Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/163

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hĭa183980
  • Tiles.
sî hĭa;
thin tiles.
piⁿ hĭa;
thick tiles.
kău hĭa;
tiles for the edge of the roof.
chù hĭa;
tiles for roofing houses.
hĭa thâng;
convex tiles.
pho hĭa;
to lay tiles.
hĭa pho lâi bâk-bâk;
the tiles are laid very close.
hĭa pho khah hi;
the tiles are laid too far apart.
  • hĭa18312
  • Lower; to lower; near.
hĭa pín kâi nâng;
the lower classes.
hĭa lîu;
the baser sort.
m̄ sío-lí hĭa mn̄g;
do not hesitate to ask your inferiors.
hĭa chíu;
to begin to act; to lay hand upon.
m̄ káⁿ hĭa chíu;
dared not put his hand to it.
i lâi hĭa cìen-cṳ;
he sends a challenge.
sì hĭa bô̤ nâng;
there was no one about.
lí hĭa i nâng pit ŭ só̤ khîu;
when one is treated with great deference, some favor is soon to be asked from him.
cí kĭaⁿ îeh ŏi hĭa khì;
this sort of medicine is sedative.
hĭa-téng kâi nâng m̄-hó̤ pí sĭang-téng kâi nâng;
the lower classes of people are not to be put in comparison with the higher.
  • hĭa27914213
  • The ant.
pêh hĭa;
white ants.
kau hĭa;
the tall ant.
n̂g-si hĭa;
small red ants.
pue hĭa;
the winged ant.
hĭa kong; hĭa ang;
the queen or leader among the ants.
hĭa tàu;
ants' nests.
hĭa tīn;
the lines of ants.
pêh hĭa cūe;
the roads made by white ants.
hĭa tó̤ pê;
the ant is crawling.
khṳt hĭa nih tîeh;
bitten by an ant.
n̂g-si-hĭa cĭeⁿ pak-kiaⁿ;
an ant going up to Peking; it is unlikely that the goal will soon be reached.
hĭa tó̤ cn̂g;
the ants are eating it.
kìu hĭa;
to preserve the life of an ant.
pêh-thn̂g seⁿ hĭa;
the sugar has ants in it.
hṳ́ cêk koiⁿ chù ŏi cĭeⁿ hĭa a bŏi?
Is that house infested by ants?
màiⁿ seⁿ cúi hĭa cū hó̤;
if it is neither damp nor infested by ants it will do.
cêk sieⁿ mûeh cò̤ cē khṳt pêh hĭa cù tīo;
the whole box of things has been devoured by the white ants.
hĭa tîeh cai tô̤h tīo;
you must be careful to pick out the ants.
jīo tīo hĭa;
drive out the ants.
khà tīo hĭa;
drive away the ants by tapping the dish.


  • hiaⁿ213103
  • An elder brother; a senior; used after names as a term of respect, like Mr.
hiⁿ tĭ;
hiaⁿ tĭ kíaⁿ;
little brothers.
chin hiaⁿ tĭ;
own brothers.
thang hiaⁿ tĭ;
cousins, sons of brothers.
î píe hiaⁿ tĭ;
cousins, sons of sisters.
píe hiaⁿ tĭ;
cousins of different surnames.
cŭang hiaⁿ tĭ;
second cousins.
côk lăi hiaⁿ tĭ;
men of the same clan.
tâng pau hiaⁿ tĭ;
sons of the same father and mother.
ĭ bó̤ hiaⁿ tĭ;
brothers having the same father, but not the same mother.
tek sù hiaⁿ tĭ;
sons of the chief and of the inferior wife.
tâng nî hiaⁿ tĭ;
friends born in the same year, or men who would have been married to each other had they not been of the same sex.
mêng hiaⁿ tĭ;
brethren of the same creed.
sĭa hiaⁿ tĭ; hŭe hiaⁿ tĭ;
brethren of the same sect.
ngĭ hiaⁿ tĭ;
brothers by adoption.
ūaⁿ thiap hiaⁿ tĭ;
brothers by exchange of cards bearing dates of birth days.
ùaⁿ hiaⁿ tĭ;
nî hiaⁿ tĭ;
those who in the same year attain a literary degree higher than the first.
sai hiaⁿ tĭ;
sṳ hiaⁿ tĭ;
those of the same craft.
khòi cò̤ hiaⁿ tĭ;
made brothers by a contract.
hiaⁿ tĭ kuaⁿ;
officials of the same rank.
ngô̤ hiaⁿ;
I, your unworthy elder brother.
lĕng hiaⁿ;
your elder brother.
ke hiaⁿ;
my elder brother.
pĕ hiaⁿ;
father's elder brother.
hiaⁿ só̤;
elder brother's wife.
soiⁿ hiaⁿ;
your departed brother.
a-hiaⁿ hùe;
a-hiaⁿ hùe, kîaⁿ khui cē;
get out of the way there, brethren.
ŭ kâi a-hiaⁿ nâng tŏ̤ kîaⁿ;
an elderly man was going along.
hiaⁿ thâi; lău hiaⁿ thâi;
honorable Sir.
hiaⁿ cíang;
respected friends, used as an address in writing.
khóng huang hiaⁿ;
the brother with the square hole, a cash.
hiaⁿ mūe;
brother and sister.
a ún hiaⁿ;
Mr. Un.
móng a-hiaⁿ;
that man.
lṳ́ kìe-cò̤ mih a-hiaⁿ?
What are you called Sir?
nín a hiaⁿ hùe tó̤ cò̤ mih sṳ̄?
What are your men-folks doing?
tōa hiaⁿ, jī hiaⁿ;
the eldest and next to the eldest brother.
  • híaⁿ9914813
  • To push sidewise with the horns.
khṳt gû híaⁿ tîeh;
hooked by an ox.
cí ciah gû ŏi híaⁿ nâng;
this ox is apt to hit people with its horns.
  • hìaⁿ3646
  • To widen; to open out.
hìaⁿ khui khṳt i phâk;
open it up to the sun.
khui hìaⁿ-hìaⁿ tó̤ lā;
opened out fully for airing.
nín kâi mn̂g cò̤-nî khui kàu hìaⁿ-hìaⁿ?
Why are all your doors thrown wide open?
ūe tàⁿ lío, hìaⁿ-hìaⁿ khui;
having spoken about it, he continued to expatiate upon it.
kun-sṳ̆ hìaⁿ cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ, tìn-tang kâi tōa phàu cū bū khṳ̀;
the troops defiled to either side, and the great canon in the middle volleyed forth.