Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/33

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

speak in a big base voice.

síe âu;
a piping voice.
  • ău175606
  • After; behind; subsequent; in the rear.
soiⁿ ău;
previously and subsequently.
côiⁿ ău;
before and behind.
ău mīn; ău thâu; ău kha;
in the rear.
m̄ soiⁿ m̄ ău;
neither sooner nor later.
lṳ́ soiⁿ khṳ̀, ău úa lâi;
you go first and afterward I will come.
ău jît;
hereafter; day after to-morrow.
ău nî;
in after years; year after next.
ău kâi gûeh;
month after next.
ău sì;
after ages.
íⁿ ău; ău lâi;
ău ang, ău bó;
a second husband or wife.
ău pă, ău âi;
a step-father or step-mother.
thiⁿ cīeⁿ pak huang, tī ĕ ău bó̤;
in the heavens there are north winds and on earth there are step-mothers.
ău cō̤; ău lô̤h;
rear buildings.
ău tōiⁿ; ău keng;
the inner temple.
ău tūi;
the rear company.
tĭen ău;
the rear guard.
hŏ ău;
after the shower.
cíu ău;
after their wine bibbing.
ău cím; ău táu; ău náu;
the back of the neck.
ah ău;
the rear body of the escort.
coih ău;
after the festival.
coih ău saⁿ jît;
three days after the holidays.
chù ău pôiⁿ;
behind the house.
jû ló ău pĕ;
hatred like that toward a step-father.
tùe i ka-ciah ău;
followed on behind him.
tùe tŏ̤ hṳ́ ău;
follows on behind.
ău mn̂g;
the back door.
ău lâu;
the back rooms up stairs.
soiⁿ thiⁿ, ău thiⁿ;
ante-natal and post-natal influences.
soiⁿ thiⁿ lŭn thói, ău thiⁿ lŭn ēng;
the inherited tendencies affect the body, their subsequent development is determined by the habits.
cí ău-ău chūa kâi;
the very last one that he married.
búe ău;
the hindmost.
kío-búe-ău seⁿ kâi;
the one last given birth to.
kío-búe-ău seⁿ cí kâi;
at last gave birth to this.
sûi ău cū kàu;
arrived immediately afterward.
ău-sìaⁿ, ău-hîen;
modern sages.
ău hâk;
modern scholars.
the heel of the foot.
ău teⁿ;
the heel (of a shoe).
ău phè;
the cloth heel of a bound footed woman's shoe.
ău táu; ău táu búe;
the lower part of a woman's coiffure.
phah ău thàng;
a back door pilferer.
cai kù côiⁿ, bô̤ kù ău;
regards what is in front, but not what is behind.
thàng kàu hṳ́ ău-ău;
pierced quite through and through.
pau tùi i hṳ́ ău;
head off and inclose him.
ău lîo chîeⁿ;
the wall enclosing the back yard.
côiⁿ suaⁿ būe kûiⁿ, ău suaⁿ jú-kèng kûiⁿ;
things get worse the farther you go.
i úa tī-tîang cò̤ ău piah suaⁿ?
Whom does he rely upon to back him up?
ēng kàu kŭa ău sì kâi cîⁿ to ēng khṳ̀;
spending money that it will take him several lifetimes to earn.
seⁿ côiⁿ, sí ău;
during life and after death.
ău tō̤;
future generations.
tŏ̤ nâng côiⁿ, bŏi tŏ̤ nâng ău;
he surpasses others, and is behind nobody.
hṳ́-kâi jîen-ău lâi;
that one came next.
cí-kâi thâu-soiⁿ lâi, cí-kâi jîen-ău lâi, cí-kâi kío-búe lâi;
this one came first, this next, and this last.
kùe-ău sṳ kun-cṳ́;
the departed are thought to be gentlest.
hŵn ŭ cêk kâi bé ău phàn;
there is still a weapon in reserve.
ō-phû khà káu, tōa kûeh tŏ̤ ău;
when some gourd is thrown at a dog, the biggest piece comes last.
côiⁿ-côiⁿ ău-ău, m̄ pat thóiⁿ kìⁿ!
I never saw anything like it!
ke ău;
a wife and a wife's relatives.
ău pêⁿ;
the chorus in a theatre.
ău pêⁿ cah khṳ̀ hó̤;
the chorus was well inserted: the helpmeet performs her part well.
i àm-cĕⁿ bîe tùi i ău lō kò̤ khṳ̀;
he kept himself hidden, and followed along behind them.
cò̤ kheh, màiⁿ lô̤h ău;
when you are an invited guest, be not the last to come.
khĭa tŏ̤ ău cē, màiⁿ khah cìn-côiⁿ;
remain in the back ground, and do not thrust youself forward.
ka-chng ău;
behind his back.
hĭⁿ ău;
behind his ear.
pùe ău;
back of it.
suaⁿ côiⁿ, suaⁿ ău, thong-sin cèng chīu-bâk;
the front and back of the mountain were all planted with shrubbery.
khĭa kau-íⁿ ău kâi nâng;
the man standing behind a chair.
úa hàm i tîeh ṳ̆ ău sṳ̄;
I told him he must prepare for the consequences.
táng kàu chiu ău lîang cē cìaⁿ lâi;
wait till the cool weather after autumn and then come.
cí kâi nâng bô̤ ău;
this person had no descendants.
hiaⁿ soiⁿ, tĭ ău;
the elder brother takes precedence of the younger.
kío búe ău;
the very hindmost.
cîah pn̄g ău būe hó̤ cū ût;
it is not well to go to bed at once after eating.
kúaⁿ ău, ŭ sĭm-mih kak kêk?
And after all, what will be the upshot?
thò̤ ău;
receded from his position.
ău hăn;
next time.


  • auⁿ616305
  • Clamorous vociferation.
auⁿ-auⁿ jíang;
noisy bickering.
i auⁿ-auⁿ jíang sĭ cò̤-nî?
What are they clamoring for?
the sound of many voices as in strife.
tàⁿ tîeh, i auⁿ-auⁿ chang;
if you say anything about it he makes a great fuss.


  • 懊惱auh-pâuh625
  • Vexed, angry, irritated.
tó lăi auh-pâuh;
is at heart much displeased about it.
tó lăi auh-auh pâuh-pâuh;
very grouty.

  • 6652115
  • Protuberant.
bà gê; khí bà-bà;