Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/196

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • húiⁿ262799
  • To break down; to ruin; to spoil.
húiⁿ tīo i kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
spoiled his goods.
húiⁿ tīo i kâi châng-hn̂g;
wasted his fields.
húiⁿ tīo i kâi chù;
tore down his house.
burned up.
sie-húiⁿ i kâi saⁿ-khò;
burned up her clothing.
thiah húiⁿ i kâi chù-téng;
tore up his roof.
úa kâi hue-hn̂g khṳt i húiⁿ tīo lío-lío;
my flower garden was completely ruined by them.
  • húiⁿ1381498
  • To defame; to vilify.
to slander.
cía sĭ húiⁿ-păng i kâi ūe;
this is wicked aspersion.
húiⁿ-păng nâng;
to backbite people.
  • húiⁿ137228
  • Disorderly people.
húiⁿ lūi, húiⁿ thû;
local robbers;
an association of seditious persons.
  • hûiⁿ10471408
  • Wilted, drooping.
hue khṳt jît phâk lío hûiⁿ-hûiⁿ;
flowers wilt after being exposed to the sun.
cí câng mûeh cá-jît thóiⁿ tîeh hûiⁿ-hûiⁿ, cá-mêⁿ cîah tîeh lō-cúi, kíaⁿ-jît hîeh cū khīa-khīa;
this plant was drooping very much yesterday, but last night it got the dew upon it, and to-day its leaves are all erect.
cí cho̤h hue-bâk kâi hîeh, cò̤-nî hûiⁿ-hûiⁿ nē?
Why are the leaves of these shrubs wilted?
  • hûiⁿ2326116
  • To tie to and suspend; to hang; to dangle; to be in suspense; to hang in view.
tîo so̤h hûiⁿ lô̤h lâi;
a rope was dangling.
pàng i hûiⁿ lô̤h lâi;
let it dangle.
kha hûiⁿ pàng cûn-po̤-kîⁿ kò̤ sói;
hang your feet over the side of the boat and wash them.
tin-tò̤ hûiⁿ;
hung upside down.
waiting in suspense.
hûiⁿ síeⁿ keh;
put up notice of a reward.
hûiⁿ-kùa tŏ̤ thiaⁿ tn̂g;
hung up in the temple.
cí khí ùaⁿ hûiⁿ jîeh kú cong-kú bô̤ kak!
How long this case hangs on without ever coming to a settlement!
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ hûiⁿ tŏ̤ sim tèng;
this affair is undecided in his mind.
lêng hûiⁿ búe;
a half formed waterspout, depending from a cloud.
thâu hûiⁿ-hûiⁿ;
with drooping head.
cêk phau chiu hûiⁿ lô̤h lâi;
a tassel dangled therefrom.
thâu hûiⁿ, búe hûiⁿ, hêk căi;
his head and tail both droop, he is jaded out.
màiⁿ hûiⁿ tîeh thô;
do not draggle it on the ground.


  • hun2681409
  • Things forbidden to those who fast.
nŏ̤ hun nŏ̤ sù sì īeⁿ;
four sorts, two of which are of kinds forbidden to those who fast, and two of the kinds that may be used by those who fast.
  • hun1291204
  • Confused; mixed up; ill-assorted.
nâng-bé hun-hun;
a motley crowd.
sṳ̄-bŭ hun-hun cōi căi;
multifarious business.
tī-hng hun-lw̆n;
the place is all in confusion.
  • hun129304
  • To direct; to order.
to order.
úa cò̤-nî hun-hù lṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh thiaⁿ;
whatever I tell you to do, you must do.
lṳ́ lâi, úa àiⁿ hun-hù lṳ́ kâi ūe;
come here, I have something I wish to direct you about.
i bô̤ hun bô̤ hù cò̤ i khṳ̀;
he went off without having received any directions.
  • hun268618
  • The perceptions confused; dull.
hun-mîⁿ, m̄ cai nâng;
stupid even to insensibility.
i kâi sim hun-kông;
his mind is confused.
  • hun129182
  • To separate; to distinguish between; the second place in decimals; tenths.
to separate.
hun cò̤ nŏ̤ chiu;
separate them into two bunches.
set apart.
to scatter.
ŭ hun-pîet;
there is a distinction between them.
pun piaⁿ tú-gṳ̆;
detach troops to repulse them.
i ŭ hun-pûi;
he has a bonus out of it.
distinguish clearly.
hun-hun mêng-mêng;
distinctly marked.
úa thóiⁿ m̄ hun-mêng;
I do not see it distinctly.
táng i lâi hun-hwt;
wait until he comes and divides up and sends off.
hun-pĭen sĭ hui;
argue the point.
i cò̤-nî cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ huu bô̤ hío?
Why does he act without discrimination?
i mih sṳ̄ hun-hun hío-hío;
in everything he exercises discrimination.
kio tōa nâng hun iu;
condoles with his superior.
hun phài;
to sort out for distribution.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi ŭ hun ŭ chùn;
what he says is lucidly stated.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ bò̤ hun chùn;
he acts without method.
hun hâu to bô̤ kíam i kâi;
I owe him nothing whatever.
câp-hun hó̤;
wholly satisfactory.
hun cò̤ nŏ̤ ē;
separate it into two portions.
úa téng-tîeh saⁿ-hun-pùaⁿ tăng;
I weighed it, and it is three and a half tenths of an tael in weight.
lṳ́ cêk tǹg cîah kúi hun bí?
How much rice do you eat at a meal?
lṳ́ àiⁿ ēng hun pang a àiⁿ ēng chùn