Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/231

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


that is more comfortable.
cía jú ìuⁿ;
this is still finer.
cìm jú kú, jú hó̤;
the longer you soak it the better.
i chŵn-jú a būe?
Is he convalescent yet?
i chŵn-jú lío;
he is already convalescent.
  • 11211498
  • To praise one to his face; to adulate.
i sĭ thíam-mĭ mīn-jû kâi nâng;
he is a sycophant and flatterer.
châm thíam mīn-jû;
to curry favor by depreciating others and bepraising the one addressed.
kíaⁿ sṳ̆ pĕ-bó̤, to tîeh ŭ jû-sek ẃn-îong;
children when waiting upon their parents, must have a deferential manner, and a cheerful countenance.
  • 1123117
  • To respond; to answer; to assent; to agree to; yes; certainly.
cáu khṳ̀ ìⁿ-keng jû-jún kâi;
what has been laid before the emperor and assented to by him.
cía sĭ hûang-sĭang jû-jún kâi;
this is accorded by the emperor.
kìⁿ mông -jún li cū màiⁿ cài tàⁿ;
whatever has once been granted may not be withdrawn.
  • 297914
  • Literati; philosophers; the learned; refined.
jû kà;
jû cía;
hâng jû;
an indigent scholar.
pù jû;
a wealthy literary man.
sĭ hṳ̤́ kò̤ kâi mîaⁿ jû;
it is one of their celebrated scholars.
sĭ cêk tō̤ kâi tăi jû;
is the greatest scholar of the age.
láu sṳ suah jû;
a learned man, who is not an official.
jû ô̤h;
a district director of graduates.
cía ūe sĭ hu-jû kâi ūe;
this language is pedantic.
i sǹg sĭ jû ui;
he is considered a learned physician.
màiⁿ cò̤ sío-jîn jû, tîeh cò̤ kun-cṳ́ jŭ;
do not be a pretended scholar, but a real one.
sĭm sĭ jû-ngía;
is really very refined.
cí kâi nâng jû căi;
this person is very stylish.
mûeh jû căi;
the thing is elegant.
very elegant.
  • 297383
  • As; like; according to; if; then; as to.
jû chṳ́;
like this; thus.
lṳ̤́ jû-jîak àiⁿ lâi li kio úa tàⁿ;
if you are coming, then tell me.
put jû màiⁿ;
not to do so would be better.
úa thóiⁿ tîeh i put jû lṳ́;
I think you are better than he.
bô̤ hó̤ tâng phŭa put jû tôk kîaⁿ;
it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.
put jû;
nothing like; it will be better than.
jû i só̤ tàⁿ kâi ūe li àiⁿ cò̤-nî?
If it be as he said, then what?
bw̄n sṳ̄ jû ì;
everything according to one's wish.
cìeⁿ-sî mng jû ì;
everything goes on well lately.
i jû ā-sĭ àiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa cū màiⁿ;
if that is the way he wants it, than I will have nothing to do with
jû-hôk m̄ cai, tîeh tàⁿ m̄ cai;
if you do not know, you must say so.
ko-jû i ā-sĭ bô̤ li chūe pât nâng cieh;
should he not have any, then go and find some one else from whom you can borrow it.
i īa jû sĭ àng cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū thâk m̄ pat;
if he is like that, he will not learn by reading.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ sĭ jû hô̤?
What do you think about it?
khong-khong jû īa;
really nothing at all.
jû-kúaⁿ sĭ chim kâi;
is certainly a deep one.
i ciang jû úa hô̤?
Well, what is he going to do with me about it?
kîaⁿ khṳ̀ méⁿ căi, jû tâng pue cêk īeⁿ;
went very fast, as if he were flying.
thiaⁿ tîeh jû-tâng lô̤h hŏ;
sounded like rain.
jû kó nâng só̤ tàⁿ kâi ūe;
as was said by people of ancient times.
jû i só̤ hun-hù kâi sṳ̄ kîaⁿ;
do as he said.
jû cía īeⁿ cò̤;
make it like this pattern.
jī saⁿ jû lâk;
twice three are the same as six.
tō jit jû nî;
a day is like a year in passing.
bô̤ jû i hô̤;
have nothing to do with him.
jû hiaⁿ jû tĭ;
as brethren.
  • 2971186
  • The scurf skin of the bamboo.
tek jû;
bamboo oakum.
a plant used in medicine: its roots dye a red color.
  • 11211308
  • Fat; rich; fertile.
cí-kò̤ kâi châng-tī to sĭ ko̤-jû kâi tī;
the fields hereabouts have a rich soil.
só̤ cîah to sĭ ko̤-jû kâi hó̤-bī;
he feeds upon rich dainties.
a fungus, used in medicine.
  • 1123759
  • The elm.
slippery elm bark.
St. John's wort.
  • 11291499
  • An edict; an order; to instruct.
hûang-tì kâi jŭ cí;
the emperor's expressed will.
ŭ sĭang jŭ kàu;
an edict has arrived.
thâk sìaⁿ jŭ;
read the sacred edict.
a district superintendent of instruction.
chut kò̤-sī hío-jŭ peh-sèⁿ;
issue a proclamation to inform the people.
lí jŭ sì kìm;
to explain reasonably but to forbid with decision.
jŭ i kâi hieⁿ-lí kâi cîaⁿ-nâng láu-tōa lâi tàⁿ ūe;
order the head men of the village to come and talk it over.
kuaⁿ mīn jŭ i cìe-ⁿseⁿ cò̤;
ordered him to do this before the magistrate's face.
kak hieⁿ pun jŭ-thiap;
distributed an order in the villages.
chíaⁿ kuaⁿ jŭ kong-cìaⁿ kâi hieⁿ-sin chut lâi thio-chu;
invite the magistrate to instruct the honorable among the village gentry to come forth and arbitrate.