Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/188

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


cêk kok hûang ki;
lay up grain against a time of dearth.
an embankment raised as an obstruction.
siu-sîp toi-hûang tó̤ hûang-gṳ̆ tōa cúi;
repair the dikes to keep out the flood.
hûang huang;
a remedy against colds and flatulence.
hái-hûang kâi sṳ̄-bŭ chiet-ìo;
the business of the coast guard is important.
m̄ cai hûang i;
did not take precautions against it.
hûang châk lâi than;
protection from thieves.
i àiⁿ hāi lṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh cai hûang i;
he means to injure you, you must be on your guard against him.
hûang sin kâi ke-húe;
weapons for self-defense.
sái khṳ̀ hûang-tú hṳ́ kâi ìo-kháu;
sent to defend that important pass.
  • hûang251169
  • The female of the phenix, a fabulous bird whose appearance indicates great prosperity to the land.
hŏng hûang;
a pair of phenixes.
peh cío chîo hûang;
all the birds attend the court of the phenix.
hŏng-hûang tàu chṳ́;
the phenixes have arrived here; the harbingers of good fortune have come.
  • hûang133384
  • To oppose; an obstacle; impediments.
hûang-gāi tîeh i;
lay obstacles in his way.
sì-phìⁿ bô̤ hûang bô̤ gāi;
no obstacles in any direction.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ ŭ hûang a bô̤ hûang?
Do you see any difficulties in the way?
hûang chṳ́ hûang pí;
hindered by this and that.
cía to put hûang kâi sṳ̄;
there is no difficulty about this.
hûang hîen gō kok;
to oppose the worthy is to harass the nation.
bō̤ hûang a;
no matter about that.
  • hûang2501061
  • Exalted; august; imperial.
the Emperor.
the Empress.
His Majesty.
thài sĭang hûang;
the Emperor's (living) father.
hûang ṳn;
imperial favor.
hûang thài-cṳ́;
the crown prince.
hûang thiⁿ;
high Heaven.
gêk hûang sĭang-tì;
the highest of the gods.
  • hûang2511429
  • The locust.
hûang-thâng kă tīo tĭu;
the locusts devour the ripe grain.
  • hûang2511959
  • The sturgeon.
hûang-hṳ̂ náu;
sturgeon's brains.
  • hûang251619
  • Dread, tremor, apprehension.
i sim lăi sĭm sĭ hûang-khíong;
his mind was very much perturbed.
  • hûang23620113
  • A gymnasium.
cìn hûang-keng;
enter college.
hûang mn̂g sìu-sṳ̆;
a literary graduate who has really earned his degree, not bought it.
  • hûang251869
  • A great blaze.
teng cek hui-hûang;
resplendent with lights.


  • huap123855
  • A law; a statute; precepts; the rules for or science of; an art; a code.
kok huap;
national code.
lût-huap; huap-lût;
set of rules.
hêng huap;
penal laws.
lói huap;
rules of etiquette.
i sĭ ŏi hû huap;
he is one who can lay a spell.
cía cū bô̤ huap lío;
there is no way of doing this.
lâi sĭeⁿ cêk kâi huang-huap;
think out some means of compassing it.
bô̤ huap bô̤ cak căi cò̤ tit sêng?
Without any method or plan for attaining it, how can it be accomplished?
nán lâi siet huap;
let us lay a plan.
ŭ sĭm-mih huap nē?
In what way can it be done?
cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū sĭang sĭen huap;
this is the very best plan.
i kâi huap-lâk kau-khîang;
his arts are powerful.
huap sût;
black arts.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih huap lâi chù-tì i?
By what means do you think it might be regulated?
hŭam huap;
break the rule.
cí kâi kuaⁿ sĭm sĭ cip huap;
this magistrate adheres very closely to the laws.
i mih sṳ̄ siu lói siu huap;
in everything he follows the usages and keeps the statutes.
chêng lí huap saⁿ lō tîeh lóng-lóng hío;
the circumstances, the principles, and the rules, must all be understood.
hût huap bô̤ pien;
Buddhist rules are without limit.
chíaⁿ kâi huap-sṳ lâi jīo i;
get a professor of the black art to come and exorcise it.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ cìaⁿ hâh huap;
that is according to the rule.
cí-kò̤ kâi nâng ùi huap;
the people here revere the laws.
i kâi kà-huap hó̤;
his instructions are good.
kà lâi tit huap;
instruct in accordance with the established usage.
i khṳ̀ ô̤h huap;
he has gone to learn how to do the thing.
līen i kâi pit huap;
learn his style of writing.
i kâi to̤ huap hó̤ căi;
his fencing is very fine.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i ah chut huap-tîeⁿ khṳ̀ cìaⁿ huap;
saw him escorted to the execution ground, to have the law executed upon him.
àng kun-huap phōiⁿ;
judged according to military law.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ tîeh huap;
that is rightly done.
i sĭ m̄ pat huap;
he does not know how it should be done.
m̄ hío huap, m̄ hío lût, thèng cò̤;
ignorant of usages and rules, doing almost any way.
mío-sĭ ûang huap;
contempt of court.
i sĭ mío--