Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/174

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

rear at the pitch-fork you cannot shoot him.

thiaⁿ-kìⁿ hóⁿ hm̄-hm̄-kìe;
heard the tiger growling.
hóⁿ phâu-hau;
tigers roar.
hóⁿ āuⁿ-āuⁿ-kìe;
tigers snarl.
keh jît thóiⁿ-kìⁿ hóⁿ kha-ciah jîeh tōa kâi;
the other day I saw the tracks of a very large tiger.
sí hóⁿ cò̤ ûah hóⁿ phah;
treat a dead tiger as if he were alive.
hóⁿ lô̤h pêⁿ-îeⁿ pĭ káu khi;
when a tiger comes down into the arable land, he may be harried by a dog.


  • hoi1561097
  • The eyelids drawn together.
mâk hoi-hoi;
mâk hoi-hoi, kap-pô̤ thóiⁿ-cò̤ lău cúi-koi;
so squint eyed that he would mistake a toad for an edible frog.
hŏi keⁿ;
crab soup.
hŏi kha;
crab's claws.
hŏi khak;
a crab's shell.
a crab's belly.
hŏi ko̤;
the yellow juices of a crab.
pêh hŏi nêk;
the white meat of a crab.
lŏ kîam hŏi;
to pickle crabs.
hŏi mâk cúi;
the bubbles on boiling water.
hŏi nih tîeh i;
the crab pinched him.
hŏi hûeⁿ kîaⁿ;
crabs walk sidewise.
poiⁿ kùe hóⁿ-hŏi;
more spotted than the spotted crab.
thim chiah hŏi;
to keep large brown crabs in water.
kong-phûa hŏng hŏi kâi;
he is one whose parents offered crabs to the god of the bedstead; his hands and feet are always in mischief.
khi-hŭ i bô̤ kha hŏi;
impose upon him as one can upon a clawless crab.


  • hóiⁿ2001427
  • A small smooth bivalve; a mussel.
hóiⁿ nêk;
the flesh of a mussel.
hó̤iⁿ khak;
mussel shells.
kîam hóiⁿ;
salt mussels.
lâm kîam hóiⁿ;
dash water on salt mussels to freshen them.
  • hŏiⁿ1088648
  • To close by swinging.
mn̂g hăm a-hŏiⁿ;
set the door ajar.
hŏiⁿ mn̂g;
swing the door to.
mn̂g màiⁿ hŏiⁿ tah;
do not close the door with a bang.
hŏiⁿ cêk phìⁿ cū hó̤;
to close one fold of the double door is enough.
hŏiⁿ chûn cêk cūe phāng;
shut it so as to leave a crack.
  • hōiⁿ2021407
  • Edible sorts of coarse greens; spinach.
âng hōiⁿ-chài;
bé-khi hōiⁿ;
chì hōiⁿ;
prickly spinach.
thǹg cho̤h hōiⁿ-chài lâi cîah;
boil some spinach to eat.


  • hoih186947
  • Narrow; contracted; petty.
i kâi tó hoih-hoih;
he is very narrow minded.
tang tó tîeh cò̤ tōa cē màiⁿ cò̤ khah hoih;
make the middle of it rather capacious, do not make it too contracted.
  • hôih83795
  • To espy; to reconnoiter.
khṳt i hôih tîeh;
espied by him.
i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ -hôih;
the two are acting as spies.
i kúi nâng lâi tó̤ hôih, lṳ́ tîeh cai-hûang i;
they have come to reconnoitre and you must beware of them.
màiⁿ khṳt i hôih-kìⁿ;
do not let her get a peep at it when she is speering around.


  • hok1501139
  • Happiness; good fortune; felicity which attends divine protection.
hok im;
glad tidings.
hok im tn̂g;
a church or chapel.
ŭ hok-khì;
to be blessed.
hok tōa căi;
very great felicity.
cí kâi ŭ hok, hṳ́ kâi bô̤ hok;
this one is happy and that one is not.
kṳ̆n-lâi mng nap hok?
Have you been quite well lately?
hok tī;
a favored spot.
hok cìang;
a lucky commander.
híang hok;
to enjoy happiness.
hok hun tōa;
highly favored.
hwt châi hwt hok;
grow rich and prosperous.
cêk lō hok cheⁿ;
may a happy star light your way.
ngŏ hok;
the five blessings, long life, riches, soundness of body and mind, love of virtue, and a peaceful end.
ŭ lĭaug cū ŭ hok;
to have right principles is to have good fortune.
pô̤h hok kâi nâng;
one who has little prosperity.
hok cêk căi;
greatly blessed.
i tó̤ hok nŏ̤;
he is highly prospered.
hok lôk sīu chŵn;
fortune, honors, and longevity, all bestowed.
  • hok15114612
  • To subvert; ruined.
hẃn hok; hẃn-hẃn hok-hok;
thien hwn tī hok;
the overthrow of heaven and earth.
ūe ngó hok;
to paint or draw five bats in various positions.
repeated; duplicated.
tàⁿ ūe têng-hok;
to reiterate.
  • hôk151609
  • Again; to do a second time; to repeat.
hẃn hôk; hẃn-hẃn hôk-hôk;
hôk sìn;
the reply to a letter.
hôk mĕng;
to report upon, as a commission.
lṳ́ àiⁿ cò̤-nî hûe-hôk i?
What reply are you going to make to him?
hôk tong-heng;
to revive and