Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/325

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

putting down other people.

cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū sĭ khi kun;
this is failing in duty toward the sovereign.
to blackguard.
bô̤ ài-sieh hia-ⁿtĭ, ío būe tá-kíu, hŵn àiⁿ khi-lêng hiaⁿ-tĭ;
does not love his brothers, and what is still worse, he wants to dispossess his brothers of their rights.
to cheat.
  • khi342658
  • Tipped; tilted; not standing evenly on its base.
i kîaⁿ lō thâu khi-khi;
he walks with his head on one side.
m̄-hó̤ pàng khi, tîeh pàng sì-cìaⁿ;
do not set it down with the base tilted up, set it down squarely.
sāi kàu hìeⁿ khi, tī-kò̤ cē tiaⁿ, mng phah tó̤ khṳ̀ ló;
if you set it down tilted in that way, it will tumble over at the least touch.
hīn-khek cí khí cíu pue cū sĭ hāu-huap kó-cá khi khì kâi ì-sṳ̀;
at present this sort of wine cup is made on the same design as were the tilted vessels of ancient times.
cí kâi sieⁿ m̄-hó̤ phŏ̤ khi;
do not tip this box in lifting it.
àiⁿ taⁿ īa m̄-hó̤ khi;
and do not tilt it sidewise in carrying it.
sît khi-khi, koiⁿ-thâu khi-khi;
wings and shoulders tilted, ready for a fight.
  • 崎嶇khi-khu342
  • Irregular, as a stony road; uneven; rough.
lō khi-khu tîeh hàm nâng khṳ̀ pho pêⁿ;
the road is very rough, we must call a man to mend it.
khi-khi khu-khu;
very uneven.
khi-khu nap-uh;
full of knolls and holes, as after an inundation.
  • khí3471563
  • To rise; to lift; to start; to begin; to build; a classifier.
khí sin;
to start on a journey.
khí bé a būe?
Has the cavalcade set out yet?
khí chíu phah i;
raised his hand and struck her.
tī-tîang soiⁿ khí chíu?
Who began the fray?
sĭ tī koiⁿ phò khí húe?
In what shop did the fire first break out?
khĭa khí lâi;
rise and stand.
khí lâi;
get up.
a corrugated moulding.
tàⁿ tîeh cū náu khí lâi;
as soon as I spoke of it he became angry.
thiaⁿ tîeh cū chìe khí lâi;
as soon as he heard it he began to laugh.
hái tèng hut-jîen cū khí huang éng;
the sea suddenly became tempestuous.
khí-cho̤ kâi sî-hāu;
in the beginning.
khí-thâu lâi;
when he first came.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang khí-ì?
Who first started the idea of doing this?
thóiⁿ tîeh cū khí put lîang cṳ sim;
as soon as he saw it his coveteous desires were excited.
khí kṳ im cîah cùe àiⁿ ŭ cak;
under all circumstances moderation in eating and drinking is most desirable.
ūi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ khí-kìen?
By what means was this set going?
cía sĭ cí cêk khí kâi nâng;
they are that sort of people.
sĭ i soiⁿ khí-hìen;
it was he who began the strife.
i cṳ̆-lâi khí tó̤ ūn;
its luck has been fluctuating.
khí piaⁿ;
raise troops.
tng m̄ khí;
am not adequate to the task.
sĭeⁿ khí lâi cū khì;
whenever I think of it I am vexed.
kò kieh khṳ̀ khí hùe;
hire porters to take out the cargo.
pīn cí-kò̤ sía khí;
begin here and write on.
cĭu kíaⁿ-jît cò̤ khí;
begin with to-day, and reckon on.
ùaⁿ cáu-khí;
got up late.
i būe cêng cáu-khí;
she has not yet risen.
khí lâi khĭa;
stand up.
gather them up and put them away.
khîeh khí lâi;
take it up.
hû i khí;
help him up.
kng m̄ khí;
cannot carry it.
peh khí khṳ̀;
clambered up.
kha khìo khí lâi;
raise your foot.
kĭo m̄ khí;
cannot pry it up.
cí kâi tàⁿ khah tăng, úa taⁿ m̄ khí;
this burden is too heavy, I cannot lift it.
cía sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang khí kâi?
Who started this?
hàm hṳ́ kâi khí sṳ̄ kâi nâng lâi;
tell the originator of the disturbance to come here.
nín ūi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ khí ẁn-ke?
What is the occasion for your being at variance with each other?
jîh lô̤h cúi tói i hŵn ŏi phû khí lâi;
when pressed down into the water, it will again rise to the top.
peh khí khṳ̀ chīu câng téng;
climbed to the top of a tree.
cí ki thĭo lṳ́ so̤h tit khí a so̤h m̄ khí?
Can you climb this pillar?
i kâi kî līu khí khṳ̀ a būe?
Has he run up his flag yet?
lô tèng hó̤ khí húe;
build a fire in the grate.
i tó̤ khí chù;
he is building a house.
àiⁿ khí lâu a m̆?
Are yon going to add a second storey?
i kâi chíu khîeh m̄ khí;
he cannot raise his hand.
i kâi kha cìeⁿ-sî nńg, cài sin m̄ khí;
his legs are very weak lately so that they cannot bear his weight.
cò̤-nî cí-kâi thóiⁿ tit khí, hṳ́-kâi thóiⁿ m̄ khí?
Why is it that you esteem that, and despise this?
tìeⁿ khí mâk khṳ̀ mō̤ⁿ;
lift up your eyes and look.
hĭⁿ khìo khí lâi;
pricked up his ears.
àiⁿ li tâh khí cū khṳ̀;
if you want it rush off at once.
cí-kò̤ khí kàu hṳ́-kò̤ cí;
from this point to that; beginning here and ending there.
khí-soiⁿ khí-soiⁿ sĭ tī-tîang lâi?
Who was the very first one that came?
khí cêk cō̤ thah;
rear a pagoda.
kha bô̤ lâk, cn̂g kâi peh m̄ khí sin;
my legs have no strength and I cannot get upon my feet at all.
khí-thâu kâi sî-hāu;
in the beginning.
khí kang;
begin the work.
tô̤h jît khí kang;
choose a lucky day for commencing the work.
thìo khí khṳ̀;
jump up on it.
thâh khí khṳ̀;
piled up.
tîn tŏa khí chù-téng kò̤ khṳ̀;
the creeper has clambered up to the roof.
thî-khí cí kĭa sṳ̄;
introduce this subject.
máng khí lâi;
pull it up, using both hands.
kâu khí khṳ̀;
climb up, using hands and feet.