Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/207

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • íⁿ27998
  • To trust to; to rely on.
to rely upon.
íⁿ năi;
to depend upon.
íⁿ sì;
rely on personal influence.
  • íⁿ278490
  • A sign of the perfect tense; already; to have done with.
íⁿ-keng sía lío;
have written it already.
jît íⁿ kùe ngó;
it is already past noon.
mêⁿ íⁿ chim lío;
the night is already far advanced.
lṳ́ íⁿ-keng ìn-tap úa;
you have already given me your answer.
úa íⁿ-keng kio lṳ́ tàⁿ ku-ā hûe;
I have already told you several times.
jît íⁿ-keng ùaⁿ lío;
it is already late in the day.
put tit íⁿ kâi sṳ̄;
something that cannot be done otherwise.
put tit íⁿ tîeh thiaⁿ i;
there is no other way but to do as he says.
íⁿ-jîen kâi sṳ̄;
what is irrevocable.
put kùe àng cìeⁿ-seⁿ jṳ̂ íⁿ-íⁿ;
only this and nothing more.
  • íⁿ279758
  • A chair; a seat; a couch.
cêk ciah kau-íⁿ;
an arm-chair.
a couch.
bé cah íⁿ;
a folding chair.
íⁿ tîo;
a trestle.
íⁿ to̤h;
a large square stool.
a stool.
pâng lăi chn̂g-íⁿ mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
the bedroom furniture.
bô̤ íⁿ hó̤ cŏ̤;
there is no chair to sit on.
châu íⁿ;
arrange the chairs.
íⁿ châu khui cē;
set the chairs a little farther apart.
châu íⁿ khṳt i cŏ̤;
place chairs for them to sit on.
kûiⁿ kha bé íⁿ;
a high bench.
tn̂g tîo íⁿ;
a long bench.
kĕ íⁿ;
a low chair.
íⁿ tĭen;
a sofa cushion.
íⁿ phi;
a tidy.
kau-íⁿ phîn;
the back of a chair.
kau íⁿ chíu;
the arm of a chair.
kau íⁿ tói;
the seat of a chair.
íⁿ thek; íⁿ hūeⁿ;
rungs of a chair.
rattan chairs.
cîeh chn̂g, cîeh íⁿ;
marble tables and couches.
  • íⁿ10882717
  • The thorax of shell-fish.
hŏi íⁿ;
the sternum of a crab.
pê-khî kâi íⁿ;
the lower shell of a land-crab.
chìe kàu íⁿ thìaⁿ;
laughed till my sides ached.
  • ìⁿ10908612
  • The house swallow or martin.
ìⁿ cío;
the swallow.
ìⁿ tàu;
swallows' nests.
pêh ìⁿ;
a white martin.
o nêk ìⁿ;
the ray.
  • 薏苡ìⁿ-bí278
  • Pearl barley.
ìⁿ-bí mûeⁿ;
barley water.
bói cho̤h khĭam-sĭt ìⁿ-bí lâi pû tṳ-kha;
buy some water-lily root, and some barley to cook with the pigs' feet.
  • îⁿ11323110
  • Round; spherical; circular.
àiⁿ sì-pang a àiⁿ îⁿ?
Do you want it square or round?
ūe kâi îⁿ-kho;
draw a circle.
cêk khuang îⁿ-îⁿ;
a circular enclosure.
cêk khwn îⁿ-îⁿ;
a vertical circle.
so̤ lâi m̄ îⁿ;
in rolling it between the thumb and fingers you have not made it round.
îⁿ múaⁿ;
rounded off; completed.
îⁿ-îⁿ múaⁿ-múaⁿ;
quite finished up.
cêk tōa îⁿ;
a large round object.
pùaⁿ îⁿ;
a semi-circle.
tong îⁿ;
a half a dollar.
ka cò̤ îⁿ kâi;
cut it round.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ khah pang, i cò̤ sṳ̄ ío îⁿ;
this one does things more precisely, the other does them the more accommodatingly.
àiⁿ îⁿ àiⁿ píⁿ sûi tó̤ i;
let it be round or flat, as he chooses.
siah i îⁿ;
whittle it off round.
îⁿ lòng-lòng;
spherical, globular.
  • îⁿ24632
  • A pill; a pellet; a small ball.
kap cò̤ îeh-îⁿ;
make it up into pills.
cîah cêk hôk îeh-îⁿ;
take a dose of pills.
pills enclosed in wax.
lâh-îⁿ khak;
the wax which encloses a pill.
hûa îeh-îⁿ;
concoct pills.
so̤ îeh-îⁿ;
roll up into pills.
cṳ̂-hún îⁿ;
pellets made from potato starch.
cut-bí îⁿ;
pellets made from glutinous rice.
mn̂g kha ŭ nâng bōi sie îⁿ;
there is some one at the door selling hot pellets.
bô̤ îⁿ īa ŭ cap;
though there are no dumplings there is some of the soup.
bô̤ îⁿ cap a lâi;
though you cannot have the dumplings it is something to have the soup in which they were boiled.
  • ĭⁿ7821098
  • To sleep; to lie down.
i khṳ̀ ĭⁿ ló;
he has just gone to bed.
cîah lío tīam-tīam ĭⁿ;
having eaten, he sleeps undisturbed.
  • īⁿ10901127
  • An ink-stone.
pit bâk īⁿ;
writing implements.
īⁿ hiaⁿ īⁿ tĭ;
láu kheⁿ īⁿ; bûa chwn thih īⁿ;
a very fine inkstone.
cí kâi sĭ bâk īⁿ, hṳ́ kâi sĭ ngṳ̂n-cu īⁿ;
this stone is for black ink and that is for red ink.
īⁿ kau; īⁿ tî;
the furrow at the end of an ink-stone.
īⁿ tn̂g;
the flat surface of an ink-stone.
īⁿ âp;
the box which holds an ink-stone.
  • īⁿ11371707
  • A public establishment; a hall; an asylum; a walled enclosure.
pńg pŏ-īⁿ;
I, the governor-general.
sûn-bú pŏ-īⁿ;
lieutenant governor.
a college.
khĭa cṳ-īⁿ;
at college.
kàm īⁿ;
take charge of a school or college.
tōa kùe kòng-īⁿ;
bigger than an examination hall.
literary chancellor.
thî-tok hâk-īⁿ;
a chancellor who conducts military examinations.
íang cì īⁿ; ku láu īⁿ;
an asylum for the aged.
khṳt cí kâi àm-kwn jī-īⁿ tìn tīo tōa-bó̤-mûeh tī-hng;
much ground is rendered useless by this monastery and its attachments.