Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/31

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


feel the pulse.
chíu àng sim-kuaⁿ-thâu;
lay the hand on the heart.
àng kìam tŏ̤ chíu,
grasped the sword in his hand.
àng gûeh cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n;
to fix the monthly stipend.
àng piaⁿ put tŏng;
to halt the troops.
to give as security for something borrowed.
àng-tǹg mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
to give things in pledge.
cang chân-khòi cò̤ àng;
take the deed of his field as security.
àng tīaⁿ jît-khî;
to set a fixed time.
àng khieⁿ hâh phah;
strike the key of the tune.
àng páng;
set the tune.
àng-sok m̄ tîo;
does not successfully repress it.
àng-sok kàu tîo-tîo;
keeps in subjection.
sìn àng peh ngṳ̂n;
take in pawn, for its full value, of a hundred dollars.
i àiⁿ àng náng jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much does he wish to borrow from us, giving security for it?
cò̤ àng;
give as security.
àng pō lâi kîaⁿ;
set your steps carefully as you go.
the provincial judge.
cò̤ tîeh àng-chak, mīn cĭu o;
if you do the work of a provincial judge, you will become dark visaged.
  • âng2351203
  • Red; rosy; ruddy; the blood; lucky, pleasant, because red is the color used for marriage sedans, the highest official buttons, and other tokens of rank.
âng sek;
a red color.
tōa âng;
deep red.
hue âng;
thô̤ âng;
peach pink.
hún ang;
the color of rouge.
it pín âng;
bright red.
săi âng;
persimmon red.
sang âng;
deep pink.
bâk âng;
dark red.
cu-sa âng;
light red.
âng hûn;
red clouds.
chim âng;
deep red.
chíen âng;
pale red.
cíu cîah kàu mīn ham-ham-âng;
flushed with wine.
âng si-sùaⁿ só̤ mâk-kîⁿ;
a red line on the edge of the eye lids.
chùi-lîm-phûe cu-cu-âng;
the lips bright red.
ngṳ̂n-cu âng;
the color of vermilion.
îu âng;
painted red.
mâk-kho âng;
red around the eyes.
âng hue ńng;
a young lady.
chut hue-âng;
to issue a notice of a reward.
âng kîⁿ;
a red flag.
âng hue bŏi phang, phang hue bŏi âng;
brilliant flowers are scentless, and fragrant flowers are not bright colored.
âng sṳ̄, pêh sṳ̄;
happy affair, or grievous affair.
hue âng líu lêk;
a variety of bright colors.
hue âng ngṳ̂n;
a reward, received for public service, in catching a thief or murderer.
âng ngŵn ńng-cṳ́ to̤ pô̤h mīaⁿ;
many handsome girls have hard fates.
chiⁿ âng;
fresh and ruddy.
âng pêh âng pêh;
pink and white.
mīn âng-âng;
a ruddy countenance.
red haired people, Europeans.
âng thâu cûn;
a junk.
pàng âng;
have dysentery.
phùi âng;
to spit blood.
âng pó̤ cîeh;
a ruby.
âng téng;
the red button, an insignia of high rank.
âng sang-hû;
red coral.
tòng âng-sim;
hit the centre of the
âng eng bō̤;
an official hat having red fringe on the crown.
âng cang so̤h;
red hairstrings.
âng nê-sùaⁿ;
an umbrella used by officials of high rank.
âng tài cṳ́;
a belt worn by blood-relations of the emperor.
âng cûn;
an official boat.
pōiⁿ âng-saⁿ cŭe;
inflict the punishment of banishment.
âng khòi;
a stamped deed.
kìⁿ tîeh nâng mīn cĭu âng;
blushed if she saw any one.
mīn âng-kōng-chiah;
blushed deeply.
  • âng236856
  • A flood, an inundation.
the deluge of Yu, B.C. 2200.


  • ap1068645
  • The complement; an unlicensed pawn-shop; to pay a balance; to add the complement.
ap sìo;
to pay the remainder of a bill.
ap ūn;
to match a rhyme.
ūe hue-ap;
to affix the necessary device, mark, or paraph.
chiam ap;
to authenticate by affixing a mark.
sìo-bâk ap cheng-chó̤;
the balance of the account has been paid in full.
síe ap;
a pawn-shop, where cheap articles are pledged.
hìang ap;
a licensed pawn-shop.
hìang ap cú-nâng kâi lĭ-sek cíe, síe ap cú-nâng kâi lĭ-sek ke;
the amount charged by the licensed pawnbroker is less than that charged by the unlicensed pawnbroker.
ap kàu nî;
paid up for a year.
ap kàu gûeh;
paid in full for one month.
ap kàu peh;
made it up to a hundred.
i m̄ khéng ūe ap;
he was unwilling to affix the mark.
cíeⁿ méⁿ-méⁿ ap;
quickly draw in the oar.
  • âp2181086
  • A small box, having a cover.
a card-case.
a very small box.
gêk âp;
an alabaster box.
cêk âp ko̤-píaⁿ;
a box of cakes.
chō̤ cêk âp tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;
fill the box full.
siu thâu âp;
a dressing-case.
bō̤ âp;
a hat-box.
  • âp939305
  • The motion of the gills of a fish.
hṳ̂ âp cúi;
the fish sucks water.
chùi tó̤ âp;
he is gasping.
chùi hŵn-lío ŏi âp;
he still gasps.


  • au623174
  • Hollowed out; concave.
au-au nē;
cí kâi īⁿ bô̤ hìeⁿ au;
this inkstone is not worn down much.
cí kâi úaⁿ ío chim-au;
this bowl is deeper.
taⁿ kâi tê-tĭen cò̤ khṳ̀ ío chim-au;
modern saucers are made deeper.
mâk chim-au;