Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/390

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


study it till it becomes fixed in the mind.
lô̤h sôk;
become common.
lô̤h hue;
lose its petals.
lô̤h hîeh;
shed its leaves.
lô̤h sì a m̄ lô̤h sì?
Is it set down squarely or not?
táng kàu cai, i kâi thâu to lô̤h tháng-kíaⁿ khṳ̀ lío;
wait till you know, and by that time his head will have dropped into the bucket.
lô̤h bé;
dismount from a horse.
lô̤h kîe;
stepped upon the bridge.
lô̤h kīe;
set down the sedan-chair.
buah lô̤h khṳ̀ cū cō̤-cō-kìe;
as soon as it was rubbed on, it eased the pain.
lô̤h lâu-thui;
go down the stairs.
lô̤h lâu-ĕ;
go down stairs.
siu lô̤h cêk láng;
put into a bag.
cîah m̄ lô̤h;
cannot eat.
cîah tit lô̤h;
can swallow it.
khṳt huang chue lô̤h lâi;
blown down by the wind.
cûn àiⁿ sái cĭeⁿ a sái lô̤h?
Is the boat to sail against or with the current?
lap lô̤h khṳ̀;
tumbled over.
lṳ́ kio úa lô̤h kâi nía;
you put on the collar for me.
híam-híam lô̤h;
on the point of falling.
khṳt phang tàng lô̤h khṳ̀, hè-cē-kìe;
got stung by a wasp and yelled.
hûa khṳ̀ lô̤h páng;
tuned so as to accord.
sía m̄ lô̤h keh;
write in irregular lines.
sía kàu lô̤h jūe;
write rapidly and beautifully.
khĭa kàu lô̤h kha khùi;
stood till my legs ached.
chap m̄ lôh khûn;
did not afiiliate with them.
àiⁿ lò̤h cîⁿ mē?
Will you bet on it?
cío cêng lô̤h tō̤ a būe?
Have the quails been withdawn from the pit?
i kai nâng súe-lô̤h căi;
he is very affable.
put lŭn kìⁿ tîeh sĭm-mih nâng to sĭ súe-súe lô̤h-lô̤h;
whomsoever he meets, he treats them with great suavity.
lô̤h sìo;
enter in account.
būe cêng kìⁿ lô̤h phŏ;
have not yet entered it in the list.
kúi jît cĭeⁿ pang, kúi jît lô̤h pang;
is on duty for a few days, and then off duty for a few days.
i cí hûe tó̤ lô̤h lêng; i tó̤ lô̤h thâi;
he is losing money; he is not prospering at present.
ŭ ciⁿ lô̤h īe-tŏ cū bōi;
will sell it if I can make anything upon it.
àiⁿ cĭeⁿ pak a lô̤h lâm?
Are you going north or south?
i lô̤h a-nôⁿ lío, sin-hun khùn;
she has had a miscarriage and is very weak.
hì lô̤h pêⁿ lío;
the performance is closed.
lô̤h sng, lo̤h so̤h;
there is frost and snow.
ciang-sî sng lô̤h, so̤h lô̤h àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
At this season, when the frost and snow are upon us, where would you go?
tṳ̄ lô̤h sîah, àiⁿ ŭ cîah;
when one’s chop-stick falls off the table, he is going to get an invitation to dinner.
àiⁿ lô̤h cò̤ sĭm-mih khẃn?
In what style will you write your autograph?
mn̂g tîeh cai lô̤h chēng;
remember and bar the door.
i cìeⁿ-sî lô̤h nêk;
she is losing flesh lately.
cêng lô̤h hùe a būe?
Is the cargo in yet?
cē lô̤h khuang cū kiu khṳ̀;
as soon as he was put into the arena, he drew back.

  • 駱駝lô̤h-tho̤h553
  • A camel.
khang lô̤h-thô̤h;
to take care of camels.


  • lu9273212
  • A hummock; a knoll.
sua lu;
sandy knolls.
cêk lu cêk lu;
in hummocks.
  • lu30648
  • To strike horizontally with the fists; to pommel.
khṳt i lu tîeh phiaⁿ-lî;
was hit in the ribs by him.
lu kàu phiaⁿ-lî céng;
pommelled him till his sides were swollen.
rash; flippant; heedless in act or speech; abrupt and careless.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ lú-máng;
he acts rashly.
i to sĭ lú-lú máng-máng, thèng cò̤;
he is very inconsiderate, and does things at haphazard.
  • lu5594411
  • Reiterated; repeatedly; often; over and over; again and again.
úa lú-lú kio i tàⁿ;
I have told him repeatedly.
i lú-chṳ̀ to bô̤ thiaⁿ úa;
he has many times disobeyed me.
lú chì, lú hāu;
as often as you try it you will find it serviceable.
lú cìen lú sèng;
as often as you fight you will gain a victory.
  • 5561954
  • Stupid; not intelligent.
i kâi châi-cieh lú-tŭn;
his faculties are dull.
i sĭ chong-mêng, i sĭ lú-tŭn;
the one is quick to understand and the other is slow of apprehension.
cò̤ sṳ̄ cho-lú, m̄ bûn-ngía;
does things in a boorish way, not as a cultured person would do them.
  • 5576413
  • To take captive; to carry away as a prisoner; to enslave; to kidnap.
seize as a prisoner.
kò̤ i chíeⁿ-lû;
enter complaint against him for kidnaping.
lû-kìm nâng lío, táng nâng khṳ̀ chíu-sôk;
keep a person in captivity, expecting some one to go and ransom him.
lâm hŭ láu ìuⁿ khṳt i lû kúi câp nâng khṳ̀;
of the old and young of both sexes, some tens of persons in all were taken away captive by them.
  • 55513016
  • To state; to convey orders; to transmit; to arrange in order; to spread out.
hong-lû-jī kheng;
the President of the Court of Ceremonies.
lû-lîet kàu mêng-pêh;
set forth clearly.
tíam tîeh thŵn-lû;
mark off the transmitted orders.