Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/22

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
173 1124 íⁿ. hŏ. Rain.
174 995 cheng. cheⁿ. Green.
175 136 hui. hui. Negation.
Nine strokes.
176 595 mīen. mīn. The face.
177 428 kek. phûe kek kâi kek. Tanned hides.
178 1048 ûi. ûi. Leather.
179 414 kíu. kíu. Leeks.
180 1100 im. im. Sound.
181 191 hîeh. hîeh. A page of leaf.
182 155 hong. huang. Wind.
183 136 hui. pue. To fly.
184 766 sek. cîah. To eat.
185 756 síu. síu. Chief.
186 188 hiang. hiang. Fragrant.
Ten strokes.
187 571 má. bé. A horse.
188 454 kut. kut. Bone.
189 324 kau. kau. Lofty.
190 681 phio. hwt jī thâu. Long hair.
191 874 tò. tò jī khak. To quarrel.
192 29 thìang. thìang. Fragrant herbs.
193 539 kek ka kek kâi kek. A caldron.
194 482 kúi. kúi. A demon.
Eleven strokes.
195 1119 î. hṳ̂. Fish.