Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/300

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

kùai kìe sĭ i m̄ thiaⁿ i kâi ūe;

she does not find fault with him for anything else, but blames him simply for not heeding what she says.
kùai put tit i m̄ hàuⁿ;
it is not surprising that he is unwilling.
kùai tăng kâi sṳ̄;
it passes belief; it is incredibly strange.
bô̤ kùai i cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
I do not blame him for doing so.
môk kùai i cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is no fault of his that he is thus.
  • kùai485913
  • One who acts as broker; to keep up or settle the price of goods.
chĭ kùai;
one who studies the markets, and acts as agent in sales; a bull or a bear in the stock market.
cí pang chĭ-kùai hùe, sim pí nâng to m̄ tâng;
these stock brokers have not hearts like other people.
  • kùai26512013
  • To paint; to draw; to limn.
kùai cêk pak sìeⁿ;
paint a portrait.
kùai tī-tô;
draw a map.
kùai tô;
to draw a plan.
kùai tieⁿ suaⁿ tô;
sketch a landscape.


  • kúaiⁿ46311215
  • The ore of metals; a bed or vein of ore.
thih kúaiⁿ, in kúaiⁿ, ngṳ̂n kúaiⁿ;
iron, lead and silver ore.
líu kúaiⁿ kâi nâng;
múiⁿ jît ēng ho̤h cōi nâng tó̤ khui kúaiⁿ;
they daily employ a great many men in digging out the ore.
hía kúaiⁿ lâi khang, khang ŭ sĭm-mih sîaⁿ cáng?
When that ore is smelted, what proportion of pure metal is there in it?
  • kúaiⁿ489754
  • Fruit.
fresh fruit.
ŭ phîn kúaiⁿ;
has freshly gathered fruit.
cheⁿ- kúaiⁿ m̄-hó̤ to̤ cîah;
one must not eat freely of unripe fruit.
cheⁿ-kúaiⁿ sī;
pickled mashed olives.
peh kúaiⁿ;
all sorts of fruits.


  • kuak4921638
  • The second wall, enclosing the gate of a large city.
sîaⁿ kuak;
the outer defenses of the city gates.
hĭⁿ kâi lûn-kuak ngía;
the rim of the ear is well shaped.
  • kuak492758
  • The outer coffin; the case which encloses the coffin.
ŭ kuaⁿ bô̤ kuak;
has a coffin but no case.
lăi kuaⁿ, gūa kuak;
the inner and outer coffins.
  • kûak1090306
  • To gulp down; to swallow.
khîeh khí lâi li-li kûak lô̤h khṳ̀;
took it up and gulped it down without pause.
âu ta căi, khṳ̀ kûak nŏ̤ chùi chìn cúi;
was very thirsty, and went and drank two swallows of cold water.
kûak m̄ lô̤h;
can't swallow it.


  • kuang478104
  • Honor; glory; eclat; luster; light; bare; smooth.
ŭ kuang-chái;
has great brilliancy.
jît kâi kuang ŏi sīa mâk;
the brilliancy of the sun dazzles the eyes.
i mêⁿ-kùa ŏi hâu-kuang;
it corruscates in the night.
tī-hng kuang-kéng hó̤ căi;
the outlook from the place is very fine.
ngán côiⁿ kâi kuang-kéng căi-seⁿ?
What are the immediate prospects?
ciam lṳ́ kâi kuang;
get the benefit of your light.
ŭ thang hó̤ khṳt nâng ciam kuang cē cìaⁿ hó̤;
it is well if you have anything wherewith to benefit others.
khṳt i cîah kàu ceng kuang, mâuⁿ kuang;
all eaten up clean by him.
i sĭ lău kuang-kùn;
he is a swindler.
i sĭ cang cêk têng phûe, tieⁿ tó̤ cò̤ kuang-kùn pńg;
he makes use of a layer of fur, in order to appear to be something which he is not.
kuang-mêng cìaⁿ-tai;
open and above board.
kuang-im sṳ̆ cìⁿ, jît gûeh jû so̤;
time flies like an arrow, and the days and months like shuttles.
khṳt úa cĭa kuang cē;
grant the luster of your presence at my table.
kuang có, ĭo cong;
renders his ancestors illustrious and his clan glorious.
honor, glory.
  • kuang4791497
  • To befool; to mislead; to hoax.
lṳ́ mài kuang úa;
do not deceive me.
i sĭ àiⁿ kuang lṳ́ khṳ̀ bōi, lṳ́ m̄ hó̤ thiaⁿ i;
he wants to delude you into going off where he can sell you, do not you listen to him.
lṳ́ màiⁿ khṳt nâng kuang khṳ̀;
do not let people mislead you by delusive promises.
i kâi ūe to sĭ kuang-kuang phìen;
his talk is all very misleading.
cía sĭ tó̤ kuang a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe kâi;
this is to fool children with.
i tó̤ kuang m̄ hío hùe kâi;
he deceives the ignorant.
i bô̤ kuang nâng kâi cîⁿ, bô̤ kuang nâng kâi ngṳ̂n: lṳ́ àiⁿ li sìu i, m̄ li hiah;
he does not fool people out of their money: trust him if you choose to, if not let it alone.
i sĭ tó̤ kuang-láu nâng;
he is swindling people.
úa sĭ kuang lṳ́ kâi;
I was hoaxing you.
  • kúang4785312
  • Extensive; wide; broad; enlarged.
kúang kîaⁿ si cì;
distribute alms widely.
i ío kúang kau;
he has a more extensive acquaintance.
lâi khṳ̀ kúang kìen-sek cē;
let us enlarge our sphere of observation.
lṳ́ ío kúang kìen;
you have had a wider experience.
líang kúang cóng-tok;
viceroy over the two Provinces of Canton and Kwangsi.