéng, coll. 鴉片癮 confirmed in the habit of smoking opium.
ă-piéng-sāi, coll. 鴉片屎 dregs of opium, as adhering to the pipe.
ă-piéng-tū, coll. 鴉片土 crude opium, opium balls.
ă, coll. (ŏ̤, ăk) a phonetic particle.
a-cì, coll. ⿰虫時 a cicada, wrongly called locust.
ă-mă 阿媽 a nurse of children.
ă-mū-nà̤-ā 阿姆尼亞 ammonia.
ă-mă ㄚ¯ forked.
ă-kuàng 丫鬟 a slave girl.
ă-tàu 丫頭 a female slave.
ă-tàu-giāng 丫頭仔 a slave girl.
ā ㄚ¯ ugly, the second in order.
ā-ciŭ 亞洲 Asia (below)
ā-cṳ̄ 亞子 the second son.
ā-hĭ-lé-gă 亞非利加 Africa, (hĭ-ciŭ).
ā-mà-ìng 亞麻仁 linseed.
ā-mī-lé-gă 亞美利加 America (mī-ciŭ).
ā-sá̤-ā 亞細亞 Asia.
ā-séng 亞聖 the secondary sage, Mencius.
ā-ṳ̀ 亞如 like, similar.
ā ㄚ¯ dumb.
ㄚ¯ same.
ā-cṳ̄ 啞子 a dumb man (bâng-ā).
ā-céng 啞症 dumbness.
ā-cṳ̄-siăh-uòng-lèng 啞子食黃蓮 the dumb eat the (bitter) uòng-lèng herb, met, one dumb with grief.
ā-céng (ù-ngiòng) 啞口(無言) nothing to say in defence of himself.