Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/114

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

humility called himself the stupid one.

ké cheng-cò̤ siang-kheh;
falsely gave him the title of merchant.
cheng-hu nâng, hok sĭ ēng kùi jī, ēng cun jī, ēng lĕng jī;
to compliment people by the use of the term Noble, or Honored, or Respected, before their names.
  • cheng995858
  • Pure; clear; to cleanse; cool.
cheng-khih; cheng-kiet;
sói cheng-khih;
wash it clean.
cheng-cheng khih-khih;
perfectly clean.
úa chìu kàu cheng-khih căi;
I have scrubbed it very clean.
cheng-cheng cĕng-cĕng;
perfectly cleansed.
cheng-cheng nē;
very pure.
cŏ̤ cheng;
let it set till it is clear.
thêng cheng;
let it stand till it becomes clear by settling.
cheng cúi;
pure water.
cheng tê;
pure tea.
cheng thng;
clear soup.
lṳ́ kâi chíu nah-sap, khṳ̀ sói cheng-khih;
your hands are dirty, go and wash them clean.
cheng-cheng pêh-pêh;
m̄ cheng-pêh;
not unblemished.
sin ke cheng-pêh;
an unsullied name.
lṳ́ màiⁿ tó̤ sói cheng;
do not try to excuse yourself for it.
līo-lí cheng-chó̤;
the whole matter is well arranged.
cheng-cheng chó̤-chó̤;
completely settled.
ūe tàⁿ lâi m̄ cheng-chó̤;
the subject is not definitely stated.
sìo-búe hâiⁿ būe cheng;
the balance is not paid in full.
hâiⁿ cheng lío;
paid in full.
i seⁿ lâi cheng-sìu căi;
he is very well formed.
tăi cheng kok;
cheng chîo;
the present dynasty.
cheng sim;
pure hearted.
thiⁿ-sî cheng-lîang;
the weather is agreeably cool.
cîah cheng-lîang;
to take cooling food.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ tîeh cheng kuaⁿ-húe hó̤, a cheng sim-húe hó̤, a sĭ cheng hùi-húe hó̤?
Do you think it is the liver, the heart, or the lungs, which requires medication?
cìe úa thóiⁿ li tîeh cheng sĭen-húe cìaⁿ hó̤;
according to my judgment, it is the kidneys which require to be acted upon.
the cool of the morning.
cheng sìo-bâk;
settle an account.
kâi gûeh cheng cêk tńg sìo;
settle the account monthly.
cheng sǹg mêng-pêh;
reckoned in full.
cheng ôiⁿ;
quite at leisure.
cheng-khih sìeⁿ;
clean looking.
cheng huang mêng gûeh;
balmy breezes and moonlight nights.
cúi cheng, kìⁿ cîeh;
transparent depths of water.
i kâi ke cheng, lṳ́ tîeh cai thóiⁿ kù i;
his family is in reduced circumstances, and you should be considerate toward him.
cò̤ cheng kuaⁿ;
an upright judge.
cheng lîam;
clean handed.
bw̄n tn̆g khoi cúi sói m̄ cheng;
a thousand fathoms of river water would not wash it clean.
  • chèng21214014
  • To perfume; to scent; to impart an odor.
ēng phang-cháu chèng i phang;
lay fragrant herbs among them, to impart a sweet odor.
cía tê sĭ chèng hue kâi, chèng kaù cn̂g kâi hue bī;
this tea has had flower petals mixed with it to scent it, till it tastes strongly of the flowers.
m̄-hó̤ khṳt i chèng tîeh;
do not let this take an odor from that.
khṳt i kâu khì-bī chèng tîeh cū àiⁿ seⁿ pēⁿ;
if you take in its exhalations, yon will become ill.
cieⁿ-ló̤ pàng sieⁿ tói chèng lío bŏi seⁿ cù-thâng;
put camphor into the box, and when it has imparted its scent, moths will not breed there.
i kâi saⁿ-khó chèng kàu phang căi;
her clothes are scented so as to be very flagrant.
  • chèng74866
  • To warm by steaming; heat what has before been cooked.
khioh khu cheng i sie;
take it and warm it up by steaming it.
kui i pàng tíaⁿ tói kò̤ chèng, cìa bŏi chìn;
put it back into the pan and let it steam there then it won't get cold.
  • chèng1111676
  • Fire-arms; guns.
hàm phah thih kâi lâi phah kúi ki chèng;
tell the blacksmith to make some guns.
tōa chèng;
a cannon.
chèng kha;
gun carriage.
cêk bûe chèng;
one cannon.
kúi híang chèng;
a revolver.
lâk híang chèng;
a revolver with six barrels.
cí ki chèng hó̤ phah kúi híang?
How many balls does this revolver carry?
a petard.
pàng saⁿ-mn̂g-chèng;
fire a petard.
âng-keⁿ chèng;
evening gun-fire.
jī chèng;
the nine o'clock gun.
thiⁿ-kng chèng híang lío;
the sunrise gun has been fired.
úa thiaⁿ-kìⁿ chèng kóng-cē-kìe;
I heard the sound of a gun.
cí-hûe tī-kò̤ kâi chèng kūang-cē-kìe;
this moment a gun sounded somewhere.
a pistol.
chèng kâi hûe-hĭⁿ mn̂g;
the touch-hole.
chèng khang;
the bore of a gun.
cang chèng phah sí i;
took a gun and shot him dead.
  • chèng761159
  • Suitable; in consonance with.
chèng ceh a m̄ chèng ceh;
suited or unsuited to the position.
i īa sĭ lâi lí cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cū chèng ceh, īa sĭ khṳ̀ lí hṳ́ kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cū m̄ chèng ceh;
if he undertakes to manage this case it is consonant with his duty, but if he enters into that one he dishonors his office.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ chèng ì căi;
this is very satisfactory.
m̄ chèng ì;