Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/25

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of the



  • a10681705
  • A prefix to names of persons.
my child.
an infant.
elder brother.
  • a1066808
  • Confused vocal sounds.
o-a a-a-kìe;
the raven croaks.
noⁿ-kíaⁿ khí-thâu ô̤h tàⁿ-ūe cĭu a-a-kìe;
children beginning to learn to talk utter confused sounds.
  • a10661964
  • A raven with a white streak on its neck.
a crow.
a fish-hawk.
a siaⁿ;
siaⁿ li sĭ a siaⁿ;
his voice is husky.
ŭ o-a kìe saⁿ siaⁿ;
a crow cawed three times.
o-a lô̤h îeⁿ;
the position of a crow descending into a field, (a fine site, geomantically considered).
  • a1066758
  • Divergent branches; a crotch, a prong, a fork, a tine.
cúi kàu hṳ́-kò̤ pun a;
the stream there divides into two branches.
cí tîo hô̤ tŏ̤ ĕ pôiⁿ pun cò̤ saⁿ a;
this river in its lower portion divides into three branches.
chīu tōa, pun a;
the tree grows and puts forth branches.
pun cò̤ chit poih a;
divides into seven or eight forks.
cêk a cài pun cò̤ ku-ā a;
one branch divided into several branches.
a crotched stick, used as a support.
khîeh ki a-che lâi thèⁿ;
get a forked stick and prop it up.
bô̤ a-che saⁿ cò̤-nî ?
Without crotches how can the clothes be hung out to dry?
ki-búe khui a;
the twigs are sprouting.
lŏ pun cò̤ nŏ̤ a;
the road divided into two forks.
suaⁿ-lêng kîaⁿ kàu cí-kò̤ cĭu pun a;
the spur of the mountain at this point divided off.
cí câng hue pun cò̤ kúi a;
this flower consists of several sprigs.
hiah tŏ̤ tŏiⁿ kúi a, nē?
On which branch is it perched?
àiⁿ cám-tīocêk a?
Which branch would you chop off?
cí a tn̂g, cí a tó̤;
one of the tines is longer than the other.
  • a107952
  • Or; otherwise.
ŭ a bô̤?
Is there any or not?
lṳ́ cêng a m̄ cêng?
Have you or have you not?
lṳ́ thóiⁿ tîeh hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?
Do you think it desirable, or not?
lṳ́ àiⁿ pêh kâi a o kâi?
Do you want white ones or black ones?
àiⁿ kàu a būe?
Are we almost there?
sĭ i kâi a-hiaⁿ a m̄ si?
It is his brother is it not?
  • a52961
  • When placed between two verbs indicates continuance or repetition of the action.
limping along.
hobbling on.
limping at every step.
walking as one does when one leg is shorter than the other.
walking lamely, in such a way as to throw the body forward by jerks.
swinging to and fro.
keeps poking it.
flying round and round.
winking every little while.
turns over at intervals.
i tŏ̤ cúi mīn lìm-a-lìm;
it bobs up and down on the surface of the water.
cûn sŏ̤-a-sŏ̤;
the boat tosses constantly.
chūe-a-chūe cū chūe tîeh;
keep on looking for it and you will find it.
bûa-a-bûa cū chûn tíam-kíaⁿ;
by successive grindings it is worn away so that there is but little left.
  • á1077645
  • To pluck; to twist; to wrest; to bend, as in an attempt to break.
á cîh;
to break by bending.
à chùi;
to snap in shivers.
á tn̆g;
to snap off.
á cò̤ kûeh;
to break in two.
á chíu pà;
to test the strength by seizing each other's wrists.
á cang-khak;
to make the frame of a coiffure.
á chīu-ki;
break off a branch of a tree.
á lúi hue;
pluck a flower.
á kaⁿ-ná;
pick olives.
a tò̤-tńg;
bend backward.
á tît cē;
bend it straighter.
màiⁿ á khah wn;
do not bend it into too short a curve.
á būe lô̤h sì;
have not yet brought it into shape.
á sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
twist it into a correct shape.
jĭm á m̄ wn;
endure pressure