Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/253

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

in diverse notes, pleasant to the ear.

kĕ cêk kek sía;
write it a line lower down.
i tó̤ táu kĕ ngṳ̂n;
he buys adulterated silver.
cí khí ngṳ̂n khah kĕ;
this silver is too far below the standard.
m̄ kûiⁿ m̄ kĕ;
neither above nor below the standard.
cí īeⁿ hùe ío kĕ;
these goods are lower-priced.
chin-chĭeⁿ cúi lâu lô̤h kĕ;
like water running down hill.


  • keⁿ3221274
  • To till; to cultivate; to plow.
keⁿ châng;
to cultivate the fields.
keⁿ co̤h kâi nâng;
farm laborers.
keⁿ gû;
cattle used in tilling the soil.
cîh keⁿ;
to plow with the tongue; to teach for a living.
  • keⁿ7012012
  • To weave.
keⁿ pò;
to weave cloth.
keⁿ-pò kui;
a loom.
keⁿ khṳ̀ ìuⁿ căi;
it is very finely woven.
keⁿ ŭ hue-jī;
woven in figures.
  • keⁿ4041207
  • The warp of a web in the loom; what runs lengthwise; the meridians of longitude.
si keⁿ pò hūi;
silk warp and linen woof.
cang si lâi cò̤ tît kâi keⁿ, cang mîⁿ-se lâi cò̤ hûeⁿ kâi hūi;
take silk for the warp, and cotton for the woof.
a compass.
i pì kâi lô̤-keⁿ khṳ̀ thóiⁿ suaⁿ;
he took a compass and went to locate a grave.
  • keⁿ3221239
  • A thick broth; pottage; porridge.
cò̤ kâi keⁿ pn̄g;
make rice porridge; dainties offered to parents on their birthdays.
crab soup.
câp gûeh keⁿ chài côi;
there are all sorts of edibles in the tenth month.
  • keⁿ321733
  • A watch of the night, two hours in length.
saⁿ keⁿ pùaⁿ mêⁿ;
in the dead of night.
ang keⁿ;
the first watch, beginning at dark.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî khṳ̀ kàu sì ngŏ keⁿ?
Why were you gone till near morning?
i jī keⁿ cū ût;
in the second watch, between nine and eleven o'clock, he went to sleep.
sîaⁿ-lâu sùi phùaⁿ keⁿ-kó hŵn căi;
though the tower be dilapidated the watchman is still there.
  • keⁿ321535
  • The seventh of the ten stems; years.
i nŏ̤ nâng tâng keⁿ;
the two are of the same age.
lṳ́ kùi keⁿ?
How old are you?
sĭm-mih nî keⁿ poih jī?
What are the eight cyclic characters which express the time of his birth?

  • kéⁿ3221957
  • To stick in the throat.
kéⁿ tîeh hṳ̂ kut;
got a fish-bone in his throat.
i sĭ khṳt ah kut kéⁿ tîeh;
he was choked by a bit of bone from the duck.
kéⁿ tŏ̤ âu-lêng kò̤, bŏi tit lô̤h;
stuck in hia throat and would not go down.
kut tîeh cai níu tīo, m̄-hó̤ khṳt i kéⁿ tîeh;
you must pick the bones out (after you have put the food in your mouth) and not get choked by them.
i kâi cîah lío īa m̄-ùi kéⁿ tîeh;
he takes it and does not fear its sticking in his throat; he takes what he likes without regard to future consequences.
  • kéⁿ322757
  • The petiole; the midrib of a leaf.
tìam kit kéⁿ;
sweet lime stems.
cí īeⁿ îeh sĭ àiⁿ ēng kéⁿ a sĭ àiⁿ ēng hîeh?
Is the leaf or the petiole made use of for this medicine?
  • kèⁿ407607
  • A by-way; a path; a short cut.
khui cêk tîo lō-kèⁿ;
open a road.
lṳ́ khṳ̀ thóiⁿ, thóiⁿ sĭm-mih kèⁿ-lō̤;
you go and see what sort of path there is.
cía múa-tī-kò̤ kâi lō-kèⁿ phe-phah lâi cū hó̤;
the roads about here are well planned.
cèng saⁿ kèⁿ hue;
planted three rows of flowers.


  • keh4281770
  • To degrade from office; to dismiss.
keh tīo mîaⁿ;
strike his name off the roll.
i sĭ gê-mn̂g kâi keh tîah, in-ûi gō kong sṳ̄ keh-thò̤ kâi;
he is a constable who has been dismissed on account of having blundered in public business.
keh ceh, hûe ke;
degraded in office and sent home.
iⁿ-keng chut keh-tîo lío;
has already issued a notice of dismissal.
keh tīo i kâi hìang;
take away his allowance.
in-ûi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ pun kuaⁿ keh tīo nē?
Why did the magistrate dismiss him from his post?
  • keh3941204
  • A step in a ladder or stairs.
tah-pō-câng àiⁿ cò̤ kúi keh?
How many steps will you make in the stairs?
cêk keh cêk keh khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ peh, m̄-hó̤ pûah;
go up slowly step by step, and do not fall.
  • keh42813010
  • The diaphragm; inability to eat.
nâng kâi sim-hùi hṳ́ ĕ cêk têng keh-mô̤h cia tŏ̤ kò̤;
below the heart and lungs there is a midriff stretched across.
hêng kek kò̤ thìaⁿ;
a pain in the pit of the stomach.
i ŭ kâi keh cîah kâi pēⁿ;
his food disagrees with him.
khai heng, lĭ keh;
to settle the stomach.