Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/169

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hīen2011474
  • Now, at present.
hīen-căi; hīen-kim;
at once; just now.


  • hiet19514213
  • A scorpion.
hiet kíaⁿ;
chŵn hiet;
whole scorpions, used in medicine.
hiet kâi búe ŭ chì, ŏi tàng nâng;
the tail of the scorpion has a sting in it, that will sting people.
hiet tàng nâng lío ŏi pàng tâk lô̤h khṳ̀;
after a scorpion has inserted his sting he instills venom from it.


  • hih181306
  • To laugh out.
to giggle or snicker.
i ciu-jît to sĭ hih-hih-chìe, bô̤ hŵn-ló̤;
she goes laughing about all day, and is not down hearted at all.


  • him205769
  • To quicken.
to long for.
i-thóiⁿ tîeh sĭm sĭ him-ĭen;
he longs for it as soon as he sees it.
him-ĭen i kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
coveted his things.
i bô̤ him-ĭen cí kâi;
he has no great desire for this.
  • hìm4001138
  • To shut off the air; to smother.
hìm huang;
to keep off the wind.
hìm au;
a covered cup.
hṳ́ pâng lăi khah hìm khùi;
the room is too close.
cí kâi lêng-sn̂g-kùa kū lío, khàm lío hìm m̄ miⁿ;
the cover of this steamer is worn out, and it does not shut the contents in closely when it is put on.
  • hîm2148610
  • A bear.
nŏ̤ ciah hîm;
two bears.
cí kâi suaⁿ sĭm-mih hîm hóⁿ pà piu to̤ ŭ;
in this mountain there are bears, tigers leopards and panthers.
hîm cíeⁿ;
a bear's paw.
hîm táⁿ;
bear's gall.
sĭ nâng-hîm a sĭ káu-hîm?
Is it the brown bear, or the small white-necked bear?
  • hîm21098
  • To stare at threateningly; to look at angrily.
i kâi hîm i mih sṳ̄?
Why does he look so angrily at her?
nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sie hîm;
the two glare at each other.
lṳ́ m̄ hîm i, cò̤ cai i hîm lṳ́?
If you were not staring at him, how did you know he was staring at you?


  • hîn2321095
  • Dizzy; confused vision.
ŏi hîn a bŏi?
Are you dizzy?
nĕ hîn-hîn;
very dizzy.
thâu-khak hîn-hîn;
am dizzy.
thâu hîn, mâk àm;
vertigo with loss of sight.
hó̤-hó̤ sĭ-sĭ cū hwt o-àm-hîn;
when he was in his usual health, was suddenly taken with vertigo.
íu-hīn; ŭ hăn;
a limited number, or amount; not very good or strong; restricted to a small quantity or value.
taⁿ chûn íu-hīn lío;
have now but few remaining.
i thóiⁿ li hó̤ căi, úa thóiⁿ li íu-hīn;
he thought it exceedingly good but I thought it of no great excellence.
  • hīn201967
  • Clear; plain; to appear; at present.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ hīn-hīn;
see it plainly.
nĕ hīn-hīn;
perfectly apparent.
thóiⁿ m̄ hīn;
do not see it clearly.
thóiⁿ tîeh hīn căi;
see it very plainly.
cṳ-cheh ìn lâi m̄ hīn;
this book is not printed clearly.
i kâi kòi-mông chut hīn;
his stratagem is divulged.
hīn chut i kâi ngŵn-hêng;
showed his real feelings.
at present.
hīn-căi sĭm-mih sî-hāu?
What time is it now?
hīn-kim m̄ tâng;
now-a-days it is different.
hīn-khek chūe bô̤;
it cannot now be found.
hīn-sî ío kùi;
at present it is dearer.
hīn ngṳ̂n kio i bói;
bought it from him paying cash down.
àiⁿ bōi hīn cîⁿ, m̄ chia;
will sell it for ready money, but not on credit.
hīn cîaⁿ kâi mûeh;
ready made articles.
hīn-hīn cîaⁿ-cîaⁿ kâi sìo-bâk, thó̤ m̄ khí;
the current account already on hand cannot be collected.
ngán côiⁿ hīn pò̤;
his retribution appears.
híen-hīn chut lâi;
became visible.
m̄ hīn;
indistinct; illegible.


  • hio192757
  • Unscrupulous; wicked.
cí kâi nâng hio-hîong căi;
this is a very lawless fellow.
cí cêk khí châk eng-kai-tîeh hio síu sī cèng;
these bandits should have their heads exposed in cages as a warning to others.
  • hio19118712
  • Brave; heroic, valorous.
cí kúi kâi bú kuaⁿ sĭ hio-íong căi;
these military officers are very courageous.
hio-íong kâi cìang;
a brave leader.
  • 儌倖hio-hĕng368
  • Lucky; beyond one's deserts or expectations; prosperous.
cía sǹg sĭ hío-hĕng căi;
this is indeed a stroke of luck.
sṳ̄ tîeh cò̤ ún-tàng, mó̤ sĭeⁿ hio-hĕng;
one must do things in a safe way, and not depend on having a stroke of luck.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ tó̤ thû hio-hĕng;
he is then depending on a stroke of luck.