Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/364

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


whenever it rains hard it leaks so that everything is dripping wet.
i kâi cûn tiam lāu khṳ̀;
his boat was made to leak by hitting upon a stone.
to ooze out.
cáu lāu;
run out.
tâng-hû tih-lāu;
a clepsydra.
ŏi jŭi-lāu mûeh-kĭaⁿ a bŏi?
Did he leave any property?
cĭ kâi lâi chō̤ cúi bŏi lāu;
this will not leak if water is put in it.
khîeh khṳ̀ kek, thóiⁿ ŏi lāu a bŏi;
take it and go and press it down on the water and see whether it leaks or not.
khṳt i lāu măng khṳ̀;
let him slip out of the net.
cûn làu kang tang pó lāu chî;
it is rather late to stop the leak when the boat is in mid channel.
cí kâi kha-thâng lāu;
this wash-tub leaks.
i kâi ciah sĭ tih tîeh hŏ lāu kâi;
the marks have been made by the rain dripping on it.
thăi lāu;
wait for an opening.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ lāu-huang;
do not breathe a word concerning this matter.
  • lāu6171915
  • Hum; bustle; tumult.
much commotion; many going to and fro.
hṳ́ kò̤ khah lāu-jîet;
there is too much bustle there.
múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ lāu-lāu jîet-jîet;
a great stir everywhere.
  • lāu51410411
  • A purient tumor.
bleeding piles.


  • lauh8991846
  • To lap up with the tongue.
thiaⁿ kìⁿ tṳ tó̤ lauh phun;
heard the swine eating their swill.
cí ciah tṳ thó̤ ciah căi, lauh kàu cô̤ cheng-khih cheng-khih;
this hog is very eager for food, he has eaten his trough quite clean.
káu tó̤ lauh cúi, ngio tó̤ lauh nêk-thng;
the dog is lapping water and the cat is lapping soup.
  • lauh65311
  • Dilapidated and ready to tumble down.
cía chù lauh căi, tâk bô̤ mih cîⁿ;
this house is very dilapidated and is not worth much.
hía chù lauh-lauh, put kú tîeh tó̤;
that house is very shaky, and will tumble down before long.


  • le107952
  • A particle used to arrest the attention, and not usually needing to be translated.
i le to m̄ cai hó̤ khiah;
as for him, he knows not good from evil.
cò̤ úa le cū àiⁿ;
if it were I, I should want it.
côiⁿ le mih-mûeh to ŭ;
formerly, everything was to be had.
jîak sĭ úa le, cĭu m̄ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
if it were I, indeed I would not do so.
kip kàu i tōa le cĭu hío
when he is larger he will without doubt know how to behave himself.
taⁿ le cĭn m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
now-a-days, it is not so.
i tàⁿ hó̤ le;
he says it is finished.
màiⁿ le;
I do not want it.
  • lĕ-ké569554
  • A sham; pretence; false.
cò̤ khṳ̀ lĕ-ké;
made showily and not substantially.
cí ciah chn̂g cò̤ lâi lĕ-ké, m̄ tōiⁿ, m̄ cin tieⁿ;
this table is shabbily put together, it is neither strong nor well joined.
úa thiaⁿ tîeh lĕ-lĕ ké-ké, cò̤-nî cū cin-sît cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it sounds to me like a trumped up story, how is it that it can be true.


  • leh53717316
  • A sharp report of thunder; a clap.
lûi leh-leh-kìe;
the thunder sounds in short sharp claps.
tâng-cá lûi kong kĭa leh, sĭ khà sí ŭ sĭm-mûeh kâi īeⁿ;
a little while ago there was a sudden sharp clap of thunder, it sounded as if it might have struck and killed something.
bó̤-bó̤ sĭ-sĭ lûi leh-cĕ-kìe;
it thundered unexpectedly.
  • leh5373016
  • A noise of splitting.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi lío-lío leh-leh;
he speaks in a very shrill voice.
cí kâi sòi kâi tàⁿ khṳ̀ kèng lío-leh, hṳ́ kâi tōa kâi tàⁿ khṳ̀ kèng hû-thû;
the little fellow speaks very shrilly, while his elder brother speaks more softly.
  • 𠠝lêh5371816
  • To cut open; to slash.
tṳ-thâu lêh cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;
cut the pig's head in two.
kúe àiⁿ leh cò̤ kúi lìam?
How many pieces shall I cut the cake into?
khṳt to̤ lêh tîeh;
was cut by the knife when I was cutting up something.
lêh cò̤ sì kak;
quarter it.
i lêh tó, khṳ̀ tùi i sí;
he cut open his own bowels, in order to convict the other man of crime.
lêh pêh ah, khṳ̀ tú tīo i;
killed one of their own party, in order to use the death as a counter charge against the enemy.
cí ciah koi leh-khui hṳ́-tói cĕng-cĕng lâ;
when this fowl was cut open the inside was full of fat.
sie thâi sie lêh;
cut and slash each other.
  • lêh1671046
  • A scratch ; a trace left by claws.
chíu khṳt ngio jìo kàu cêk lêh cêk lêh;
his hand has been scratched by the cat.
lṳ́ khṳt tī-tîang khau kàu hìeⁿ cōi lêh?
Who has scratched you like that?