Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/160

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

evident and unfounded.

hêng-ciah khó̤-gî;
the evidences are doubtful.
pìⁿ chut cin hêng;
showed his true character.
ūe i kâi hêng-tô;
drew a map of it.
suaⁿ hêng seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ pit kè;
the contour of the mountain is like that of a pen rack.
sĭen ak cṳ pò̤ jû íaⁿ sûi hêng;
the rewards of righteousness and the deserts of wickedness follow them as the shadow follows the substance.
i kâi mīn ŭ chìe hêng;
he has a smiling face.
būe sêng hêng;
not yet shapen.
ŭ kâi nâng hêng;
has a human shape.
i kâi mīn seⁿ lâi ak hêng;
his face has a wicked look.
ía hêng ía sìeⁿ;
a wild aspect.
  • hêng2071440
  • The elements.
ngŏ hêng húe bâk kim thó;
the five elements are water, fire, wood, metal, and earth.
thóiⁿ ngŏ hêng;
tell fortunes.
ngŏ hêng siang seⁿ siang khak kâi tŏ̤-lí sĭ chim-àu;
the doctrine of mutual reproduction and extinction among the elements is very abstruse.
  • hĕng208515
  • Conduct; behavior; actions.
tek hĕng;
virtuous conduct.
ŭ tek ŭ hĕng kâi nâng;
a man of character.
cí kâi nâng kâi pín-hĕng cìaⁿ phài;
this man's character is irreproachable.
tău hĕng chim;
skilled in Buddhist tricks.
cí kâi nâng nío-chṳ́ hĕng;
this person is of a thievish disposition.
cí kâi nâng kâi hĕng sĭ hó̤ a m̄ hó̤?
Does this person conduct himself properly or not?
sĭeⁿ tó̤ hĕng;
to contemplate suicide.
  • hĕng208515
  • Fortunate; lucky; happily.
hĕng tit;
happily succeeded in.
hĕng tit i lâi;
luckily he came.
ke mn̂g put hĕng;
domestic affliction.
i put hĕng tó̤ mīaⁿ;
he is unhappily not to be long lived.
thiⁿ put hĕng tang hŵn sĭ ŭ hĕng;
cheer in the midst of misfortune.
hĕng bŏi tì mīaⁿ;
luckily does not involve life.
sǹg sĭ bw̄n hĕng;
deemed it very fortunate.
  • hĕng209753
  • Prunes, almonds, and plums.
hĕng-jîn tê;
an emulgent tea made from almonds.
ngṳ̂n hĕng;
the nuts of the gingko.
tîam-hĕng, khó-hĕng;
sweet almonds and bitter almonds.
  • hĕng11281844
  • Surfeited; glutted; filled.
cîah kàu hēng;
have eaten it till I loathe it.
tǹg-tǹg cîah cí kâi, cîah lío hĕng căi;
have eaten this every meal, until I am sick of it.
cîah kàu būe cîah thóiⁿ tîeh cū soiⁿ hĕng;
have taken it so often that as soon as I see it my stomach turns against it.
  • hĕng9516112
  • Dislike, hate, aversion.
úa hĕng i;
I dislike him.
chūa nâng hĕng;
leads to dislike.
hĕng kàu i khàng kut;
dislike him thoroughly.
ún bô̤ hĕng i;
we do not dislike him.
hĕng bŏi tit hiah;
an unconquerable aversion.
nâng sieh i to m̄ pá le, cò̤ ŭ hĕng i?
When we have been so kind that we could not do enough for him, how can it be that we dislike him.
cē thóiⁿ cĭu hĕng;
hated him as soon as I saw him.


  • hi17811312
  • Joy arising from divine blessings.
khiong-hō̤ sin hi;
I respectfully congratulate you on this new joy.
sin hi toaⁿ phìen;
a card bearing congratulations.
  • hi176504
  • Rare; infrequent; to wait in expectation.
tó̤ hi-mō̤ⁿ;
is waiting in expectation.
rare; curious.
hi-háng căi;
very infrequent.
  • 犧牲hi-seng177
  • Victims offered in sacrifice.
cì-sṳ̂ só̤ ēng kâi hi-seng sĭ tīaⁿ-tîeh kâi;
there is a fixed rule concerning the animals that are offered in sacrifice.
  • hi1771157
  • Sparse; sleazy; not close and thick.
hi-hi lang-lang;
full of interstices.
thóiⁿ tîeh hi-lang, m̄ câk;
I consider it very sleazy, and thin.
hi-hi nē;
scattered far apart.
pìn bâk cē, màiⁿ pìn khah hi;
plait them thicker, do not weave it too loose and open.
cí kâi sak-pìn khah hi;
this fine comb has the teeth too far apart.
i kâi thâu-mô̤ⁿ hi-hi;
his hair is very thin.
cheⁿ hi-hi;
the stars are scattered here and there.
mûeⁿ màiⁿ pû khah kṳ̂t, pû hi cē;
do not make the congee too thick, make it rather thin.
pû cho̤h hi-hi kâi mûeⁿ;
make some very thin gruel.
  • hi1783012
  • The sound of merriment.
hi-hi chìe;
to laugh merrily.
chìe hi-hi;
laugh aloud.
kìⁿ tîeh nâng to sĭ hi-hi chìe;
laughs whenever he sees any one.
thiaⁿ tîeh chìe hi-hi;
laughs out when he hears it.
  • hi2761817
  • The name of the 27th diagram, denoting to feed.
cêk peh hùe kìe-cò̤ khî-hi;
one a hundred years old is called a centenarian.
pok kâi khùe sĭ hi khùe;
cast and threw the 27th diagram in divination.