Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/306

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

siu kâi thâu lô̤h khṳ̀ to kio tōa nâng pêⁿ-pêⁿ kûiⁿ ló;

if she were to bind her feet, and arrange a coiffure, she would be as tall as a grown person.
peh cĭeⁿ kûiⁿ-kûiⁿ kâi suaⁿ téng;
climb a high hill.
tah kâi pêⁿ kûiⁿ-kûiⁿ;
make a high platform.
jît chut ho̤h kûiⁿ lío;
the sun is already high.
kûiⁿ suaⁿ kûiⁿ chîo tùi;
high hills have high hills to face them.
uang-uang kûiⁿ;
tall and personable.
  • kūiⁿ20112010
  • A political division answering to a district; the fifth order of territorial divisions, sometimes called a county.
i kíaⁿ tó̤ cò̤ kūiⁿ kuaⁿ;
his son is district magistrate.
hīn jīm móng kò̤ kâi ti-kūiⁿ;
is now filling the office of district magistrate in a certain place.
kūiⁿ sîaⁿ;
district cities.
káu kūiⁿ;
the nine districts.
nín sĭ tī cêk kūiⁿ kẃn kâi?
In which district are you?
kūiⁿ cú; kūiⁿ thài-îa;
the district magistrate.
kūiⁿ ô̤h;
the district examinations.
keh kūiⁿ;
the adjoining district.
lîn kūiⁿ;
neighboring districts.
nŏ̤ kūiⁿ kiam kài;
the two districts are contiguous.
suaⁿ kūiⁿ;
a mountainous district.
sĭ tōa kūiⁿ a sĭ síe kūiⁿ?
Is it a large or a small district?
cí-kò̤ sĭ sôk tī cêk kūiⁿ hūn kẃn?
What district magistrate holds this place under his jurisdiction?
síu kūiⁿ;
the chief district.
kūiⁿ gê-mn̂g;
the district yamun.
kūiⁿ sêng;
the deputy magistrate of the district.
kūiⁿ-kháu kháu ŵn a būe?
Are the district examinations through with yet?
  • kūiⁿ4867514
  • A case with drawers or a door; a press; a locker; a chest.
tōa kūiⁿ, kūiⁿ kíaⁿ;
large and small lockers.
a sideboard.
a side table with drawers.
a counter in a shop.
cúi kūiⁿ;
large covered water-jars.
lō kūiⁿ;
water jars kept along the street, as a precaution against fires.


  • kun4191592
  • An army; troops; a legion of 12500 men; the headquarters; military; warlike; what pertains to an army.
tăi kun;
a legion.
kun-îaⁿ kâi sṳ̄-bŭ hŵn;
the affairs of the army are numerous and vexations.
i tùe nâng khṳ̀ chut kun;
he is a camp follower.
mîaⁿ-ke kîaⁿ kun;
skilled in military tactics.
kun-mîn hú;
a military sub-prefect, placed at an important point with civil jurisdiction.
kun thiaⁿ;
the office of the sub-deputy district magistrate.
íong kẁn sam kun;
the bravest of the brave.
tong kun;
the main body of the troops.
khṳ̀ tâu kun;
to enlist as a soldier.
îu kun-kong seng kàu cò̤ cóng-tok;
rise by military merit to the office of governor.
ngí tīaⁿ cò̤ chong kun kâi cŭe;
sentenced to banishment to a garrison on the frontier.
tŏ̤ kun côiⁿ ku-ā nî;
in the van of the army for several years.
líang kun tùi têk;
two armies in opposition.
kun léng ngîam-sok;
military orders are stringent.
thūn kun tŏ̤ móng kâi tī-hng;
intrenched forces in a certain spot.
ēng kun sie kìⁿ;
practise military etiquette in salutation.
kau-seng cò̤ thî-tok-kun-mn̂g;
became the general-in-chief.
cie kun bói bé;
raise and equip troops.
kun cuang kêk;
dépot of military stores.
cí hûe tú-tú ŭ kun bŭ;
have military business on hand just now.
kun khì;
weapons of war.
pun cêk chut ciang-kun-lĕng;
sound a victorious pean.
hīu-khek kâi ciang-kun sèⁿ sĭm-mûeh?
What is the surname of the present victorious commander?
a strategist in war.
cí cêk ki kun-bé thóiⁿ tîeh hîong-càng căi;
these troops appear very powerful.
mĕng nâng tòa ki kun khṳ̀ síu sîaⁿ;
order some one to take a body of troops and go and guard the city.
pāi kun cṳ cìang;
a defeated general,
cí ki kun sĭ tŏ̤ móng kò̤ tit sèng tńg lâi;
this division of the army has returned from a victory in a certain place.
kun-sṳ̆ hùe huaⁿ-hí cĭu lâk;
the soldiers are willing to do their utmost.
choiⁿ kun kōi tit, cêk ciang lâng khîu;
a thousand men may be had easily, but one leader for them is hard to find.
cū sĭ i tó̤ thîo kun;
it is he who directs the movements of the troops.
chui kun côiⁿ kîaⁿ;
urge the troops forward.
ín kun tui-kúaⁿ;
lead the troops in pursuit.
kun cìu kàu tī-kò̤?
How far have the troops advanced.
thò̤ kun;
withdraw the troops.
kun huap;
military regulations.
martial; warlike.
tăi-ciang-kun, poih mīn ui-hong;
a great commander is majestic, no matter on what side you approach him.
chue-sùaⁿ kun sim;
demoralize the army.
kun-sṳ̆ íong-iak;
soldiers eager for battle.
kun bô̤ cìen sim;
the troops have no mind to fight.
kun lĕng m̄ kîaⁿ;
the orders are not obeyed.
chau-līen kun-sṳ̆;
drill the troops.
kun m̄ ceng; cúi kun bô̤ mih ceng-līen;
the army is not well disciplined.
kun nîe;
soldiers' rations.
kun tang khueh nîe;
the army lacks supplies.
tôi kun su lâi pang-cŏ̤ kun hìang;
contribute means for aiding in the equipment of the army.
  • kun418304
  • One who is honored as a prince or chief ruler; a soverign; exalted; superior.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi nâng sĭ kun-cṳ́ a sĭ sío-jîn?
Do you consider him a cultivated person, or a