Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/244

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
I have nothing to do with this matter.
ûi lâng-kang;
surround with a balustrade.
  • kang318188
  • Unyielding; inflexible; firm; now; in music, a sharp tone.
i kâi sèⁿ khah kang;
his disposition is too unyielding.
i kâi sèⁿ-chêng sĭm sĭ kang-cìaⁿ;
his disposition is very resolutely upright.
i kài ūe ŭ kang ŭ jîu;
what he says is both firm and gentle.
cí kâi ŏi kang ŏi jîu;
this is sometimes hard and sometimes flexible.
cêk nâng khah kang-ngĕ, cêk nâng khah jîu-jîak;
the one is too unyielding, and the other is too yielding.
resolute, determined.
úa kang-kang cìaⁿ kàu;
I just now came.
i tó̤ hong kim kang keng;
he is reciting Buddhist chants in a high key.
  • kang311510
  • Exhausted; dry; all gone; cured by drying; adopted by a sworn contract.
sàu kàu kang-kang cĕng-cĕng;
swept out clean so that none remains.
bōi kang-cĕng ló;
all sold out.
phâk kang;
dried in the sun.
khîeh khṳ̀ jît-tèng sài-kang;
put it to dry in the sun.
sàng kang lói;
make a present of dried fruits.
khah kang-chàu;
too much dried up.
i pài i cò̤ kang pĕ;
he treats him as his adopted father.
lō tèng cîah kang nîe;
dry provisions eaten when travelling.
kîaⁿ hn̆g lō tîeh cai tòa kang nîe;
in making long journeys one must take dried provisions.
  • kang381386
  • Illicit intercourse, as adultery, rape, and incest.
m̄ hó̤ kang-îm;
thou shalt not commit adultery.
i cêng kang nâng kâi hŭ-ńng;
he has debauched women.
sĭ khîang kang a sĭ hûa kang?
Was it rape or seduction?
i sĭ kio nâng thong kang;
she has held criminal intercourse with some one.
kíaⁿ-jît sím cêk kĭaⁿ kang-chêng kâi ùaⁿ, kâi kang-hu phah lío kê chut lâi;
to-day a case of adultery was tried, and the criminal was beaten and put in the cangue.
iu kang;
to seduce.
kang-kúai nâng kâi cṳ-nîe;
commit rape.
  • kang460198
  • Hard work; diligence; efficacy; virtue.
i tó̤ ēng kang;
he is industrious.
i kâi kang-hu sûn căi;
his labors are unintermitting.
ēng kang àiⁿ ŭ huang huap cìaⁿ bŏi sieⁿ;
in exerting one's self there must be method and then no harm will be done.
ŭ kâi khùe thîaⁿ sûn-sûn lâi ēng kang, cū tīaⁿ-tîeh ŭ kong-hāu;
if when there is a job of work on hand, there be unceasing diligence, there will certainly be
kang tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ ēng cìaⁿ sĭ en huap;
expend your strengh thus and that will be according to the right method.
kak nâng ēng kak nâng kâi kang;
let each use his own strength.
cí īeⁿ sṳ̄ kâi kang-lîak tōa;
the efficacy of this is great.
cìeⁿ-sî khùn căi, bô̤ ēng kang;
is very much exhausted and does not exert himself.
  • kang362858
  • A river.
chîang kang, tăi hó̤;
a long and great river; the Yangtse.
tâng cûn kùe kang;
crossed the river in the same boat.
sĭ pńg-tī nâng a sĭ gūa-kang nâng?
Are they natives or foreigners?
cò̤ gūa kang hì;
performing plays, using the dialect of another province.
aìⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ le hûang-tì kâi kang suaⁿ, mng bw̄n-bw̄n nî ló;
if it be as you say, then the empire is everlasting.
i sĭ cáu kang ô kâi nâng;
he is a great traveller; a trader going to all parts.
cía sĭ lau-kang-ô;
this is an old traveller; one who knows a ruse.
  • kang381388
  • Crafty; plotting; clandestine.
kang chîn;
a treacherous vassal.
phŏiⁿ kang táng;
bring to trial a traitorous cabal.
tong i kâi kang kòi;
fell into his snare.
ngîam lîah hàng kang;
strictly put under arrest all those who are disaffected.
cí kâi nâng kang káu;
this is a designing person.
kang châk;
a villain.
lîah tîeh cêk kâi kang-sòi;
caught an eaves-dropper.

  • kang3191225
  • A large star, or the god who lives in it; the Buddhists reckon thirty-six large stars, including those which form the bowl of the dipper.
saⁿ-câp-lâk thien-kang;
the thirty-six large stars.
i tŏ̤ hue-hn̂g-tèng pō kang, tâh táu;
he is in the garden practising necromancy in order to influence the stars.
  • káng3878512
  • A rivulet in a gorge.
sang póiⁿ sĭ suaⁿ, tìn-tang kôih cêk tîo cúi, kìe-cò̤ káng;
a stream that is shut in between two hills is called a runnel.
  • káng36314910
  • To converse; to speak; to narrate; to discourse; explanation; talk.
sĭ káng cṳ lí a sĭ káng mûeh lí?
Is he discoursing of literature or of practical affairs?
káng sĭm-mih tŏ̤-lí?
What doctrine does he preach?
cí kâi sin-seⁿ bô̤ mih káng-kìu;
this teacher does not explain much.
i toaⁿ pat káng-kìu cîah, káng-kìu chēng tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ, cìaⁿ--