Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/186

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


  • 謊唐huang-thâng861
  • Boasting talk, gasconade, exaggeration.
i kâi ūe huang-thâng căi;
his language is very extravagant.
só̤ tàⁿ kâi ūe huang-huang thâng-thâng, bô̤ kù sît;
what was said was the wildest exaggeration, without a word of truth in it.
  • huang2536110
  • Nervous; alarmed; agitated.
màiⁿ khah huang- mâng;
do not be too hurried.
sim huang, ì lw̆n;
agitated in mind.
huang-huang ciang-ciang;
in trepidation.
i kâi sim huang-lw̆n;
she is flurried.
  • huang1551820
  • Wind; air in motion; breath.
sŭn huang, tit lĭ;
may you have a fair wind and prosperous journey.
ngêk huang;
go against the wind.
huang sŭn, éng cĕⁿ;
fair wind and smooth waters,
lṳ́ tī jît àiⁿ sŭn huang?
On what day do you sail?
tăi-ke hùe, àiⁿ chíaⁿ lṳ́ cîah sŭn huang cíu;
I invite you all to take a parting cup with me before you sail.
huang cĭeⁿ pôiⁿ;
to windward.
huang ĕ pôiⁿ;
to leeward.
khûang huang, méⁿ hŏ;
violent wind and rain.
hieⁿ-ĕ huang, sîaⁿ lăi, hŏ;
the country is windy, the city rainy.
m̄-hó̤ chue tîeh huang;
you must not let the wind blow upon you.
màiⁿ kìⁿ huang;
do not expose yourself to the wind.
tōa huang, tōa hŏ;
high wind and heavy rain.
thàu huang;
the wind blows gently.
chue huang;
the wind is blowing.
pûn huang;
to blow up with the breath.
m̄-hó̤ lāu huang;
make it air tight.
khau huang;
bends under the force of the wind.
lā huang;
dry in the wind.
cêk táu tang huang, saⁿ táu hŏ;
to a peck of east wind there are three pecks of rain.
tîeh thàu tōa pak huang cìaⁿ ŏi cêⁿ;
if there were to be a strong north wind it would clear.
lâm huang hūe;
schools of fish that appear with the rising of the south wind.
sì phìⁿ huang;
a shifting wind.
sŭn huang kî;
a wind vane; one who falls in with whatever is said.
huang hŏ cam;
a barometer.
cí kâi tī-hng khah hip huang;
this place is too much shut off from the wind.
phuah huang-lô;
fan the fire in the furnace.
huang cêk cūn cêk cūn;
the wind comes in gusts.
a typhoon.
àiⁿ cò̤ huang-thai;
there is going to be a gale.
kîaⁿ-cûn ngŏ̤ tîeh phah thâu huang;
meet adverse winds.
huang gûeh chìe thâm;
small talk.
chìn huang; kûaⁿ huang;
cold, bleak winds.
lîang huang;
a breeze.
cheng huang;
a refreshing breeze.
huang cheng, gûeh pêh;
cool breezes, and moonlight nights.
hàuⁿ huang lîu;
fond of gaiety.
huang-lîu châi cṳ́;
a fast young man.
the influence exerted on the welfare of the living and the dead by the bearings of sites.
huang bŭn;
úa huang bŭn-kìⁿ ŭ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
I heard a rumor of this.
tòng huang pēⁿ;
sieⁿ huang;
a cold; rheumatic pains.
ùi huang;
afraid of drafts.
pun cêk tīn huang chue khṳ̀;
blown away by a gust of wind.
khṳt huang sut cîh khṳ;
whisked off and broken by the wind.
huang kūiⁿ;
a fanning mill.
tìeⁿ huang;
puffed up with wind.
cîah lío seⁿ huang;
productive of flatulence.
huang jûah kek kàu thâu-khak hîn căi;
had the perspiration checked so completely as to produce headache.
huang sip;
làng-làng huang-huang;
giving ingress to many currents of air.
bŏi làng-huang;
does not admit the air.
lṳ́ mih huang? lṳ́ sĭm-mih huang chue lâi?
What brought you here?
pàng cêk kò̤ khṳt i tháu huang;
leave an aperture for ventilation.
huang thàu lâi nă-nă;
the wind is hot.
bô̤ huang;
no breeze.
táng ŭ huang cìaⁿ hó̤ sái;
wait till the wind rises, then put up the sails.
cìaⁿ huang hó̤ sái, a hûeⁿ huang hó̤ sái?
Which is best for sailing, a wind that comes directly astern, or one that comes at right angles to the course?
huang thîo hŏ sŭn;
just enough of wind and rain.
khṳt huang phah ka-lâuh lô̤h lâi;
blown down by the wind.
huang bō̤;
a hood.
pŭ huang chok íaⁿ;
chase the wind and catch shadows; it is mere idle rumor.
chīu-sin khĭa tit cìaⁿ, m̄ phàⁿ chīu-búe huang îo-tŏng;
the erect tree does not fear having its top shaken by the wind.
  • huang132700
  • Proper, correct; a rule, a way, a means; thereupon.
twn huang sì-cìaⁿ;
exactly square.
tōa-tōa huang-huang;
on an extensive scale.
ŭ sĭm-mih huang-huap?
What way is there of doing it?
kîaⁿ huang-pĭen;
to act as circumstances may render expedient.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ ío huang-pĭen;
this way is the more convenient.
cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to tîeh ŭ huang ŭ huap;
in doing things there must be method.
úa huang-châi lâi;
I have just come.
táng i lâi huang hó̤ cò̤ sṳ̄;
wait till he arrives and then act.
huang-kim kâi sì-sôk to sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
such are the practices of the present time.
nî huang câp-poih;
about eighteen years of age.
kà kíaⁿ ŭ ngĭ huang;
there is a correct method of training children.