Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/229

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
sûi nâng to sĭ chut jîp cí kâi mn̂g;
everybody goes in and out at this door.
seng-lí to̤ bô̤ cîⁿ hó̤ jîp;
there is nothing coming in from the business.
cìeⁿ-sî bô̤ mih cîⁿ jîp chíu;
there is but little money coming in lately.
cē ŭ cîⁿ jîp chíu cū sàng-hâiⁿ lṳ́;
as soon as I have any money in hand I will pay you.
i thiaⁿ ūe to thiaⁿ m̄ jîp hĭⁿ;
what he hears does not enter into his mind.
m̄ sie jîp;
lṳ́ tîeh cai jîp sìo;
you must remember to enter it in account.
tiang-sî àiⁿ jîp húe?
When are you to begin to live in that house?
i tó̤ chut kuaⁿ jîp hú;
he has official visitors coming and going.
i thóiⁿ khṳ̀ jîp sîn;
he has studied it till he is versed in it.
só̤ jîp put hu só̤ chut;
his income is not equal to his outlay?
tîeh lĭang jîp ûi chut;
estimate your income to see what you can expend.
i tiang-sî jîp ô̤h?
When does he enter school?
jîp sìu-châi kàu taⁿ jîeh kú?
How long is it since he took his degree of A.M.?
thóiⁿ m̄ jîp mâk;
it does not please my eye.
thóiⁿ tit jîp mâk;
pleasing to the eye.
i cho̤h ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ jîp chêng jîp lí;
what he said was reasonable.
bô̤ i jîp lâi;
will not allow him to enter.
àiⁿ jîp mîⁿ;
will stuff it with cotton.
jîp côiⁿ mn̂g a jîp ău mn̂g?
Did he go in by the front door or by the back door?
jîp lâi cí lăi cŏ̤;
come in here and sit down.
cí-kò̤ hó̤ jîp khṳ̀ mē?
Can we go in here?
cò̤-pû jîp lâi thóiⁿ;
go in together and see.
cò̤-nî bŏi tit jîp?
Why will it not go in?
kōi-kōi cū jîp;
it will go in easily.
jîp kong-hŭe;
enter a club.
ngî jîp, put ngî chut;
takes in but does not give out.
tāⁿ jîp bô̤ tāⁿ chut;
makes mistakes in his own favour but not otherwise.


  • jît293720
  • The sun; a day; daily; day time.
the sun.
jît sîh;
an eclipse of the sun.
jît méⁿ;
the sun is hot.
chíaⁿ sî jît;
ask for the eight characters which denote the time of one's birth.
ŭ cêk kâi jît-cí sĭang hó̤;
it would be best to have a fixed time.
pêh jît chíeⁿ-kiap;
robbed him in broad daylight.
thàu tn̂g pêh jît;
openly, in broad day.
ke nŏ̤ saⁿ jît;
in two or three days.
lîen jît lô̤h hŏ̤;
rains continuously for days at a time.
cêk lîen lô̤h ku-ā jît;
fell for several days at a stretch.
keh ke sì jît;
four days later.
sĭm-mih jît-khî?
At what period of time?
pâk jît;
some other day.
táng ĕ-jît;
wait till another day.
lṳ́ cīeⁿ jît cêng tàⁿ;
you said so the other day.
day after to-morrow; hereafter.
úa tâng côiⁿ jît lâi lío;
I have been here since day before
cá jît m̄ cêng chut lâi;
he did not come out yesterday.
cô̤h jît; côiⁿ jît;
the day before yesterday.
tōa ău jit;
the day after day after to-morrow.
tōa côiⁿ jît;
the day before day before yesterday.
kim jît; kíaⁿ jît;
kíaⁿ-jît sìeⁿ sĭm mûeh?
What day in the cycles is to-day?
ŭ chut jît tîeh khîeh khṳ̀ phâk;
if the sun comes out you must take it and put it in the sun.
lṳ́ màiⁿ chut khṳ̀ phâk jît;
do not go out in the sun.
i chìn, tó̤ cieh jît;
he is cold, and is warming himself in the sun.
bô̤ jît bô̤ so̤h;
there is no sun at all.
àiⁿ táng tî cêk jît?
To what day is it deferred?
tâng tī cêk jît lâi?
On what day did it come?
kio i cò̤ seⁿ jît;
make a birth-day party for him.
seⁿ-jît sie tâng;
having the same birthday.
jît chut lío;
the sun is up; the sun has come out.
jît khí-thâu chut;
the sun is just rising.
jît àiⁿ lô̤h;
the sun is about to set.
jît-thâu lô̤h suaⁿ;
the sun is setting.
jît tùi tang;
the sun is directly overhead.
jît sîa a būe?
Is the sun past the meridian yet?
káu gûeh káu nah jît bô̤ ēng cṳ-nîe lí m̄ tît;
in the ninth month, in the shortest day of the year, a good-for-nothing woman can't get through with the day's work.
īu kùe ke cêk jît lío;
another day is gone.
cêk jît cêk jît kōi kùe căi;
a day at a time passes quickly.
m̄ cai sĭ jît-kùa a sĭ mêⁿ-kùa;
did not know whether it was day or night.
jît cìe kàu cí lăi;
the sun shines in.
i kâi mâk m̄ káⁿ chīeⁿ jît;
he dare not look at the sun.
i khṳ̀ tô̤h jît khí kang;
he has gone to choose a lucky day for beginning the work.
cía jît sĭ tī-tîang thóiⁿ kâi?
Who sought out the lucky day?
jît cam;
the sun's rays.
jît cêk jît kîaⁿ cêk khuang;
the sun traverses a great circle each day.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ jît tŏ̤ tang pôiⁿ phû khí lâi, tŏ̤ sai pôiⁿ lô̤h khṳ̀;
behold the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west.
jît-jît sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
every day it is thus.
jît gûeh ŭ sî cau lāng;
even the sun and moon sometimes encounter dangers.
jît sĭ chiu-it sîh, a sĭ chiu-jī sîh?
Is the eclipseof the sun on the first or on the second day of the month?
jît tó̤;
the days are short.
jît tn̂g;
the days are lengthening.
jît cá;
it is still early in the day.
jît ùaⁿ lío;
it is already late in the day.
jît-cí kùe lío;
the set day is past.
kùe kúi jît;
you are too late by several days.
khah ke jît;
too many days.
tîeh tùi jît;
you must come on the day appointed.
hó̤ sî hó̤ jît;
a lucky period.
kit jît, hiong jît;
a lucky or an unlucky day.
thâu cêk jît;
the first day.
tŏiⁿ jī jît;
the next day.
ŭ tīaⁿ jît a bô̤ tīaⁿ jît?
Is there a fixed day for it or not?
lŏ kàu jît;
pickle it for a sufficient number of