Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/322

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


an important pass.
tòa piaⁿ khṳ̀ tŭ-kháu;
lead troops to defend the pass.
cham- che lō kháu;
cross-roads; the point where several roads meet.
ūi kháu;
the pylorus.
khui ūi-kháu kâi mûeh;
aids to digestion.
cîah kháu hun cē;
take a smoke.
nā ka-kī mn̂g-kha hŏ-kháu kò̤ cŏ̤;
stay and sit by one's own door.
a carcass.
ngŏ seⁿ-kháu côi;
the five carcasses are all prepared.
kháu im;
cía sĭ tī-kò̤ kâi kháu im?
In what place do they pronounce their words in this way?
kháu kak hó̤;
clear enunciation.
kháu pêh hó̤;
has a pleasant mode of telling things; eloquent.
  • kháu3271250
  • To question, as candidates at a competitive examination; ancestors.
kháu mn̄g i kâi cṳ;
examine him in his lessons.
sùe kháu;
an examination at which candidates for both literary and military degrees are examined.
khue kháu;
an examination of candidates for literary degrees.
tăi khau;
the triennial examination.
íⁿ-keng kháu-ngīam kùe;
already examined.
cĭeⁿ sîaⁿ kháu-chì;
go to the city to the examination.
kūiⁿ kháu;
the examinations at the District city.
hú kháu;
the examinations at the Departmental city.
cong-sṳ kháu;
examination by the Imperial Commissioner.
soiⁿ kháu;
my deceased father.
leh tō̤ kâi có kháu pí;
remote ancestors.
to search out.
bo ho̤ ki kháu;
there is no good evidence for it.
  • kháu3279310
  • Bounty money; to reward with a treat.
kháu-síeⁿ sam kun;
to confer bounties on the army.
mĕng khim-che tòa mûeh lâi kháu-síeⁿ kun-sṳ̆;
command an ambassador to take articles and confer largess upon the soldiery.
  • kháu327646
  • To extort a confession, as by torture.
lîah i lâi kháu-mn̄g;
seize and examine him by torture.
kò̤ i ēng sai hêng kháu-phah i;
charged him with having used private means of torturing him to make him confess.
sai-khia-ĕ lîah khṳ̀ kháu-phah;
privately seized and beat him to make him confess.
  • khàu455307
  • To cry; to wail; to weep; to bemoan.
i tó̤ khàu mih sṳ̄? What is she crying about? thâu kîaⁿ thâu khàu;
crying as he went.
màiⁿ khàu;
don't cry.
lṳ́ khàu cŏ̤-nî?
Why do you weep?
khàu kàu choih;
cried so hard as to sob.
khàu kàu chám căi;
weeping bitterly.
khàu m̄ khéng hiah;
would not stop crying.
tèⁿ khàu;
pretend to weep.
thìaⁿ khàu;
khàu ā bô̤ iah;
it is of no use to cry about it.
khàu-thiⁿ; thiⁿ-khàu; thiⁿ-thiⁿ khàu-khàu;
cry and sob.
pang siaⁿ tăi khàu;
began to cry aloud.
mông bŏi tîeh kuaⁿ-châ-thâu cū khàu;
began to wail before he touched the coffin.
phŏ tó̤ lí-kẃn khàu; phŏ̤ tîeh li-li khàu;
clasped it and gave himself up to moaning.
thiaⁿ tîeh sĭ khàu siaⁿ;
heard the sound of weeping.
khàu m̄ chut siaⁿ;
weep noiselessly.
kúi phàu sîn hau;
demons moan and spirits clamor.
hāi i khàu kàu āⁿ-āⁿ-kìe;
made him cry and scream.
màiⁿ pin-tǹg i khàu;
do not tease him and make him cry.
khàu kàu lŭi;
crying with many tears.
khàu m̄ cĕⁿ;
will not stop the noise of his crying.
  • khàu3271757
  • To depend upon; to rely on.
khàu-cĭang lṳ́ kâi lâk;
trust to your strength.
thong ke to sĭ khàu-cĭang cí kâi kíaⁿ;
the whole family depend on this son.
cí kâi nâng khàu m̄ cŭ;
this person is not to be depended upon.
chŵn khàu cía phò tó̤ hūaⁿ ke, bô̤ pât īeⁿ chut sek;
depends wholly on this shop for the support of the family, and has no other source of income.
tṳ̂ chṳ́ cṳ gūa bô̤ kâi nâng hó̤ khàu;
besides this one, there is no person to depend upon.
  • khàu332643
  • To deduct; to discount; a skein.
khàu pò;
narrow cotton cloth.
khàu ngŏ khàu;
take off five per cent discount.
to subtract.
soiⁿ-soiⁿ cū khṳt i khàu khí;
it was deducted by him beforehand.
khàu jîeh cōi ĭong, khàu jîeh cōi kieh?
How much is to be deducted for commission, and for freight?
cêk khàu sùaⁿ;
a skein of thread.
  • khàu327866
  • To dry by a fire.
khàu i taⁿ;
lay it by the fire and dry it.
tîeh māng húe khua-khua khàu;
dry it gradually by a slow fire.
khàu lâi jú ta jú hó̤;
the more thoroughly you dry it the better.
pàng huang-lô búe cìaⁿ hó̤ khàu;
put it over the earthen stove when the fire is nearly out, and then it will dry.
khàu m̄ so;
it is not dried crisp.
  • khàu3321673
  • A clasp; to clasp.
cang tâng khàu lâi khàu;
use brass clasps and clasp it.
  • khàu333302
  • To strike the bead on the ground as in worship.
khàu thâu; khàu síu;
the ceremony of kneeling and putting the forehead on the ground.
saⁿ kŭi káu khàu thâu;
thrice kneeling and nine times knocking the head.
to visit a superior.