Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/317

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • khái3081610
  • A victory; the triumphant return of an army.
càu khái tńg lâi;
celebrate a victorious return.
tī-tiang-sî cìaⁿ hó̤ khái-sŵn;
when we return in triumph.
  • khái3071810
  • Assiduously; diligently; fully.
with assiduity.
kò̤-sī tàⁿ lâi khái-chiet căi;
the proclamation sets it forth very fully.
khái-khái chiet-chiet hío-jŭ peh-sèⁿ;
let all the people clearly understand this (a phrase common in edicts).
  • 覬覦khái-jû1124
  • To covet; to envy; to desire to obtain, though by foul means.
nâng tó̤ khái-jû i kâi tī-hng;
people envy him the possession of his place.
cèng nâng m̄ káⁿ khai-jû;
others dare not aspire to the possession of it.
i cē cìeⁿ-seⁿ nâng cū seⁿ khái-jû kâi sim;
if he acts thus, people will have their envy aroused.
  • khài3077511
  • To sum up; a résumé.
in general; generally speaking; on the whole.
tăi-khài sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ kâi ì-sṳ̀;
in a general way, that is the meaning of it.
úa put kùe tàⁿ kâi tăi-khài;
I tell you only what it is in a general way.
cêk khài ŭ jîeh cōi?
When summed up, how much is there altogether?
  • khài3096111
  • Generous; honorable.
khài thàng!
What a pity! How sad!
cí kâi nâng khang khài;
this man is disinterested.
i sĭ khang-khang khài-khài kâi nâng cò̤ ŭ cìeⁿ-se?
If he is disinterested how does it happen that this has come to pass?


  • 𤿠kháiⁿ3921076
  • Blackness of the skin.
i kâi mīn kháiⁿ-kháiⁿ-o;
his face is very black.
i sĭ seⁿ lâi kâi mīn khái-khái-o, a sĭ kô kâi mīn khái-khái-o?
Is his face naturally black, or has he blackened it?


  • khak41111211
  • Solid; firm; in truth; really; verily.
ŭ tek-khak kâi sìn a bô̤?
Is there reliable news or not?
úa thiaⁿ tîeh cía sṳ̄ hŵn-lío būe tek-khak;
I judge from the hearing, that there is as yet no trustworthy evidence concerning this affair.
cía sĭ tek-tek khak-khak kâi cèng-kṳ̄;
this is substantial proof.
khak-sît sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ mē?
Is it really so?
khak-khak sît-sît kâi;
what is verily so.
sím kàu khak châk,
cū tẁn;
adjudicate till trustworthy evidence is obtained, and then decide the case.
sui sĭ sím kúi hûe būe sím chut ŭ khak-khak chàk-chàk kâi chêng-hêng;
although the case has been tried several times, reliable evidence has not yet been brought out in the trial.
  • khak412798
  • The shell of mollusks; the husk or covering of fruits; exuviæ of snakes; a hard outer covering.
ku khak;
tortoise shell.
khang-khak kâi;
hollow; empty.
the cranium.
thâu-khak thìaⁿ;
thâu-khak hîn;
spiral shells.
scallop shells.
shell of the king crab.
gê-cí khak;
cocoa-nut shell.
tāu khak;
cía sĭ khak hue a sĭ sap hue?
Is this lime made from whole or from broken sea shells?
koi-nn̆g khak;
egg shells.
khang-khak chīu;
a hollow tree.
ké kàu khang-khak;
consists wholly of pretence.
ío, kâi mīn m̄ tîeh khîeh kâi sío-kúi-khak lâi tì;
then you better get a mask to cover your face.
cûa pak khak;
the cast skin of a serpent.
cí kâi mīn-khak ūe lâi sĭo;
this face is made very lifelike.
thám kâi khak;
tie a knot.
àiⁿ thám ûah khak a thám sí khak?
Shall I tie a slip-knot or a fixed knot?
àiⁿ tōiⁿ, tîeh thám ke nŏ̤ kâi khak;
if you want it to be firm, you must tie two knots more.
lṳ́ kâi khak cò̤-nî pâk, úa kói m̄ chut?
How have you tied this knot, that I cannot untie it?
khak thám m̄ kín cù àiⁿ lut;
if the knot is not tightly tied it will slip.
bô̤ kûe bô̤ khak;
no bunches nor knots in it.
  • khak429309
  • To cough and hawk in order to remove something from the throat.
khak chut lâi kâi nŭaⁿ thi-thi;
raised some viscid phlegm.
  • khak2571738
  • The Asiatic cholera.
ŭ cêk īeⁿ cèng kìe-cò̤ kang-khak-lw̆n, īa bŏi thò īa bŏi sìa, pí hṳ́ khí khak-lw̆n kèng lī-hāi;
there is a disease called the dry cholera, in which there is neither vomiting nor purging, and which is still more dangerous than the other sort.
sîn-khah tê;
a medicine for colds, brought from Chinchew near Amoy.
úa kìa lṳ́ khṳ̀ chŵn-ciu kò̤ bói cē sîn-khak lâi;
I send by you to Chinchew to buy some medicine for colds.
âng khak;
upland rice, which reddens the dishes in which it is cooked.