Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/414

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • nâp6401499
  • A reply in answer to a call, or order; assent or approval.
i íⁿ-keng hṳ́-nâp;
he has already promised.
ŏ̤ mông kim nâp;
I am under great obligation to you for your sure promise.
i ìn-nâp kùe úa;
he has agreed to it.


a mineral found in the salt lakes of Thibet; it is impure sal-ammoniac, with traces of sulphur.
  • náu641615
  • Anger; fury; ire; to get in a passion.
náu kàu m̄ cîah;
so angry he would not eat.
náu-khì sieⁿ kuaⁿ;
rage injures the liver.
náu mâk siang sì;
eyed each other angrily.
náu chong-chong;
went off in a great rage.
tăi náu;
a towering passion.
kâi náu kìe-sĭ cò̤-nî?
What is it that has excited his anger?
náu-hṳ̆n i;
enraged at him.
hwt náu;
get angry.
  • náu6171309
  • The brain; the head.
the head.
cí cho̤h nâng bô̤ thâu bô̤ náu;
these people have no one who acts as leader among them.
tī-tîang tŏ̤ cò̤ thâu-náu?
Who acts as the head man?
the back of the head.
náu ău;
behind the head.
i àiⁿ kio i kâi náu-tài sńg;
he wants him to risk his head.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ to bô̤ kù náu-tài;
he takes no thought for his own head, in what he is doing.
  • náu6411305
  • Granulations, as in the eyelids; healthy granulations on a sore.
náu nêk;
khṳ̀ tīo náu nêk;
reduce the granulations.
  • nău6176412
  • To sprain; to wrench; to twist.
i nău tîeh ie ciah kut;
he has sprained his back.
i kâi kha nău tîeh;
his foot is sprained.
  • nău6171915
  • Noisy wrangling; to make a disturbance; to embroil; strife for precedence.
ŭ nău sṳ̄;
there is a rumpus.
hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ nău sṳ̄;
tell him not to make a disturbance.
ciu-jît to sĭ nău cíu;
carouse all day long.
tăi nău cêk tîeⁿ;
a great row.
i cē khṳ̀ cū nău chut sṳ̄;
as soon as he goes, a disturbance arises.
ang cía châu-nău mih sṳ̄?
What are the husband and wife wrangling about?
líang ke sie châu-nău;
the two are berating each other noisily.
tăi nău hue-teng;
a strife for precedence in a display of transparencies.
strive to make the greatest display in dress.
make a great display.
nău phài thâu;
emulate each other in display.
nău phî-khì;
a quarrelsome temper.
  • nău641575
  • A cross bow; a balista; it is sometimes made to shoot several darts, and is set as a trap for animals.
tìeⁿ nău-cìⁿ lâi sīa hóⁿ;
set a balista to shoot tigers.
bw̄n nău côi hwt;
all the cross-bows discharged at once.


  • 506155
  • Chill; cool; lonesome; dull.
né lô̤h;
né-né lô̤h-lô̤h;
thóiⁿ tîeh né-né tăⁿ-tăⁿ;
looks very solitary and lonesome.
né chìe;
smile coldly.
phah lô̤h né keng;
sent to the palace for discarded concubines.
né ngán thóiⁿ i;
looks coldly on him.
bô̤ né bô̤ jûah;
neither duller nor livelier, but always just so.
ŭ né ŭ jûah;
sometimes dull, and sometimes bustling.
hâng né;
dull, as business.
phah né úa kâi sim-tn̂g;
chills my affections.
nâng-chêng né lẃn;
his feelings are very changeable.
  • 2525010
  • A curtain.
nê-sùaⁿ; tōa nê-sùaⁿ;
an umbrella having an embroidered valance depending from its edges.
  • 572728
  • To hang, as clothes on a line.
nê saⁿ-khò;
hang up clothes to dry.
nê khṳt i phâk;
hang it out to sun.
khò mó̤ nê-pàng nâng kùe lō kò̤;
do not hang the trowsers where they will be seen by passers by.
  • 630305
  • A particle intensifying the meaning of the following adjective.
nĕ tōa-tōa;
very large indeed.
nĕ kng-kng;
very bright.
nĕ àm-àm;
very dark indeed.
  • 630305
  • An interrogative particle, implying doubt; an affirmative particle.
tī-tîang kio lṳ́ tàⁿ nē?
Who told you that?
i ŭ sĭm-mih pēⁿ nē?
What is his disease?
i cò̤-nî m̄ cîah nē?
What is the reason he does not eat?
cí kâi tŏ̤-lí cò̤-nî káng-kìu nē?
How is this doctrine explained?
cò̤ hàu hó̤-hó̤ nē;
do it very nicely now.
sueh kaù mêng-pêh mêng-pêh nē, khṳt i thiaⁿ;
explain it very fully now, and let him hear you.
kîaⁿ méⁿ-méⁿ nē;
go along very fast now.
  • 285868
  • An adverbial particle, implying certainty;
it adds force to the sense by making a pause at a word.